from gradio_client import Client import gradio as gr chat_client = Client("", serialize = False) retrieval = Client("") init_prompt ="## Instruction: You are an AI language model and must return truthful responses as per the information. Do not answer with any information which isn't completely verified and correct. Do not lie. Do not present information where you don't know the answer. Do not include incorrect extra information. Your name is IITIGPT. You are a helpful and truthful chatbot. You can help answer any questions about the IIT Indore campus." info="Information: \n" q_prompt="\n ##Instruction: Please provide an appropriate response to the following in less than 3 lines: \n" chatbot = [["", None]] def main(question): global chatbot information = retrieval.predict(question, api_name = "/predict") answer=chat_client.predict( info +information+question, # str in 'Type an input and press Enter' Textbox component chatbot, fn_index=1 ) chatbot = answer[1] return answer[1][0][1] demo = gr.Interface(main, inputs = "text", outputs = "text") if __name__ == "__main__": demo.launch()