import streamlit as st st.sidebar.image("images/logo.png", use_column_width=True) st.sidebar.write("Bunka Summarizes & Visualizes Information as Maps using LLMs.") st.sidebar.title("Github Page") st.sidebar.write( "Have a look at the following package on GitHub:" ) st.sidebar.title("Dataset") st.sidebar.write("HH-RLHF Dataset:") st.title("How to understand large textual datasets?") import pandas as pd df = pd.read_csv("data/rejection-sampling.csv", index_col=[0]) st.dataframe(df, use_container_width=True) st.title("Bunka Exploration Engine") st.image("images/pipeline.png", use_column_width=True) # Path to the HTML file containing the Plotly figure bunka_map_path = "maps/bunka_map.html" # Replace with your HTML file path # Use the 'st.components' function to embed the HTML content with open(bunka_map_path, "r") as f: bunka_map_html = st.components.v1.html(bunka_map_html, width=800, height=800) st.title("Bourdieu Framing Analysis") # Path to the HTML file containing the Plotly figure bunka_map_path = ( "maps/bourdieu_priacy_politics.html" # Replace with your HTML file path ) # Use the 'st.components' function to embed the HTML content with open(bunka_map_path, "r") as f: bunka_map_html = st.components.v1.html(bunka_map_html, width=800, height=800) # Path to the HTML file containing the Plotly figure bunka_map_path = "maps/violence_men_women.html" # Replace with your HTML file path # Use the 'st.components' function to embed the HTML content with open(bunka_map_path, "r") as f: bunka_map_html = st.components.v1.html(bunka_map_html, width=800, height=800)