from import * import gradio as gr #image = gr.inputs.Image(shape=(192, 192)) #label = gr.outputs.Label(num_top_classes=5) examples = ['Papilio glaucus.jpg','Papilio palamedes.jpg','Protographium marcellus.jpg','Papilio multicaudata.jpg', 'Parides photinus.jpg','Battus philenor.jpg', 'Papilio cresphontes.jpg','Parnassius smintheus.jpg','Papilio thoas.jpg'] title="FlutterBy ST" description="Detects the most common North American swallowtail and cattleheart butterflies. Provide an image or select from one below. Best results will come from a full frame posed shot. Trained on 8577 images over 51 species using ResNet50." intf = gr.load(src='models',name='flobbit/flutterby/', examples=examples, title=title, description=description ) intf.launch()