pq / simulation.py
Daniel Varga
adding energy supplier
history blame
No virus
7.32 kB
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from data_processing import add_production_field, interpolate_and_join, monthly_analysis
def simulator_with_solar(all_data, parameters):
demand_np = all_data['Consumption'].to_numpy()
production_np = all_data['Production'].to_numpy()
assert len(demand_np) == len(production_np)
step_in_minutes = all_data.index.freq.n
# print("Simulating for", len(demand_np), "time steps. Each step is", step_in_minutes, "minutes.")
soc_series = [] # soc = state_of_charge.
# by convention, we only call end user demand, demand,
# and we only call end user consumption, consumption.
# in our simple model, demand is always satisfied, hence demand=consumption.
# BESS demand is called charge.
consumption_from_solar_series = [] # demand satisfied by solar production
consumption_from_network_series = [] # demand satisfied by network
consumption_from_bess_series = [] # demand satisfied by BESS
# the previous three must sum to demand_series.
charge_of_bess_series = [] # power taken from solar by BESS. note: power never taken from network by BESS.
discarded_production_series = [] # solar power thrown away
# 1 is not nominal but targeted (healthy) maximum charge.
# we start with an empty battery, but not emptier than what's healthy for the batteries.
# For the sake of simplicity 0 <= soc <=1
# soc=0 means battery is emptied till it's 20% and soc=1 means battery is charged till 80% of its capacity
# soc = 1 - maximal_depth_of_discharge
# and will use only maximal_depth_of_discharge percent of the real battery capacity
soc = 0
max_cap_of_battery = parameters.bess_capacity * parameters.maximal_depth_of_discharge
cap_of_battery = soc * max_cap_of_battery
time_interval = step_in_minutes / 60 # amount of time step in hours
for i, (demand, production) in enumerate(zip(demand_np, production_np)):
# these five are modified on the appropriate codepaths:
consumption_from_solar = 0
consumption_from_bess = 0
consumption_from_network = 0
discarded_production = 0
unsatisfied_demand = demand
remaining_production = production
# crucially, we never charge the BESS from the network.
# if demand >= production:
# all goes to demand
# we try to cover the rest from BESS
# we cover the rest from network
# else:
# demand fully satisfied by production
# if exploitable production still remains:
# if is_battery_chargeable:
# charge_battery
# else:
# log discarded production
#battery_charged_enough = (soc > 1- maximal_depth_of_discharge)
if parameters.bess_present:
is_battery_charged_enough = soc > 0
is_battery_chargeable = soc < 1.0
is_battery_charged_enough = soc <= 0
is_battery_chargeable = soc >= 1.0
if unsatisfied_demand >= remaining_production:
# all goes to demand
consumption_from_solar = remaining_production
unsatisfied_demand -= consumption_from_solar
remaining_production = 0
# we try to cover the rest from BESS
if (unsatisfied_demand > 0 ) and parameters.bess_present:
if is_battery_charged_enough:
# battery capacity is limited!
if cap_of_battery >= unsatisfied_demand * time_interval :
consumption_from_bess = unsatisfied_demand
unsatisfied_demand = 0
cap_of_battery -= consumption_from_bess * time_interval
soc = cap_of_battery / max_cap_of_battery
discharge_of_bess = cap_of_battery / time_interval
discharge = min(parameters.bess_discharge, discharge_of_bess)
consumption_from_bess = discharge
unsatisfied_demand -= consumption_from_bess
cap_of_battery -= consumption_from_bess * time_interval
soc = cap_of_battery / max_cap_of_battery
consumption_from_network = unsatisfied_demand
unsatisfied_demand = 0
# we cover the rest from network
consumption_from_network = unsatisfied_demand
unsatisfied_demand = 0
# demand fully satisfied by production
consumption_from_solar = unsatisfied_demand
remaining_production -= unsatisfied_demand
unsatisfied_demand = 0
if (remaining_production > 0) and parameters.bess_present:
# exploitable production still remains:
if is_battery_chargeable:
# we try to specify the BESS modell
if parameters.bess_charge <= remaining_production :
energy = parameters.bess_charge * time_interval
remaining_production = remaining_production - parameters.bess_charge
else :
energy = remaining_production * time_interval
remaining_production = 0
cap_of_battery += energy
soc = cap_of_battery / max_cap_of_battery
discarded_production = remaining_production
soc_series = np.array(soc_series)
consumption_from_solar_series = np.array(consumption_from_solar_series)
consumption_from_network_series = np.array(consumption_from_network_series)
consumption_from_bess_series = np.array(consumption_from_bess_series)
charge_of_bess_series = np.array(charge_of_bess_series)
discarded_production_series = np.array(discarded_production_series)
results = pd.DataFrame({'soc_series': soc_series, 'consumption_from_solar': consumption_from_solar_series,
'consumption_from_network': consumption_from_network_series,
'consumption_from_bess': consumption_from_bess_series,
'charge_of_bess': charge_of_bess_series,
'discarded_production': discarded_production_series,
'Consumption': all_data['Consumption'],
'Production': all_data['Production']
results = results.set_index(all_data.index)
return results
def evaluate_parameters(parameters, met_2021_data, cons_2021_data):
add_production_field(met_2021_data, parameters)
all_2021_data = interpolate_and_join(met_2021_data, cons_2021_data)
results = simulator_with_solar(all_2021_data, parameters)
consumptions_in_mwh = monthly_analysis(results)
return consumptions_in_mwh.sum(axis=0)