import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from prophet import Prophet import holidays import logging from sklearn.metrics import mean_absolute_error # kW PREDICTION_LOWER_BOUND = 0 # 15 print("do not forget about hardwired prediction lower bound", PREDICTION_LOWER_BOUND, "kW") hungarian_holidays = holidays.Hungary(years=range(2019, 2031)) HOLIDAY_DF = pd.DataFrame(list(hungarian_holidays.items()), columns=['ds', 'holiday']) def prophet_backend(train_data, forecast_horizon): # Initialize and train the Prophet model using the training data model = Prophet(seasonality_mode='multiplicative', growth='flat', yearly_seasonality=False, weekly_seasonality=True, daily_seasonality=True, holidays=HOLIDAY_DF) # we can also play with setting daily_seasonality=False above, and then manually adding # model.add_seasonality("daily", 1, fourier_order=10, prior_scale=100, mode="multiplicative") # didn't really work though. bumping the fourier_order helps, but makes the model slow. # the rest didn't have much effect. # Create a DataFrame with future timestamps for the evaluation period future = model.make_future_dataframe(periods=forecast_horizon, freq='15T', include_history=False) # Make predictions for the evaluation period forecast = model.predict(future) assert len(forecast) == forecast_horizon for key in ('yhat', 'yhat_lower', 'yhat_upper'): forecast[key] = np.maximum(forecast[key], PREDICTION_LOWER_BOUND) return forecast, model def prediction_task(backend, df, split_date, forecast_horizon): # Split the data into training (past) and evaluation (future) sets train_data = df[df['ds'] <= split_date] eval_data = df[df['ds'] > split_date] eval_data = eval_data.head(forecast_horizon) forecast, model = backend(train_data, forecast_horizon) mae = mean_absolute_error(eval_data['y'], forecast['yhat']) do_vis = False if do_vis: future = model.make_future_dataframe(periods=forecast_horizon, freq='15T', include_history=True) forecast = model.predict(future) plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6)) plt.plot(eval_data['ds'], eval_data['y'], label='Actual', color='blue') plt.plot(forecast['ds'], forecast['yhat'], label='Predicted', color='red') plt.fill_between(forecast['ds'], forecast['yhat_lower'], forecast['yhat_upper'], color='pink', alpha=0.5, label='Uncertainty') plt.xlabel('Timestamp') plt.ylabel('Value') plt.title('Actual vs. Predicted Values') plt.legend() plt.grid(True) fig1 = model.plot(forecast) plt.plot(eval_data['ds'], eval_data['y'], c='r') fig2 = model.plot_components(forecast) exit() return mae, eval_data['y'].mean() logger = logging.getLogger('cmdstanpy') logger.addHandler(logging.NullHandler()) logger.propagate = False logger.setLevel(logging.CRITICAL) cons_filename = 'pq_terheles_2021_adatok.tsv' df = pd.read_csv(cons_filename, sep='\t', skipinitialspace=True, na_values='n/a', decimal=',') df['Time'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Korrigált időpont'], format='%m/%d/%y %H:%M') df = df.set_index('Time') df['Consumption'] = df['Hatásos teljesítmény [kW]'] df['ds'] = df.index df['y'] = df['Consumption'] # TODO 15 minutes timestep hardwired! forecast_horizon = 24 * 4 print("forecast horizon", forecast_horizon // 4, "hours") start_date = '2021-06-01' end_date = '2021-10-24' weekly_date_range = pd.date_range(start=start_date, end=end_date, freq='8d') maes = [] mean_values = [] for split_date in weekly_date_range: # prophet_backend is the only backend currently mae, mean_value = prediction_task(prophet_backend, df, split_date, forecast_horizon) maes.append(mae) mean_values.append(mean_value) print(split_date, "Mean Absolute Error", mae, "MAE/true mean", mae / mean_value) maes = np.array(maes) mean_values = np.array(mean_values) aggregate_mae = maes.mean() print("Mean Absolute Error over whole date range", weekly_date_range[0], "-", weekly_date_range[-1], ":", aggregate_mae) print("Mean Absolute Error / true mean over whole date range", aggregate_mae / mean_values.mean())