from flask import Flask, render_template, request, Response, stream_with_context import subprocess import json import os import time app = Flask(__name__) def execute_command(command: str, pwd: str): def process(command: str, pwd: str): process = subprocess.Popen( command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, encoding="utf-8", cwd=pwd, ) yield from process.stdout try: # have cd command so change pwd if command.startswith("cd") and "&&" not in command: pwd = next(process(command + " && pwd", pwd)).strip() yield f"data: {json.dumps({'output': pwd})}\n\n" if not "/bin/sh:" in pwd: yield f"data: {json.dumps({'pwd': pwd})}\n\n" return output = "" start_time = time.time() for line in process(command, pwd): output += line current_time = time.time() if current_time - start_time >= 0.3: yield f"data: {json.dumps({'output': output})}\n\n" output = "" start_time = current_time if output: yield f"data: {json.dumps({'output': output})}\n\n" except subprocess.CalledProcessError as error: error_message = error.stderr.strip() yield f"data: {json.dumps({'output': error_message})}\n\n" finally: yield f"data: {json.dumps({'output': '[DONE]'})}\n\n" @app.route("/") def hello_world(): # return "Hello, World!" # uname -a uname = subprocess.check_output(["uname", "-a"], encoding="utf-8") return render_template( "terminal.html", welcome_input="uname -a", welcome_output=uname, pwd="/root" ) # execute command @app.route("/exec") def exec(): command = request.args.get("command") pwd = request.args.get("pwd") # event stream return Response( stream_with_context(execute_command(command, pwd)), mimetype="text/event-stream" ) # ping @app.route("/ping") def ping(): # 204 return Response(status=204) if __name__ == "__main__": # port huggingface space"", port=7860, debug=True)