{"image": {"creation_timestamp": 1675549016, "uri": "image_of_the_chat.jpg"}, "is_still_participant": "True", "joinable_mode": {"link": "", "mode": 1}, "magic_words": [], "messages": [{"content": "Bye!", "sender_name": "User 2", "timestamp_ms": 1675597571851}, {"content": "Oh no worries! Bye", "sender_name": "User 1", "timestamp_ms": 1675597435669}, {"content": "No Im sorry it was my mistake, the blue one is not for sale", "sender_name": "User 2", "timestamp_ms": 1675596277579}, {"content": "I thought you were selling the blue one!", "sender_name": "User 1", "timestamp_ms": 1675595140251}, {"content": "Im not interested in this bag. Im interested in the blue one!", "sender_name": "User 1", "timestamp_ms": 1675595109305}, {"content": "Here is $129", "sender_name": "User 2", "timestamp_ms": 1675595068468}, {"photos": [{"creation_timestamp": 1675595059, "uri": "url_of_some_picture.jpg"}], "sender_name": "User 2", "timestamp_ms": 1675595060730}, {"content": "Online is at least $100", "sender_name": "User 2", "timestamp_ms": 1675595045152}, {"content": "How much do you want?", "sender_name": "User 1", "timestamp_ms": 1675594799696}, {"content": "Goodmorning! $50 is too low.", "sender_name": "User 2", "timestamp_ms": 1675577876645}, {"content": "Hi! Im interested in your bag. Im offering $50. Let me know if you are interested. Thanks!", "sender_name": "User 1", "timestamp_ms": 1675549022673}], "participants": [{"name": "User 1"}, {"name": "User 2"}], "thread_path": "inbox/User 1 and User 2 chat", "title": "User 1 and User 2 chat"}