pq / v2 /decider.py
Daniel Varga
does something end-to-end
history blame
No virus
3.79 kB
from enum import IntEnum
import numpy as np
class Decision(IntEnum):
# use solar to satisfy consumption,
# and if it is not enough, use network.
# BESS is not discharged in this mode,
# but might be charged if solar has surplus.
# use the battery if possible and necessary.
# the possible part means that there's charge in it,
# and the necessary part means that the consumption
# is not already covered by solar.
# use the network to charge the battery
# this is similar to PASSIVE, but forces the
# BESS to be charged, even if solar does not cover
# the whole of consumption plus BESS.
# mock class as usual
# output_window_size is not yet used, always decides one timestep.
class Decider:
def __init__(self, params, precalculated_supplier):
self.input_window_size = STEPS_PER_HOUR * 24 # day long window.
self.random_seed = 0
self.precalculated_supplier = precalculated_supplier
assert params.shape == (2, )
# param_1 is how many minutes do we look ahead to decide if there's
# an upcoming shortage.
# param_2 is the threshhold for shortage, in kW not kWh,
# that is, parametrized as an average over the window.
self.surdemand_lookahead_window_min, self.lookahead_surdemand_kw = params
def decide(self, prod_pred, cons_pred, fees, battery_model):
# TODO 15 minutes demand charge window hardwired at this weird place
time_interval_min = self.precalculated_supplier.time_index.freq.n
assert DEMAND_CHARGE_WINDOW_MIN % time_interval_min == 0
peak_shaving_window = DEMAND_CHARGE_WINDOW_MIN // time_interval_min
step_in_hour = time_interval_min / 60 # [hour], the length of a time step.
deficit_kw = (cons_pred[:peak_shaving_window] - prod_pred[:peak_shaving_window]).clip(min=0)
deficit_kwh = (step_in_hour * deficit_kw).sum()
surdemand_window = int(self.surdemand_lookahead_window_min // time_interval_min)
mean_surdemand_kw = (cons_pred[:surdemand_window] - prod_pred[:surdemand_window]).mean()
current_fee = fees[0]
# TODO this should not be a hard threashold, and more importantly,
# it should not be hardwired.
if mean_surdemand_kw > self.lookahead_surdemand_kw and current_fee <= HARDWIRED_THRESHOLD_FOR_CHEAP_POWER_HUF_PER_KWH:
return Decision.NETWORK_CHARGE
if deficit_kwh > self.precalculated_supplier.peak_demand:
return Decision.DISCHARGE
return Decision.PASSIVE
# this is called by the optimizer so that meaningless parameter settings are not attempted
# we could vectorize this easily, but it's not a bottleneck, the simulation is.
def clip_params(params):
assert params.shape == (2, )
surdemand_lookahead_window_min, lookahead_surdemand_kw = params
surdemand_lookahead_window_min = np.clip(surdemand_lookahead_window_min, 5, 60 * 24 * 3)
# no-op right now:
lookahead_surdemand_kw = np.clip(lookahead_surdemand_kw, -np.inf, np.inf)
return np.array([surdemand_lookahead_window_min, lookahead_surdemand_kw])
def initial_params():
# surdemand_lookahead_window_min, lookahead_surdemand_kw
# param1 [minutes]. one day mean, half day scale for lookahead horizon.
# param2 [kWh], averaged over the horizon. negative values are meaningful.
init_mean = np.array([1440.0, 0.0])
init_scale = np.array([720.0, 100.0])
return init_mean, init_scale