import base64 import datetime import json import os from io import BytesIO import gradio as gr import requests from PIL import Image from loguru import logger from zhipuai import ZhipuAI from src import shared, config from src.base_model import BaseLLMModel from src.presets import ( INITIAL_SYSTEM_PROMPT, TIMEOUT_ALL, TIMEOUT_STREAMING, STANDARD_ERROR_MSG, CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MSG, READ_TIMEOUT_MSG, ERROR_RETRIEVE_MSG, GENERAL_ERROR_MSG, CHAT_COMPLETION_URL, SUMMARY_CHAT_SYSTEM_PROMPT ) from src.openai_client import OpenAIClient from src.utils import ( count_token, construct_system, construct_user, get_last_day_of_month, i18n, replace_special_symbols, ) def decode_chat_response(response): try: error_msg = "" for chunk in response: if chunk: # chunk = chunk.decode() chunk = chunk.choices[0].delta chunk_length = len(chunk.content) try: if chunk_length > 1 and chunk!="": try: yield chunk.content except Exception as e: logger.error(f"Error xxx: {e}") continue except Exception as ee: logger.error(f"ERROR: {chunk}, {ee}") continue if error_msg and not error_msg.endswith("[DONE]"): raise Exception(error_msg) except GeneratorExit as ge: raise ValueError(f"GeneratorExit: {ge}") except Exception as e: raise Exception(f"Error in generate: {str(e)}") class ZhipuAIClient(OpenAIClient): def __init__( self, model_name, api_key, system_prompt=INITIAL_SYSTEM_PROMPT, temperature=1.0, top_p=1.0, user_name="", ) -> None: super().__init__( api_key = api_key, model_name=model_name, temperature=temperature, top_p=top_p, system_prompt=system_prompt, # user=user_name, ) self.api_key = api_key self.need_api_key = True self._refresh_header() self.client = None # self.user_name = user_name"user name: {user_name}") def get_answer_stream_iter(self): if not self.api_key: raise ValueError("API key is not set") response = self._get_response(stream=True) if response is not None: stream_iter = decode_chat_response(response) partial_text = "" for chunk in stream_iter: partial_text += chunk yield partial_text else: yield STANDARD_ERROR_MSG + GENERAL_ERROR_MSG # def get_answer_at_once(self): # if not self.api_key: # raise ValueError("API key is not set") # response = self._get_response() # response = json.loads(response.text) # content = response["choices"][0]["message"]["content"] # total_token_count = response["usage"]["total_tokens"] # return content, total_token_count @shared.state.switching_api_key # 在不开启多账号模式的时候,这个装饰器不会起作用 def _get_response(self, stream=False): zhipuai_api_key = self.api_key system_prompt = self.system_prompt history = self.history # logger.debug(f"{history}") # headers = { # "Authorization": f"Bearer {zhipuai_api_key}", # "Content-Type": "application/json", # } if system_prompt is not None: history = [construct_system(system_prompt), *history] payload = { "model": self.model_name, "messages": history, "temperature": self.temperature, "top_p": self.top_p, "n": self.n_choices, "stream": stream, "presence_penalty": self.presence_penalty, "frequency_penalty": self.frequency_penalty, } if self.max_generation_token is not None: payload["max_tokens"] = self.max_generation_token if self.stop_sequence is not None: payload["stop"] = self.stop_sequence if self.logit_bias is not None: payload["logit_bias"] = self.logit_bias if self.user_identifier: payload["user"] = self.user_identifier if stream: timeout = TIMEOUT_STREAMING else: timeout = TIMEOUT_ALL # 如果有自定义的api-host,使用自定义host发送请求,否则使用默认设置发送请求 # if shared.state.chat_completion_url != CHAT_COMPLETION_URL: # logger.debug(f"使用自定义API URL: {shared.state.chat_completion_url}") # with config.retrieve_proxy(): # try: # response = # shared.state.chat_completion_url, # headers=headers, # json=payload, # stream=stream, # timeout=timeout, # ) # except Exception as e: # logger.error(f"Error: {e}") # response = None # return response if self.client is None: self.client = ZhipuAI(api_key = zhipuai_api_key) response = model=self.model_name, # model="glm-3-turbo", messages=history, temperature=self.temperature, top_p= self.top_p, stream= stream, ) # "n": self.n_choices, # "stream": stream, # "presence_penalty": self.presence_penalty, # "frequency_penalty": self.frequency_penalty, return response # todo: fix bug def billing_info(self): status_text = "获取API使用情况失败,未更新ZhipuAI代价代码。" return status_text # try: # curr_time = # last_day_of_month = get_last_day_of_month( # curr_time).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") # first_day_of_month = curr_time.replace(day=1).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") # usage_url = f"{shared.state.usage_api_url}?start_date={first_day_of_month}&end_date={last_day_of_month}" # try: # usage_data = self._get_billing_data(usage_url) # except Exception as e: # logger.warning(f"获取API使用情况失败:" + str(e)) # return i18n("**获取API使用情况失败**") # rounded_usage = "{:.5f}".format(usage_data["total_usage"] / 100) # return i18n("**本月使用金额** ") + f"\u3000 ${rounded_usage}" # except requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout: # status_text = ( # STANDARD_ERROR_MSG + CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MSG + ERROR_RETRIEVE_MSG # ) # return status_text # except requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout: # status_text = STANDARD_ERROR_MSG + READ_TIMEOUT_MSG + ERROR_RETRIEVE_MSG # return status_text # except Exception as e: # import traceback # traceback.print_exc() # logger.error(i18n("获取API使用情况失败:") + str(e)) # return STANDARD_ERROR_MSG + ERROR_RETRIEVE_MSG