import streamlit as st import random from gtts import gTTS import io import base64 import pygame # Initialize pygame mixer pygame.mixer.init() # Define a list of questions and their corresponding correct answers questions = [ { "question": "ما هي عاصمة فرنسا؟", "choices": ["لندن", "باريس", "برلين", "روما"], "correct_answer": "باريس" }, { "question": "ما هو أكبر كوكب في النظام الشمسي؟", "choices": ["المريخ", "المشتري", "الأرض", "زحل"], "correct_answer": "المشتري" }, # Add more questions here ] # Function to shuffle the questions def shuffle_questions(): random.shuffle(questions) # Function to display a question def display_question(question): st.markdown(f"
", unsafe_allow_html=True) # Function to convert text to speech and return audio def text_to_speech(text): tts = gTTS(text=text, lang='ar') speech = io.BytesIO() tts.write_to_fp(speech) return speech.getvalue() # Function to calculate the score def calculate_score(answers): score = 0 for i, answer in enumerate(answers): if answer == questions[i]["correct_answer"]: score += 1 return score # Function to play sound effect def play_sound(sound_path): # Main function def main(): st.set_page_config(page_title="اختبار بسيط", page_icon=":pencil2:") st.markdown( """ """, unsafe_allow_html=True ) st.title(":pencil2: جامعة بشار نادي اينيفاك") st.text("هذا التطبيق يقدم لك اختبارًا بسيطًا مكون من عدة أسئلة.") st.write("بعد الإجابة على كل سؤال، انقر على الزر 'التالي' لعرض السؤال التالي.") # Shuffle the questions #shuffle_questions() # Display each question one at a time current_question_index = st.session_state.get("current_question_index", 0) total_score = st.session_state.get("total_score", 0) answers = st.session_state.get("answers", []) if current_question_index < len(questions): st.header(f"السؤال {current_question_index + 1} من {len(questions)}:") display_question(questions[current_question_index]) # Convert question to speech and play the audio txtToAudio=questions[current_question_index]["question"]+"الخيارات"+","+questions[current_question_index]["choices"][0]+","+questions[current_question_index]["choices"][1]+","+questions[current_question_index]["choices"][2]+ ","+questions[current_question_index]["choices"][3], format="audio/mp3") user_answer ="إجابتك:", options=questions[current_question_index]["choices"]) answers.append(user_answer) st.session_state["answers"] = answers if st.button("التالي", key="next-btn", help=""): if user_answer == questions[current_question_index]["correct_answer"]: total_score += 1 st.session_state["total_score"] = total_score st.session_state["current_question_index"] = current_question_index + 1 st.experimental_rerun() else: # Display total score st.subheader("النتيجة الكلية:") st.write(f"لقد حصلت على {total_score} من أصل {len(questions)}.") if total_score == len(questions): play_sound("success.mp3") # Play success sound if st.button("إعادة الاختبار", key="reset-btn", help=""): st.session_state["current_question_index"] = 0 st.session_state["total_score"] = 0 st.session_state["answers"] = [] st.experimental_rerun() # Run the main function if __name__ == "__main__": main() #pip install pygame