import os import re import time from dataclasses import dataclass from glob import iglob import torch from einops import rearrange from fire import Fire from PIL import ExifTags, Image from transformers import pipeline from flux.sampling import denoise, get_noise, get_schedule, prepare, unpack from flux.util import ( configs, embed_watermark, load_ae, load_clip, load_flow_model, load_t5, ) NSFW_THRESHOLD = 0.85 @dataclass class SamplingOptions: prompt: str width: int height: int num_steps: int guidance: float seed: int def parse_prompt(options: SamplingOptions) -> SamplingOptions: user_question = "Next prompt (write /h for help, /q to quit and leave empty to repeat):\n" usage = ( "Usage: Either write your prompt directly, leave this field empty " "to repeat the prompt or write a command starting with a slash:\n" "- '/w ' will set the width of the generated image\n" "- '/h ' will set the height of the generated image\n" "- '/s ' sets the next seed\n" "- '/g ' sets the guidance (flux-dev only)\n" "- '/n ' sets the number of steps\n" "- '/q' to quit" ) while (prompt := input(user_question)).startswith("/"): if prompt.startswith("/w"): if prompt.count(" ") != 1: print(f"Got invalid command '{prompt}'\n{usage}") continue _, width = prompt.split() options.width = 16 * (int(width) // 16) print( f"Setting resolution to {options.width} x {options.height} " f"({options.height * options.width / 1e6:.2f}MP)" ) elif prompt.startswith("/h"): if prompt.count(" ") != 1: print(f"Got invalid command '{prompt}'\n{usage}") continue _, height = prompt.split() options.height = 16 * (int(height) // 16) print( f"Setting resolution to {options.width} x {options.height} " f"({options.height * options.width / 1e6:.2f}MP)" ) elif prompt.startswith("/g"): if prompt.count(" ") != 1: print(f"Got invalid command '{prompt}'\n{usage}") continue _, guidance = prompt.split() options.guidance = float(guidance) print(f"Setting guidance to {options.guidance}") elif prompt.startswith("/s"): if prompt.count(" ") != 1: print(f"Got invalid command '{prompt}'\n{usage}") continue _, seed = prompt.split() options.seed = int(seed) print(f"Setting seed to {options.seed}") elif prompt.startswith("/n"): if prompt.count(" ") != 1: print(f"Got invalid command '{prompt}'\n{usage}") continue _, steps = prompt.split() options.num_steps = int(steps) print(f"Setting seed to {options.num_steps}") elif prompt.startswith("/q"): print("Quitting") return None else: if not prompt.startswith("/h"): print(f"Got invalid command '{prompt}'\n{usage}") print(usage) if prompt != "": options.prompt = prompt return options @torch.inference_mode() def main( name: str = "flux-schnell", width: int = 1360, height: int = 768, seed: int = None, prompt: str = ( "a photo of a forest with mist swirling around the tree trunks. The word " '"FLUX" is painted over it in big, red brush strokes with visible texture' ), device: str = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu", num_steps: int = None, loop: bool = False, guidance: float = 3.5, offload: bool = False, output_dir: str = "output", add_sampling_metadata: bool = True, ): """ Sample the flux model. Either interactively (set `--loop`) or run for a single image. Args: name: Name of the model to load height: height of the sample in pixels (should be a multiple of 16) width: width of the sample in pixels (should be a multiple of 16) seed: Set a seed for sampling output_name: where to save the output image, `{idx}` will be replaced by the index of the sample prompt: Prompt used for sampling device: Pytorch device num_steps: number of sampling steps (default 4 for schnell, 50 for guidance distilled) loop: start an interactive session and sample multiple times guidance: guidance value used for guidance distillation add_sampling_metadata: Add the prompt to the image Exif metadata """ nsfw_classifier = pipeline("image-classification", model="Falconsai/nsfw_image_detection") if name not in configs: available = ", ".join(configs.keys()) raise ValueError(f"Got unknown model name: {name}, chose from {available}") torch_device = torch.device(device) if num_steps is None: num_steps = 4 if name == "flux-schnell" else 50 # allow for packing and conversion to latent space height = 16 * (height // 16) width = 16 * (width // 16) output_name = os.path.join(output_dir, "img_{idx}.jpg") if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir) idx = 0 else: fns = [fn for fn in iglob(output_name.format(idx="*")) if"img_[0-9]\.jpg$", fn)] if len(fns) > 0: idx = max(int(fn.split("_")[-1].split(".")[0]) for fn in fns) + 1 else: idx = 0 # init all components t5 = load_t5(torch_device, max_length=256 if name == "flux-schnell" else 512) clip = load_clip(torch_device) model = load_flow_model(name, device="cpu" if offload else torch_device) ae = load_ae(name, device="cpu" if offload else torch_device) rng = torch.Generator(device="cpu") opts = SamplingOptions( prompt=prompt, width=width, height=height, num_steps=num_steps, guidance=guidance, seed=seed, ) if loop: opts = parse_prompt(opts) while opts is not None: if opts.seed is None: opts.seed = rng.seed() print(f"Generating with seed {opts.seed}:\n{opts.prompt}") t0 = time.perf_counter() # prepare input x = get_noise( 1, opts.height, opts.width, device=torch_device, dtype=torch.bfloat16, seed=opts.seed, ) opts.seed = None if offload: ae = ae.cpu() torch.cuda.empty_cache() t5, clip =, inp = prepare(t5, clip, x, prompt=opts.prompt) timesteps = get_schedule(opts.num_steps, inp["img"].shape[1], shift=(name != "flux-schnell")) # offload TEs to CPU, load model to gpu if offload: t5, clip = t5.cpu(), clip.cpu() torch.cuda.empty_cache() model = # denoise initial noise x = denoise(model, **inp, timesteps=timesteps, guidance=opts.guidance) # offload model, load autoencoder to gpu if offload: model.cpu() torch.cuda.empty_cache() # decode latents to pixel space x = unpack(x.float(), opts.height, opts.width) with torch.autocast(device_type=torch_device.type, dtype=torch.bfloat16): x = ae.decode(x) t1 = time.perf_counter() fn = output_name.format(idx=idx) print(f"Done in {t1 - t0:.1f}s. Saving {fn}") # bring into PIL format and save x = x.clamp(-1, 1) x = embed_watermark(x.float()) x = rearrange(x[0], "c h w -> h w c") img = Image.fromarray((127.5 * (x + 1.0)).cpu().byte().numpy()) nsfw_score = [x["score"] for x in nsfw_classifier(img) if x["label"] == "nsfw"][0] if nsfw_score < NSFW_THRESHOLD: exif_data = Image.Exif() exif_data[ExifTags.Base.Software] = "AI generated;txt2img;flux" exif_data[ExifTags.Base.Make] = "Black Forest Labs" exif_data[ExifTags.Base.Model] = name if add_sampling_metadata: exif_data[ExifTags.Base.ImageDescription] = prompt, exif=exif_data, quality=95, subsampling=0) idx += 1 else: print("Your generated image may contain NSFW content.") if loop: print("-" * 80) opts = parse_prompt(opts) else: opts = None def app(): Fire(main) if __name__ == "__main__": app()