# Copyright 2023-present the HuggingFace Inc. team. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import torch # needed for prefix-tuning of bloom model def bloom_model_postprocess_past_key_value(past_key_values): past_key_values = torch.cat(past_key_values) total_layers, batch_size, num_attention_heads, num_virtual_tokens, head_dim = past_key_values.shape keys = past_key_values[: total_layers // 2] keys = keys.transpose(2, 3).reshape( total_layers // 2, batch_size * num_attention_heads, head_dim, num_virtual_tokens ) values = past_key_values[total_layers // 2 :] values = values.reshape(total_layers // 2, batch_size * num_attention_heads, num_virtual_tokens, head_dim) return tuple(zip(keys, values)) # needed for prefix-tuning of StarCoder models def starcoder_model_postprocess_past_key_value(past_key_values): result = [] for k in past_key_values: k = k[:, :, 0] k = k.permute([1, 2, 0, 3]) k = k.reshape(*k.shape[:-2], -1) result.append(k) return tuple(result) TRANSFORMERS_MODELS_TO_PREFIX_TUNING_POSTPROCESS_MAPPING = { "bloom": bloom_model_postprocess_past_key_value, "gpt_bigcode": starcoder_model_postprocess_past_key_value, } TRANSFORMERS_MODELS_TO_LNTUNING_TARGET_MODULES_MAPPING = { "llama": ["input_layernorm", "post_attention_layernorm", "norm"], "bloom": ["input_layernorm", "post_attention_layernorm", "ln_f"], "llava": [ "multi_modal_projector", "input_layernorm", "post_attention_layernorm", "norm", "embed_tokens", "lm_head", ], "t5": ["layer_norm", "final_layer_norm"], "mt5": ["layer_norm", "final_layer_norm"], "bart": ["self_attn_layer_norm", "encoder_attn_layer_norm", "final_layer_norm"], "gpt2": ["ln_1", "ln_2", "ln_f"], "blip-2": ["layernorm", "LayerNorm", "final_layer_norm", "self_attn_layer_norm"], "gptj": ["ln_1", "ln_f"], "falcon": ["input_layernorm", "post_attention_layernorm", "ln_f"], "mistral": ["input_layernorm", "post_attention_layernorm", "norm"], "phi": ["input_layernorm", "final_layernorm"], "gemma": ["input_layernorm", "post_attention_layernorm", "norm"], } TRANSFORMERS_MODELS_TO_LORA_TARGET_MODULES_MAPPING = { "t5": ["q", "v"], "mt5": ["q", "v"], "bart": ["q_proj", "v_proj"], "gpt2": ["c_attn"], "bloom": ["query_key_value"], "blip-2": ["q", "v", "q_proj", "v_proj"], "opt": ["q_proj", "v_proj"], "gptj": ["q_proj", "v_proj"], "gpt_neox": ["query_key_value"], "gpt_neo": ["q_proj", "v_proj"], "bert": ["query", "value"], "roberta": ["query", "value"], "xlm-roberta": ["query", "value"], "electra": ["query", "value"], "deberta-v2": ["query_proj", "value_proj"], "deberta": ["in_proj"], "layoutlm": ["query", "value"], "llama": ["q_proj", "v_proj"], "chatglm": ["query_key_value"], "gpt_bigcode": ["c_attn"], "mpt": ["Wqkv"], "RefinedWebModel": ["query_key_value"], "RefinedWeb": ["query_key_value"], "falcon": ["query_key_value"], "btlm": ["c_proj", "c_attn"], "codegen": ["qkv_proj"], "mistral": ["q_proj", "v_proj"], "mixtral": ["q_proj", "v_proj"], "stablelm": ["q_proj", "v_proj"], "phi": ["q_proj", "v_proj", "fc1", "fc2"], "gemma": ["q_proj", "v_proj"], } TRANSFORMERS_MODELS_TO_IA3_TARGET_MODULES_MAPPING = { "t5": ["k", "v", "wo"], "mt5": ["k", "v", "wi_1"], "gpt2": ["c_attn", "mlp.c_proj"], "bloom": ["query_key_value", "mlp.dense_4h_to_h"], "roberta": ["key", "value", "output.dense"], "opt": ["q_proj", "k_proj", "fc2"], "gptj": ["q_proj", "v_proj", "fc_out"], "gpt_neox": ["query_key_value", "dense_4h_to_h"], "gpt_neo": ["q_proj", "v_proj", "c_proj"], "bart": ["q_proj", "v_proj", "fc2"], "gpt_bigcode": ["c_attn", "mlp.c_proj"], "llama": ["k_proj", "v_proj", "down_proj"], "mistral": ["k_proj", "v_proj", "down_proj"], "mixtral": ["k_proj", "v_proj", "w2"], "bert": ["key", "value", "output.dense"], "deberta-v2": ["key_proj", "value_proj", "output.dense"], "deberta": ["in_proj", "output.dense"], "RefinedWebModel": ["query_key_value", "dense_4h_to_h"], "RefinedWeb": ["query_key_value", "dense_4h_to_h"], "falcon": ["query_key_value", "dense_4h_to_h"], "phi": ["q_proj", "v_proj", "fc2"], "gemma": ["q_proj", "v_proj", "down_proj"], } TRANSFORMERS_MODELS_TO_IA3_FEEDFORWARD_MODULES_MAPPING = { "t5": ["wo"], "mt5": [], "gpt2": ["mlp.c_proj"], "bloom": ["mlp.dense_4h_to_h"], "roberta": ["output.dense"], "opt": ["fc2"], "gptj": ["fc_out"], "gpt_neox": ["dense_4h_to_h"], "gpt_neo": ["c_proj"], "bart": ["fc2"], "gpt_bigcode": ["mlp.c_proj"], "llama": ["down_proj"], "mistral": ["down_proj"], "mixtral": ["w2"], "bert": ["output.dense"], "deberta-v2": ["output.dense"], "deberta": ["output.dense"], "RefinedWeb": ["dense_4h_to_h"], "RefinedWebModel": ["dense_4h_to_h"], "falcon": ["dense_4h_to_h"], "phi": ["fc2"], "gemma": ["down_proj"], } TRANSFORMERS_MODELS_TO_ADALORA_TARGET_MODULES_MAPPING = { "t5": ["q", "k", "v", "o", "wi", "wo"], "mt5": ["q", "k", "v", "o", "wi_0", "wi_1", "wo"], "bart": ["q_proj", "k_proj", "v_proj", "out_proj", "fc1", "fc2"], "gpt2": ["c_attn"], "bloom": ["query_key_value"], "opt": ["q_proj", "k_proj", "v_proj", "out_proj", "fc1", "fc2"], "gptj": ["q_proj", "v_proj"], "gpt_neox": ["query_key_value"], "gpt_neo": ["q_proj", "v_proj"], "llama": ["q_proj", "v_proj"], "bert": ["query", "value"], "roberta": ["query", "key", "value", "dense"], # "xlm-roberta": ["query", "value"], # "electra": ["query", "value"], "deberta-v2": ["query_proj", "key_proj", "value_proj", "dense"], "gpt_bigcode": ["c_attn"], "deberta": ["in_proj"], # "layoutlm": ["query", "value"], } TRANSFORMERS_MODELS_TO_VERA_TARGET_MODULES_MAPPING = { "t5": ["q", "v"], "mt5": ["q", "v"], "bart": ["q_proj", "v_proj"], "gpt2": ["c_attn"], "bloom": ["query_key_value"], "blip-2": ["q", "v", "q_proj", "v_proj"], "opt": ["q_proj", "v_proj"], "gptj": ["q_proj", "v_proj"], "gpt_neox": ["query_key_value"], "gpt_neo": ["q_proj", "v_proj"], "bert": ["query", "value"], "roberta": ["query", "value"], "xlm-roberta": ["query", "value"], "electra": ["query", "value"], "deberta-v2": ["query_proj", "value_proj"], "deberta": ["in_proj"], "layoutlm": ["query", "value"], "llama": ["q_proj", "v_proj"], "chatglm": ["query_key_value"], "gpt_bigcode": ["c_attn"], "mpt": ["Wqkv"], "RefinedWebModel": ["query_key_value"], "RefinedWeb": ["query_key_value"], "falcon": ["query_key_value"], # "btlm": ["c_proj", "c_attn"], # tested, does not work because of different shapes "codegen": ["qkv_proj"], # "mistral": ["q_proj", "v_proj"], # tested, does not work because of different shapes # "mixtral": ["q_proj", "v_proj"], # tested, does not work because of different shapes "stablelm": ["q_proj", "v_proj"], # "phi": ["q_proj", "v_proj", "fc1", "fc2"], # tested, does not work because of different shapes "phi": ["q_proj", "v_proj"], # "gemma": ["q_proj", "v_proj"], # tested, does not work because of different shapes } WEIGHTS_NAME = "adapter_model.bin" SAFETENSORS_WEIGHTS_NAME = "adapter_model.safetensors" CONFIG_NAME = "adapter_config.json" EMBEDDING_LAYER_NAMES = ["embed_tokens", "lm_head"] INCLUDE_LINEAR_LAYERS_SHORTHAND = "all-linear" TOKENIZER_CONFIG_NAME = "tokenizer_config.json"