from streamlit.components.v1 import html import numpy as np from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import io import pandas as pd def click_element(element): open_script = f"" html(open_script, width=0, height=0) sample = {'Body Type': 2, 'Sex': 0, 'How Often Shower': 1, 'Social Activity': 2, 'Monthly Grocery Bill': 230, 'Frequency of Traveling by Air': 2, 'Vehicle Monthly Distance Km': 210, 'Waste Bag Size': 2, 'Waste Bag Weekly Count': 4, 'How Long TV PC Daily Hour': 7, 'How Many New Clothes Monthly': 26, 'How Long Internet Daily Hour': 1, 'Energy efficiency': 0, 'Do You Recyle_Paper': 0, 'Do You Recyle_Plastic': 0, 'Do You Recyle_Glass': 0, 'Do You Recyle_Metal': 1, 'Cooking_with_stove': 1, 'Cooking_with_oven': 1, 'Cooking_with_microwave': 0, 'Cooking_with_grill': 0, 'Cooking_with_airfryer': 1, 'Diet_omnivore': 0, 'Diet_pescatarian': 1, 'Diet_vegan': 0, 'Diet_vegetarian': 0, 'Heating Energy Source_coal': 1, 'Heating Energy Source_electricity': 0, 'Heating Energy Source_natural gas': 0, 'Heating Energy Source_wood': 0, 'Transport_private': 0, 'Transport_public': 1, 'Transport_walk/bicycle': 0, 'Vehicle Type_None': 1, 'Vehicle Type_diesel': 0, 'Vehicle Type_electric': 0, 'Vehicle Type_hybrid': 0, 'Vehicle Type_lpg': 0, 'Vehicle Type_petrol': 0} def input_preprocessing(data): data["Body Type"] = data["Body Type"].map({'underweight':0, 'normal':1, 'overweight':2, 'obese':3}) data["Sex"] = data["Sex"].map({'female':0, 'male':1}) data = pd.get_dummies(data, columns=["Diet","Heating Energy Source","Transport","Vehicle Type"], dtype=int) data["How Often Shower"] = data["How Often Shower"].map({'less frequently':0, 'daily':1, "twice a day":2, "more frequently":3}) data["Social Activity"] = data["Social Activity"].map({'never':0, 'sometimes':1, "often":2}) data["Frequency of Traveling by Air"] = data["Frequency of Traveling by Air"].map({'never':0, 'rarely':1, "frequently":2, "very frequently":3}) data["Waste Bag Size"] = data["Waste Bag Size"].map({'small':0, 'medium':1, "large":2, "extra large":3}) data["Energy efficiency"] = data["Energy efficiency"].map({'No':0, 'Sometimes':1, "Yes":2}) return data def hesapla(model,ss, sample_df): copy_df = sample_df.copy() travels = copy_df[["Frequency of Traveling by Air", "Vehicle Monthly Distance Km", 'Transport_private', 'Transport_public', 'Transport_walk/bicycle', 'Vehicle Type_None', 'Vehicle Type_diesel', 'Vehicle Type_electric', 'Vehicle Type_hybrid', 'Vehicle Type_lpg', 'Vehicle Type_petrol']] copy_df[list(set(copy_df.columns) - set(travels.columns))] = 0 travel = np.exp(model.predict(ss.transform(copy_df))) copy_df = sample_df.copy() energys = copy_df[[ 'Heating Energy Source_coal','How Often Shower', 'How Long TV PC Daily Hour', 'Heating Energy Source_electricity','How Long Internet Daily Hour', 'Heating Energy Source_natural gas', 'Cooking_with_stove', 'Cooking_with_oven', 'Cooking_with_microwave', 'Cooking_with_grill', 'Cooking_with_airfryer', 'Heating Energy Source_wood','Energy efficiency']] copy_df[list(set(copy_df.columns) - set(energys.columns))] = 0 energy = np.exp(model.predict(ss.transform(copy_df))) copy_df = sample_df.copy() wastes = copy_df[[ 'Do You Recyle_Paper','How Many New Clothes Monthly', 'Waste Bag Size', 'Waste Bag Weekly Count', 'Do You Recyle_Plastic', 'Do You Recyle_Glass', 'Do You Recyle_Metal', 'Social Activity',]] copy_df[list(set(copy_df.columns) - set(wastes.columns))] = 0 waste = np.exp(model.predict(ss.transform(copy_df))) copy_df = sample_df.copy() diets = copy_df[[ 'Diet_omnivore', 'Diet_pescatarian', 'Diet_vegan', 'Diet_vegetarian', 'Monthly Grocery Bill','Transport_private', 'Transport_public', 'Transport_walk/bicycle', 'Heating Energy Source_coal', 'Heating Energy Source_electricity', 'Heating Energy Source_natural gas', 'Heating Energy Source_wood', ]] copy_df[list(set(copy_df.columns) - set(diets.columns))] = 0 diet = np.exp(model.predict(ss.transform(copy_df))) hesap = {"Travel": travel[0], "Energy": energy[0], "Waste": waste[0], "Diet": diet[0]} return hesap def chart(model, scaler,sample_df, prediction): p = hesapla(model, scaler,sample_df) bbox_props = dict(boxstyle="round", facecolor="white", edgecolor="white", alpha=0.7) plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) patches, texts = plt.pie(x=p.values(), labels=p.keys(), explode=[0.03] * 4, labeldistance=0.75, colors=["#29ad9f", "#1dc8b8", "#99d9d9", "#b4e3dd" ], shadow=True, textprops={'fontsize': 20, 'weight': 'bold', "color": "#000000ad"}) for text in texts: text.set_horizontalalignment('center') data = io.BytesIO() plt.savefig(data, transparent=True) background ="./media/default.png") draw = ImageDraw.Draw(background) font1 = ImageFont.truetype(font="./style/ArchivoBlack-Regular.ttf", size=50) font = ImageFont.truetype(font="./style/arialuni.ttf", size=50) draw.text(xy=(320, 50), text=f" How big is your\nCarbon Footprint?", font=font1, fill="#039e8e", stroke_width=1, stroke_fill="#039e8e") draw.text(xy=(370, 250), text=f"Monthly Emission \n\n {prediction:.0f} kgCO₂e", font=font, fill="#039e8e", stroke_width=1, stroke_fill="#039e8e") data_back = io.BytesIO(), "PNG") background ='RGBA') piechart = ayak ="./media/ayak.png").resize((370, 370)) bg_width, bg_height = piechart.size ov_width, ov_height = ayak.size x = (bg_width - ov_width) // 2 y = (bg_height - ov_height) // 2 piechart.paste(ayak, (x, y), ayak.convert('RGBA')) background.paste(piechart, (40, 200), piechart.convert('RGBA')) data2 = io.BytesIO(), "PNG") background =, 700)) data3 = io.BytesIO(), "PNG") return data3