pq / v2 /architecture.py
Daniel Varga
offline prediction
history blame
No virus
12.2 kB
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import copy
from enum import IntEnum
# it's really just a network pricing model
from supplier import Supplier
from data_processing import read_datasets, add_production_field, interpolate_and_join, SolarParameters
# SOC is normalized so that minimal_depth_of_discharge = 0 and maximal_depth_of_discharge = 1.
# please set capacity_Ah = nominal_capacity_Ah * (max_dod - min_dod)
# TODO efficiency multiplier is not currently used, where best to put it?
class BatteryModel:
def __init__(self, capacity_Ah, time_interval_h):
self.capacity_Ah = capacity_Ah
self.efficiency = 0.9 # [dimensionless]
self.voltage_V = 600
self.charge_kW = 50
self.discharge_kW = 60
self.time_interval_h = time_interval_h
# the only non-constant member variable!
# ratio of self.current_capacity_kWh and self.maximal_capacity_kWh
self.soc = 0.0
def maximal_capacity_kWh(self):
return self.capacity_Ah * self.voltage_V / 1000
def current_capacity_kWh(self):
return self.soc * self.maximal_capacity_kWh
def satisfy_demand(self, demand_kW):
assert 0 <= self.soc <= 1
assert demand_kW >= 0
# rate limited:
possible_discharge_in_timestep_kWh = self.discharge_kW * self.time_interval_h
# limited by current capacity:
possible_discharge_in_timestep_kWh = min((possible_discharge_in_timestep_kWh, self.current_capacity_kWh))
# limited by need:
discharge_in_timestep_kWh = min((possible_discharge_in_timestep_kWh, demand_kW * self.time_interval_h))
consumption_from_bess_kW = discharge_in_timestep_kWh / self.time_interval_h
unsatisfied_demand_kW = demand_kW - consumption_from_bess_kW
cap_of_battery_kWh = self.current_capacity_kWh - discharge_in_timestep_kWh
soc = cap_of_battery_kWh / self.maximal_capacity_kWh
assert 0 <= soc <= self.soc <= 1
self.soc = soc
return unsatisfied_demand_kW
def charge(self, charge_kW):
assert 0 <= self.soc <= 1
assert charge_kW >= 0
# rate limited:
possible_charge_in_timestep_kWh = self.charge_kW * self.time_interval_h
# limited by current capacity:
possible_charge_in_timestep_kWh = min((possible_charge_in_timestep_kWh, self.maximal_capacity_kWh - self.current_capacity_kWh))
# limited by supply:
charge_in_timestep_kWh = min((possible_charge_in_timestep_kWh, charge_kW * self.time_interval_h))
actual_charge_kW = charge_in_timestep_kWh / self.time_interval_h
unused_charge_kW = charge_kW - actual_charge_kW
cap_of_battery_kWh = self.current_capacity_kWh + charge_in_timestep_kWh
soc = cap_of_battery_kWh / self.maximal_capacity_kWh
assert 0 <= self.soc <= soc <= 1
self.soc = soc
return unused_charge_kW
class Decision(IntEnum):
# use solar to satisfy consumption,
# and if it is not enough, use network.
# BESS is not discharged in this mode,
# but might be charged if solar has surplus.
# use the battery if possible and necessary.
# the possible part means that there's charge in it,
# and the necessary part means that the consumption
# is not already covered by solar.
# use the network to charge the battery
# this is similar to PASSIVE, but forces the
# BESS to be charged, even if solar does not cover
# the whole of consumption plus BESS.
# mock class as usual
# output_window_size is not yet used, always decides one timestep.
class Decider:
def __init__(self):
self.input_window_size = STEPS_PER_HOUR * 24 # day long window.
self.random_seed = 0
# prod_cons_pred is a dataframe starting at now, containing
# fields Production and Consumption.
# this function does not mutate its inputs.
# battery_model is just queried for capacity and current soc.
# the method returns a pd.Series of Decisions as integers.
def decide(self, prod_pred, cons_pred, battery_model):
# assert len(prod_pred) == len(cons_pred) == self.input_window_size
self.random_seed += 1
self.random_seed %= 3 # dummy rotates between Decisions
self.random_seed = Decision.PASSIVE
return self.random_seed
# dummy decider always says DISCHARGE:
# return pd.Series([Decision.DISCHARGE] * self.output_window_size, dtype=int)
# even mock-er class than usual.
# knows the future in advance, so it predicts it very well.
# it's also unrealistic in that it takes row index instead of date.
class DummyPredictor:
def __init__(self, series):
self.series = series
def predict(self, indx, window_size):
prediction = self.series.iloc[indx: indx + window_size]
return prediction
# this function does not mutate its inputs.
# it makes a clone of battery_model and modifies that.
def simulator(battery_model, supplier, prod_cons, decider):
battery_model = copy.copy(battery_model)
demand_np = prod_cons['Consumption'].to_numpy()
production_np = prod_cons['Production'].to_numpy()
demand_prediction_np = prod_cons['Consumption_prediction'].to_numpy()
production_prediction_np = prod_cons['Production_prediction'].to_numpy()
assert len(demand_np) == len(production_np)
step_in_minutes = prod_cons.index.freq.n
assert step_in_minutes == 5
print("Simulating for", len(demand_np), "time steps. Each step is", step_in_minutes, "minutes.")
soc_series = []
# by convention, we only call end user demand, demand,
# and we only call end user consumption, consumption.
# in our simple model, demand is always satisfied, hence demand=consumption.
# BESS demand is called charge.
consumption_from_solar_series = [] # demand satisfied by solar production
consumption_from_network_series = [] # full demand satisfied by network, also includes consumption_from_network_to_bess.
consumption_from_bess_series = [] # demand satisfied by BESS
consumption_from_network_to_bess_series = [] # network used to charge BESS, also included in consumption_from_network.
# the previous three must sum to demand_series.
discarded_production_series = [] # solar power thrown away
# 1 is not nominal but targeted (healthy) maximum charge.
# we start with an empty battery, but not emptier than what's healthy for the batteries.
# For the sake of simplicity 0 <= soc <= 1
# soc=0 means battery is emptied till it's 20% and soc=1 means battery is charged till 80% of its capacity
# soc = 1 - maximal_depth_of_discharge
# and will use only maximal_depth_of_discharge percent of the real battery capacity
time_interval = step_in_minutes / 60 # amount of time step in hours
for i, (demand, production) in enumerate(zip(demand_np, production_np)):
# these five are modified on the appropriate codepaths:
consumption_from_solar = 0
consumption_from_bess = 0
consumption_from_network = 0
discarded_production = 0
network_used_to_charge = 0
unsatisfied_demand = demand
remaining_production = production
# TODO what to call it, demand or consumption?
# 1. sometimes demand is inappropriate, like consumption_from_solar vs demand_from_solar.
# 2. sometimes consumption is inappropriate, like unsatisfied_demand vs unsatisfied_consumption.
# 3. there should not be two of them.
prod_prediction = production_prediction_np[i: i + decider.input_window_size]
cons_prediction = demand_prediction_np[i: i + decider.input_window_size]
decision = decider.decide(prod_prediction, cons_prediction, battery_model)
production_used_to_charge = 0
if unsatisfied_demand >= remaining_production:
# all goes to demand, no rate limit between solar and consumer
consumption_from_solar = remaining_production
unsatisfied_demand -= consumption_from_solar
remaining_production = 0
if decision == Decision.DISCHARGE:
# we try to cover the rest from BESS
unsatisfied_demand = battery_model.satisfy_demand(unsatisfied_demand)
# we cover the rest from network
consumption_from_network = unsatisfied_demand
unsatisfied_demand = 0
# demand fully satisfied by production, no rate limit between solar and consumer
consumption_from_solar = unsatisfied_demand
remaining_production -= unsatisfied_demand
unsatisfied_demand = 0
if remaining_production > 0:
# exploitable production still remains:
discarded_production = battery_model.charge(remaining_production) # remaining_production [kW]
if decision == Decision.NETWORK_CHARGE:
# that is some random big number, the actual charge will be
# determined by the combination of the BESS rate limit (battery_model.charge_kW)
# and the BESS capacity
fictional_network_charge_kW = 1000
discarded_network_charge_kW = battery_model.charge(fictional_network_charge_kW)
actual_network_charge_kW = fictional_network_charge_kW - discarded_network_charge_kW
consumption_from_network_to_bess = actual_network_charge_kW # just a renaming.
consumption_from_network += actual_network_charge_kW
consumption_from_network_to_bess = 0
soc_series = np.array(soc_series)
consumption_from_solar_series = np.array(consumption_from_solar_series)
consumption_from_network_series = np.array(consumption_from_network_series)
consumption_from_bess_series = np.array(consumption_from_bess_series)
discarded_production_series = np.array(discarded_production_series)
total_charge, consumption_charge_series, demand_charges = supplier.fee(
pd.Series(consumption_from_network_series, index=prod_cons.index),
print(f"All in all we have paid {total_charge} to network.")
results = pd.DataFrame({'soc_series': soc_series, 'consumption_from_solar': consumption_from_solar_series,
'consumption_from_network': consumption_from_network_series,
'consumption_from_bess': consumption_from_bess_series,
'consumption_from_network_to_bess_series': consumption_from_network_to_bess_series,
'discarded_production': discarded_production_series,
'Consumption': prod_cons['Consumption'],
'Production': prod_cons['Production']
results = results.set_index(prod_cons.index)
return results
def main():
supplier = Supplier(price=100) # Ft/kWh
supplier.set_price_for_interval(9, 17, 150) # nine-to-five increased price.
parameters = SolarParameters()
met_2021_data, cons_2021_data = read_datasets()
add_production_field(met_2021_data, parameters)
all_data = interpolate_and_join(met_2021_data, cons_2021_data)
all_data_with_predictions = all_data.copy()
time_interval_min = all_data.index.freq.n
time_interval_h = time_interval_min / 60
battery_model = BatteryModel(capacity_Ah=600, time_interval_h=time_interval_h)
decider = Decider()
results = simulator(battery_model, supplier, all_data_with_predictions, decider)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
if __name__ == '__main__':