import json import logging import os import urllib.parse from typing import Any import gradio as gr import requests from gradio_huggingfacehub_search import HuggingfaceHubSearch from huggingface_hub.repocard import CardData, RepoCard logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) example = HuggingfaceHubSearch().example_value() def get_iframe(hub_repo_id, sql_query=None): if not hub_repo_id: raise ValueError("Hub repo id is required") if sql_query: sql_query = urllib.parse.quote(sql_query) url = f"{hub_repo_id}/embed/viewer?sql_console=true&sql={sql_query}" else: url = f"{hub_repo_id}/embed/viewer" iframe = f""" """ return iframe def get_table_info(hub_repo_id): url: str = f"{hub_repo_id}" response = requests.get(url) try: data = response.json() data = data.get("dataset_info") return json.dumps(data) except Exception as e: gr.Error(f"Error getting column info: {e}") def get_table_name(config: str | None, split: str | None, config_choices: list[str], split_choices: list[str]): if len(config_choices) > 0 and config is None: config = config_choices[0] if len(split_choices) > 0 and split is None: split = split_choices[0] if len(config_choices) > 1 and len(split_choices) > 1: base_name = f"{config}_{split}" elif len(config_choices) >= 1 and len(split_choices) <= 1: base_name = config else: base_name = split def replace_char(c): if c.isalnum(): return c if c in ["-", "_", "/"]: return "_" return "" table_name = "".join( replace_char(c) for c in base_name ) if table_name[0].isdigit(): table_name = f"_{table_name}" return table_name.lower() def get_prompt_messages(card_data: dict[str, Any], natural_language_query: str): config_choices = get_config_choices(card_data) split_choices = get_split_choices(card_data) chosen_config = config_choices[0] if len(config_choices) > 0 else None chosen_split = split_choices[0] if len(split_choices) > 0 else None table_name = get_table_name(chosen_config, chosen_split, config_choices, split_choices) features = card_data[chosen_config]["features"] messages = [ { "role": "system", "content": "You are a SQL query expert assistant that returns a DuckDB SQL queries based on the user's natural language query and dataset features. You might need to use DuckDB functions for lists and aggregations, given the features. Only return the SQL query, no other text.", }, { "role": "user", "content": f"""table {table_name} # Features {features} # Query {natural_language_query} """, }, ] return messages def get_config_choices(card_data: dict[str, Any]) -> list[str]: return list(card_data.keys()) def get_split_choices(card_data: dict[str, Any]) -> list[str]: splits = set() for config in card_data.values(): splits.update(config.get("splits", {}).keys()) return list(splits) def query_dataset(hub_repo_id, card_data, query): card_data = json.loads(card_data) messages = get_prompt_messages(card_data, query) api_key = os.environ["API_KEY_TOGETHER_AI"].strip() response = "", json=dict( model="meta-llama/Meta-Llama-3.1-70B-Instruct-Turbo", messages=messages, max_tokens=1000, ), headers={"Authorization": f"Bearer {api_key}"}, ) if response.status_code != 200: logger.warning(response.text) try: response.raise_for_status() except Exception as e: gr.Error(f"Could not query LLM for suggestion: {e}") response_dict = response.json() duck_query = response_dict["choices"][0]["message"]["content"] duck_query = _sanitize_duck_query(duck_query) return duck_query, get_iframe(hub_repo_id, duck_query) def _sanitize_duck_query(duck_query: str) -> str: # Sometimes the LLM wraps the query like this: # ```sql # select * from x; # ``` # This removes that wrapping if present. if "```" not in duck_query: return duck_query start_idx = duck_query.index("```") + len("```") end_idx = duck_query.rindex("```") duck_query = duck_query[start_idx:end_idx] if duck_query.startswith("sql\n"): duck_query = duck_query.replace("sql\n", "", 1) return duck_query with gr.Blocks() as demo: gr.Markdown("""# 🐥 🦙 🤗 Text To SQL Hub Datasets 🤗 🦙 🐥 This is a basic text to SQL tool that allows you to query datasets on Huggingface Hub. It is built with [DuckDB](, [Huggingface's Inference API](, and [LLama 3.1 70B]( Also, it uses the [dataset-server API]( """) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): search_in = HuggingfaceHubSearch( label="Search Huggingface Hub", placeholder="Search for models on Huggingface", search_type="dataset", sumbit_on_select=True, ) query = gr.Textbox( label="Natural Language Query", placeholder="Enter a natural language query to generate SQL", ) sql_out = gr.Code( label="SQL Query", interactive=True, language="sql", lines=1, visible=False, ) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): btn = gr.Button("Show Dataset") with gr.Column(): btn2 = gr.Button("Query Dataset") with gr.Row(): search_out = gr.HTML(label="Search Results") with gr.Row(): card_data = gr.Code(label="Card data", language="json", visible=False) gr.on( [, search_in.submit], fn=get_iframe, inputs=[search_in], outputs=[search_out], ).then( fn=get_table_info, inputs=[search_in], outputs=[card_data], ) gr.on( [, query.submit], fn=query_dataset, inputs=[search_in, card_data, query], outputs=[sql_out, search_out], ) if __name__ == "__main__": demo.launch()