import gradio as gr from .utils import load_ct_to_numpy, load_pred_volume_to_numpy from .compute import run_model from .convert import nifti_to_glb class WebUI: def __init__(self, class_name:str = None, cwd:str = None): # global states self.images = [] self.pred_images = [] # @TODO: This should be dynamically set based on chosen volume size self.nb_slider_items = 160 self.class_name = class_name self.cwd = cwd # define widgets not to be rendered immediantly, but later on self.slider = gr.Slider(1, self.nb_slider_items, value=1, step=1, label="Which 2D slice to show") self.volume_renderer = gr.Model3D( clear_color=[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], label="3D Model", visible=True, elem_id="model-3d", ).style(height=512) def combine_ct_and_seg(self, img, pred): return (img, [(pred, self.class_name)]) def upload_file(self, file): return def load_mesh(self, mesh_file_name): path = run_model(path) nifti_to_glb("./prediction.nii.gz") self.images = load_ct_to_numpy(path) self.pred_images = load_pred_volume_to_numpy("./prediction.nii.gz") self.slider = self.slider.update(value=2) return "./prediction.obj" def get_img_pred_pair(self, k): k = int(k) - 1 out = [gr.AnnotatedImage.update(visible=False)] * self.nb_slider_items out[k] = gr.AnnotatedImage.update(self.combine_ct_and_seg(self.images[k], self.pred_images[k]), visible=True) return out def run(self): css=""" #model-3d { height: 512px; } #model-2d { height: 512px; margin: auto; } """ with gr.Blocks(css=css) as demo: with gr.Row(): file_output = gr.File( file_types=[".nii", ""], file_count="single" ).style(full_width=False, size="sm") file_output.upload(self.upload_file, file_output, file_output) run_btn = gr.Button("Run analysis").style(full_width=False, size="sm") fn=lambda x: self.load_mesh(x), inputs=file_output, outputs=self.volume_renderer ) with gr.Row(): gr.Examples( examples=[self.cwd + "lung_001.nii.gz"], inputs=file_output, outputs=file_output, fn=self.upload_file, cache_examples=True, ) with gr.Row(): with gr.Box(): image_boxes = [] for i in range(self.nb_slider_items): visibility = True if i == 1 else False t = gr.AnnotatedImage(visible=visibility, elem_id="model-2d")\ .style(color_map={self.class_name: "#ffae00"}, height=512, width=512) image_boxes.append(t) self.slider.change(self.get_img_pred_pair, self.slider, image_boxes) with gr.Box(): self.volume_renderer.render() with gr.Row(): self.slider.render() # sharing app publicly -> share=True: # inference times > 60 seconds -> need queue(): demo.queue().launch(server_name="", server_port=7860, share=True)