calendar_streamlit / excel /
Raul Garcia
history blame
No virus
23.1 kB
import os
import re
import json
from datetime import datetime
from babel.dates import format_date
from babel import Locale
from openpyxl import Workbook, load_workbook
from openpyxl.utils import get_column_letter
from openpyxl.styles import Font, Alignment, PatternFill, Border, Side
from openpyxl.worksheet.worksheet import Worksheet
from openpyxl.worksheet.datavalidation import DataValidation
class Item:
_format_id_spacing = " " * (10 * 10 * 5)
_unassigned_id = -1
def parse_id(text: str) -> int | None:
match ="\[([+-]?\d+)\]$", text.strip())
if not match:
raise Exception("Id not found. Must be in format '[int]' at the end of the string")
res = int(
return None if res == Item._unassigned_id else res
def __init__(self, id: int):
self._id = id
def format(self) -> str:
return f"[{}]"
def get_id(self) -> int:
return self._id
class Branch(Item):
def __init__(self, customer_name: str, customer_id: str, branch_name: str, branch_id: int):
self._customer_name = customer_name
self._branch_name = branch_name
self._id = branch_id
self._customer_id = customer_id
def format(self) -> str:
return f"{self._customer_name} - {self._branch_name}" + Branch._format_id_spacing + f"[{self._customer_id}][{self._id}]"
def parse(text: str) -> tuple[int, int]:
Returns a tuple with (customer_id, branch_id)
res ="\[(\d+)\]\[(\d+)\]$", text.strip())
return (int(, int(
class Driver(Item):
def __init__(self, id: int, name: str):
self._id = id
self._name = name
def format(self) -> str:
return f"{self._name}" + Driver._format_id_spacing + f"[{self._id}]"
class Vehicle(Item):
def __init__(self, id: int, name: str):
self._id = id
self._name = name
def format(self) -> str:
return f"{self._name}" + Vehicle._format_id_spacing + f"[{self._id}]"
class Route(Item):
def __init__(self, id: int, name: str):
self._id = id
self._name = name
def format(self) -> str:
return f"{self._name}" + Route._format_id_spacing + f"[{self._id}]"
class RoutePlan:
def __init__(self, route: Route, driver: Driver, vehicle: Vehicle, collection_points: list[Branch]):
self.route = route
self.collection_points = collection_points
self.driver = driver
self.vehicle = vehicle
def append_collection(self, branch: Branch):
return self
class ParsedRoutePlan:
collection_points is in format [(customer_id, branch_id)]
def __init__(self, route_id: int, driver_id: int | None, vehicle_id: int | None, collection_points: list[tuple[int, int]]):
self.route_id = route_id
self.driver_id = driver_id
self.vehicle_id = vehicle_id
self.collection_points = collection_points
def to_dict(self) -> dict:
Returns a dictionary with the following format:
"route_id" : int,
"driver_id" : int,
"vehicle_id": int,
"collection_points": { "customer_id": int, "branch_id": int }
return {
"route_id" : self.route_id,
"driver_id" : self.driver_id,
"vehicle_id": self.vehicle_id,
"collection_points": [{"customer_id": customer_id, "branch_id": branch_id} for (customer_id, branch_id) in self.collection_points]
def to_json(self) -> str:
Returns a JSON string with the following format:
"route_id" : int,
"driver_id" : int,
"vehicle_id": int,
"collection_points": { "customer_id": int, "branch_id": int }
return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
def __str__(self) -> str:
return f"<ParsedRoutePlan {self.to_json()}>"
class Formatter:
_locale = Locale("es")
_non_spill_alignment = Alignment(horizontal="fill", vertical="top")
_branch_column_width = 26
_max_row = 3000
_route_start_column_i = 1 # A
_route_start_row = 2 # A2
_metadata_sheet_name = "__metadata__"
_metadata_sheet_branch_list_column = 1 # A
_metadata_sheet_driver_list_column = 2 # B
_metadata_sheet_vehicle_list_column = 3 # C
_metadata_sheet_route_metadata_cell = "D1" # { "start_row": 3, "start_column": 4, "end_column": 9 }
- Arrastra un punto de recolecci贸n desde otra celda
- Selecciona un punto de recolecci贸n de esta lista desplegable
def _format_route_metadata(start_row: int, start_column_i: int, end_column_i: int):
return json.dumps({ "start_row": start_row, "start_column": start_column_i, "end_column": end_column_i })
def _parse_route_metadata(string: str) -> (int, int, int):
data = json.loads(string)
start_row = data.get("start_row", None)
start_column_i = data.get("start_column", None)
end_column_i = data.get("end_column", None)
if start_row is None or start_column_i is None or end_column_i is None:
raise Exception("Failed to parse route medata")
return (start_row, start_column_i, end_column_i)
def _format_title(dt: datetime) -> str:
return f'Rutas {format_date(dt, format="full", locale=Formatter._locale)}'
def _set_outer_border(sheet: Worksheet, cell_range_str: str, border_style: str ="medium", border_color: str="000000", omit_top: bool = False):
cell_range = cell_range_str.split(":")
start_cell, end_cell = cell_range
start_col = ord(start_cell[0].upper()) - ord('A') + 1
start_row = int(start_cell[1:])
end_col = ord(end_cell[0].upper()) - ord('A') + 1
end_row = int(end_cell[1:])
side = Side(border_style=border_style, color=border_color)
for row in range(start_row, end_row + 1):
for col in range(start_col, end_col + 1):
cell = sheet.cell(row=row, column=col)
# Esquina superior izquierda
if row == start_row and col == start_col:
if omit_top:
cell.border = Border(left=side)
cell.border = Border(top=side, left=side)
# Esquina superior derecha
elif row == start_row and col == end_col and omit_top == False:
if omit_top:
cell.border = Border(right=side)
cell.border = Border(top=side, right=side)
# Esquina inferior izquierda
elif row == end_row and col == start_col:
cell.border = Border(bottom=side, left=side)
# Esquina inferior derecha
elif row == end_row and col == end_col:
cell.border = Border(bottom=side, right=side)
# Lado superior
elif row == start_row and omit_top == False:
cell.border = Border(top=side)
# Lado inferior
elif row == end_row:
cell.border = Border(bottom=side)
# Lado izquierdo
elif col == start_col:
cell.border = Border(left=side)
# Lado derecho
elif col == end_col:
cell.border = Border(right=side)
def format_workbook(
date: datetime,
routes: list[RoutePlan],
branches: list[Branch],
vehicles: list[Vehicle],
drivers: list[Driver],
) -> Workbook:
title = Formatter._format_title(date)
workbook = Workbook()
sheet =
if sheet is None:
raise Exception("Failed to get active sheet")
# Ponerle nombre a la hoja
sheet.title = f"{}-{date.month}-{date.year}"
# Crear hoja escondida de metadatos
metadata_sheet = workbook.create_sheet(Formatter._metadata_sheet_name)
metadata_sheet.sheet_state = "hidden"
# Validaci贸n de choferes
# Crear lista escondida de validaci贸n de choferes
validation_list_row_i_start = 1
validation_list_row_i = validation_list_row_i_start
for d in drivers:
cell = metadata_sheet.cell(row=validation_list_row_i, column=Formatter._metadata_sheet_driver_list_column, value=d.format())
cell.alignment = Formatter._non_spill_alignment
validation_list_row_i += 1
# Crear validaci贸n de choferes
driver_validation_list_column_letter = get_column_letter(Formatter._metadata_sheet_driver_list_column)
driver_validation = DataValidation(
promptTitle="Asignar chofer",
prompt="Selecciona un chofer de esta lista desplegable",
errorTitle="El chofer no est谩 en la lista",
error="Agr茅galo primero en la pesta帽a de choferes.",
showDropDown=False, # Est谩 al rev茅z la opci贸n, por alguna raz贸n
# Validaci贸n de veh铆culos
# Crear lista escondida de validaci贸n de veh铆culos
validation_list_row_i = validation_list_row_i_start
for v in vehicles:
cell = metadata_sheet.cell(row=validation_list_row_i, column=Formatter._metadata_sheet_vehicle_list_column, value=v.format())
cell.alignment = Formatter._non_spill_alignment
validation_list_row_i += 1
# Crear validaci贸n de veh铆culos
vehicle_validation_list_column_letter = get_column_letter(Formatter._metadata_sheet_vehicle_list_column)
vehicle_validation = DataValidation(
promptTitle="Asignar veh铆culo",
prompt="Selecciona un veh铆culo esta lista desplegable",
errorTitle="El veh铆culo no est谩 en la lista",
error="Agr茅galo primero en la pesta帽a de veh铆culos.",
showDropDown=False, # Est谩 al rev茅z la opci贸n, por alguna raz贸n
# Validaci贸n de sucursales
# Crear lista escondida de validaci贸n de puntos de recolecci贸n
validation_list_row_i = validation_list_row_i_start
for b in branches:
cell = metadata_sheet.cell(row=validation_list_row_i, column=Formatter._metadata_sheet_branch_list_column, value=b.format())
cell.alignment = Formatter._non_spill_alignment
validation_list_row_i += 1
# Crear validaci贸n de puntos de recolecci贸n
collection_point_validation_list_column_letter = get_column_letter(Formatter._metadata_sheet_branch_list_column)
collection_point_validation = DataValidation(
promptTitle="Punto de recolecci贸n",
errorTitle="Punto de recolecci贸n desconocido",
error="Agr茅galo primero en la pesta帽a de servicios.",
showDropDown=False, # Est谩 al rev茅z la opci贸n, por alguna raz贸n
# Metadatos de rutas
metadata_sheet[Formatter._metadata_sheet_route_metadata_cell].value = Formatter._format_route_metadata(
end_column_i=Formatter._route_start_column_i + len(routes) - 1
# T铆tulo superior de la p谩gina
title_cell = sheet.cell(row=1, column=1, value=title)
title_cell.font = Font(size=14, bold=True)
title_cell.alignment = Alignment(horizontal="center")
# Poner todas las celdas con fondo blanco
for c in range(1, len(routes) + 1):
for r in range(1, Formatter._max_row + 1):
cell = sheet.cell(row=r, column=c)
cell.fill = PatternFill(patternType="solid", fgColor="FFFFFF")
# Poner bordes a los encabezados
Formatter._set_outer_border(sheet=sheet, cell_range_str=f"A1:{get_column_letter(len(routes))}4", border_color="000000", border_style="medium")
# Poner bordes a las rutas
Formatter._set_outer_border(sheet=sheet, cell_range_str=f"A5:{get_column_letter(len(routes))}{Formatter._max_row}", border_color="000000", border_style="medium", omit_top=True)
# Inmovilizar primeras tres filas
sheet.freeze_panes = "A5"
# Rutas
route_col_i = 1 # Empieza en columna A
route_row_i = 2 # Empieza en fila 2
driver_row_i = route_row_i + 1 # El chofer va a bajo de la ruta
vehicle_row_i = driver_row_i + 1 # El veh铆culo va abajo del chofer
for r in routes:
column_letter = get_column_letter(route_col_i)
# Poner ancho a la columna
sheet.column_dimensions[column_letter].width = Formatter._branch_column_width
# Escribir nombre de la ruta
route_cell = sheet.cell(row=route_row_i, column=route_col_i, value=r.route.format())
route_cell.alignment = Formatter._non_spill_alignment
route_cell.font = Font(bold=True)
# Escribir nombre de chofer
driver_cell = sheet.cell(row=driver_row_i, column=route_col_i, value=r.driver.format())
driver_cell.alignment = Formatter._non_spill_alignment
# Escribir nombre de veh铆culo
vehicle_cell = sheet.cell(row=vehicle_row_i, column=route_col_i, value=r.vehicle.format())
vehicle_cell.alignment = Formatter._non_spill_alignment
# Escribir puntos de recolecci贸n
collection_point_row_i_start = route_row_i + 3
collection_point_row_i = collection_point_row_i_start
for cp in r.collection_points:
collection_point_cell = sheet.cell(row=collection_point_row_i, column=route_col_i, value=cp.format())
collection_point_cell.alignment = Formatter._non_spill_alignment
collection_point_row_i += 1
# Mover a siguiente columna
route_col_i += 1
# Agregar validaci贸n de datos a toda la columna de puntos de recolecci贸n de la ruta a partir del inicio de la lista
# Agregar formato a todas las celdas
for row_i in range(collection_point_row_i_start, Formatter._max_row + 1):
cell = sheet[f"{column_letter}{row_i}"]
cell.alignment = Formatter._non_spill_alignment
return workbook
def parse_workbook_from_path(path: str) -> list[ParsedRoutePlan]:
wb = load_workbook(path)
return Formatter.parse_workbook(wb)
def parse_workbook(wb: Workbook) -> list[ParsedRoutePlan]:
sheet = wb.worksheets[0]
metadata_sheet = wb[Formatter._metadata_sheet_name]
route_start_row_i, route_start_column_i, route_end_column_i = Formatter._parse_route_metadata(metadata_sheet[Formatter._metadata_sheet_route_metadata_cell].value)
parsed_route_plans: list[ParsedRoutePlan] = []
for route_col_i in range(route_start_column_i, route_end_column_i + 1):
route_id = Item.parse_id(sheet.cell(row=route_start_row_i, column=route_col_i).value)
driver_id = Item.parse_id(sheet.cell(row=route_start_row_i + 1, column=route_col_i).value)
vehicle_id = Item.parse_id(sheet.cell(row=route_start_row_i + 2, column=route_col_i).value)
collection_points: list[tuple[int, int]] = []
for collection_row_i in range(route_start_row_i + 3, Formatter._max_row + 1):
value = sheet.cell(row=collection_row_i, column=route_col_i).value
if value is not None and len(value) > 0:
id_pair = Branch.parse(value)
if id_pair is not None:
return parsed_route_plans
if __name__ == "__main__":
vehicle_1 = Vehicle(id=1, name="Kenworth")
vehicle_2 = Vehicle(id=2, name="Camioneta Nissan")
vehicle_3 = Vehicle(id=3, name="Honda 500")
vehicle_4 = Vehicle(id=4, name="Freightliner")
vehicle_5 = Vehicle(id=5, name="Camioneta Toyota")
driver_1 = Driver(id=1, name="Isaac")
driver_2 = Driver(id=2, name="Gustavo")
driver_3 = Driver(id=3, name="Ra煤l")
driver_4 = Driver(id=4, name="Rita")
driver_5 = Driver(id=5, name="Pedro")
route_1 = Route(id=1, name="Ruta 1")
route_2 = Route(id=2, name="Ruta 2")
route_3 = Route(id=3, name="Ruta 3")
route_4 = Route(id=4, name="Ruta 4")
route_5 = Route(id=5, name="Ruta 5")
route_6 = Route(id=6, name="Ruta 6")
branches = [
Branch(branch_id=1, branch_name="A", customer_id=1, customer_name="Walmart"),
Branch(branch_id=2, branch_name="B", customer_id=1, customer_name="Walmart"),
Branch(branch_id=3, branch_name="C", customer_id=1, customer_name="Walmart"),
Branch(branch_id=4, branch_name="D", customer_id=1, customer_name="Walmart"),
Branch(branch_id=5, branch_name="E", customer_id=1, customer_name="Walmart"),
Branch(branch_id=6, branch_name="F", customer_id=1, customer_name="Walmart"),
Branch(branch_id=7, branch_name="A", customer_id=2, customer_name="Autozone"),
Branch(branch_id=8, branch_name="B", customer_id=2, customer_name="Autozone"),
Branch(branch_id=9, branch_name="C", customer_id=2, customer_name="Autozone"),
Branch(branch_id=10, branch_name="D", customer_id=2, customer_name="Autozone"),
Branch(branch_id=11, branch_name="E", customer_id=2, customer_name="Autozone"),
Branch(branch_id=12, branch_name="F", customer_id=2, customer_name="Autozone"),
Branch(branch_id=13, branch_name="A", customer_id=3, customer_name="Los Tarascos"),
Branch(branch_id=14, branch_name="B", customer_id=3, customer_name="Los Tarascos"),
Branch(branch_id=15, branch_name="C", customer_id=3, customer_name="Los Tarascos"),
Branch(branch_id=16, branch_name="D", customer_id=3, customer_name="Los Tarascos"),
Branch(branch_id=17, branch_name="E", customer_id=3, customer_name="Los Tarascos"),
Branch(branch_id=18, branch_name="F", customer_id=3, customer_name="Los Tarascos"),
Branch(branch_id=31, branch_name="A", customer_id=4, customer_name="Constructora Guti茅rrez"),
Branch(branch_id=32, branch_name="B", customer_id=4, customer_name="Constructora Guti茅rrez"),
Branch(branch_id=33, branch_name="C", customer_id=4, customer_name="Constructora Guti茅rrez"),
Branch(branch_id=45, branch_name="D", customer_id=4, customer_name="Constructora Guti茅rrez"),
Branch(branch_id=63, branch_name="E", customer_id=4, customer_name="Constructora Guti茅rrez"),
Branch(branch_id=23, branch_name="F", customer_id=4, customer_name="Constructora Guti茅rrez")
print("Formatting Excel")
wb = Formatter.format_workbook(
date=datetime(2023, 8, 25),
RoutePlan(route=route_1, driver=driver_1, vehicle=vehicle_1, collection_points=branches[0:6]),
RoutePlan(route=route_2, driver=driver_2, vehicle=vehicle_2, collection_points=branches[6:12]),
RoutePlan(route=route_3, driver=driver_3, vehicle=vehicle_3, collection_points=branches[12:18]),
RoutePlan(route=route_4, driver=driver_4, vehicle=vehicle_4, collection_points=branches[18:24]),
cwd = os.getcwdb().decode('utf-8')
filename = "test.xlsx"
path = os.path.join(cwd, filename)
print(f"Saving Excel at {path}")
print("Parsing Excel")
parsed_routes = Formatter.parse_workbook_from_path(path)
for r in parsed_routes: