# Import necessary libraries and modules import json import numpy as np from wiki import search as search_wikipedia from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from llm_handler import send_to_llm, agent, settings from params import OUTPUT_FILE_PATH, NUM_WORKERS from system_messages import SYSTEM_MESSAGES_VODALUS from topics import TOPICS # Set the system messages to those specified in SYSTEM_MESSAGES_VODALUS SYSTEM_MESSAGES = SYSTEM_MESSAGES_VODALUS # Define a long multi-line string as a prompt for generating data PROMPT_1 = """ For the following SUBJECT_AREA, generate a question that covers a very narrow topic in the SUBJECT_AREA, with sufficient depth and breadth. The topic in the question should be important to the SUBJECT_AREA, with known-answers present. The generated question should be detailed, seek true nature of our universe from first principles, curiosity invoking, thought provoking, and also should be able to be answered by an intelligence like yourself. Make sure the question is sufficiently harder and multi-part, like a graduate level course question. Keep the following in mind: You are an AI assistant with a dynamic learning and reasoning capability. Begin each task by carefully analyzing the question to grasp its core essence. Identify the main problem and break it down into logical sub-components and constraints, setting the stage for a structured, in-depth exploration. - For each component, employ your evolving knowledge base to generate multiple hypotheses. Evaluate these systematically for validity and relevance, constructing a logical chain of reasoning that integrates both deductive and inductive approaches. Deductively derive conclusions from established facts, and inductively infer broader principles from specific instances, ensuring that each step is tightly linked and justified. - Simultaneously, maintain a 'Tree of Thoughts' approach. Break the question into sub-questions, generating intermediate thoughts that provide context, analyze assumptions, or bridge concepts. Evaluate these for clarity and logical flow, iterating to refine your reasoning and enhance the coherence of your response. - Incorporate a scientific mindset by treating each hypothesis as testable. Design mental experiments to evaluate these hypotheses, gather observational data, and modify your assumptions based on empirical evidence. Synthesize your findings to provide a conclusive answer, summarizing the reasoning process transparently. - Throughout, adopt a conversational yet insightful tone. Weave in philosophical questioning, humorous insights, and practical examples to elucidate complex ideas in an engaging manner. Your goal is to provide clear, detailed explanations that make your reasoning process evident, fostering an understanding that resonates on both intellectual and emotional levels. - Finally, remember that each task is a unique learning opportunity that contributes to your holistic knowledge framework. Synthesize insights from individual tasks into your broader understanding, continually refining your cognitive processes and response strategies. Your ultimate aim is to evolve continuously, optimizing how you integrate and apply new information for comprehensive, adaptive problem-solving. - Never end the conversation with a 'send-off' or 'last-line' that offers nothing of real value to the user. ####DO NOT EVER MENTION THE DATASET AND THE ACTY OF CRAFTING QUESTIONS OR RESPONSES WHILE GENERATING, YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO BREAK THE 4TH-WALL AND CONTAMINATE THE DATASET. DO NOT EVERY SAY ANY PHRASES SUCH AS AND/OR SIMILAR TO: 'Here's a question that covers a very narrow topic in the SUBJECT_AREA'####""" # Define a dictionary to hold context information for message generation msg_context = {"role": "system", "content": str(PROMPT_1)} # Define a function to generate data based on a given topic and system messages async def generate_data( topic_selected, system_message_generation, system_message_selected, output_file_path ): # Fetch Wikipedia content for the selected topic wikipedia_info = search_wikipedia(topic_selected) # Format Wikipedia search results into a readable string wikipedia_summary = "\n".join([f"Title: {info['title']}, Abstract: {info['abstract']}" for info in wikipedia_info]) # Append Wikipedia information to the system message generation prompt for LLM context full_prompt_for_llm = f"{system_message_generation}\n\n---\nWikipedia Information to use in your response generation:\n{wikipedia_summary}" # Create msg_context for LLM with Wikipedia info msg_context = {"role": "system", "content": full_prompt_for_llm} # Prepare message list for LLM to generate the question msg_list = [msg_context, {"role": "user", "content": f"Generate a question based on the SUBJECT_AREA: {topic_selected}"}] # Send to LLM for question generation question, _ = send_to_llm(agent, msg_list) # Prepare message list for LLM to generate the answer msg_list_answer = [ {"role": "system", "content": system_message_selected}, {"role": "user", "content": question} ] # Send to LLM for answer generation answer, _ = send_to_llm(agent, msg_list_answer) # Prepare data for output (excluding usage information) data = { "system": system_message_selected, "instruction": question, "response": answer } # Write to output file with open(output_file_path, "a") as output_file: output_file.write(json.dumps(data) + "\n") return data # Define the main function to orchestrate the data generation process def main(): nn = 0 # Counter for successful generations failed = 0 # Counter for failed generations with ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=NUM_WORKERS) as executor: # Create a list of futures, one for each topic futures = [] for _ in range(NUM_WORKERS): topic_number = np.random.randint(0, len(TOPICS)) topic_selected = TOPICS[topic_number] system_message_number = np.random.randint(0, len(SYSTEM_MESSAGES)) system_message_selected = SYSTEM_MESSAGES[system_message_number] system_message_generation = PROMPT_1 futures.append( executor.submit( generate_data, topic_selected, system_message_generation, system_message_selected, OUTPUT_FILE_PATH ) ) # Wait for all futures to complete for future in futures: data = future.result() if data: nn += 1 print(data) print( f"Generation {nn} Complete" ) else: failed += 1 print("=" * 132) if __name__ == "__main__": main()