const BaseClient = require('./BaseClient'); const ChatGPTClient = require('./ChatGPTClient'); const { encoding_for_model: encodingForModel, get_encoding: getEncoding, } = require('@dqbd/tiktoken'); const { maxTokensMap, genAzureChatCompletion } = require('../../utils'); // Cache to store Tiktoken instances const tokenizersCache = {}; // Counter for keeping track of the number of tokenizer calls let tokenizerCallsCount = 0; class OpenAIClient extends BaseClient { constructor(apiKey, options = {}) { super(apiKey, options); this.ChatGPTClient = new ChatGPTClient(); this.buildPrompt = this.ChatGPTClient.buildPrompt.bind(this); this.getCompletion = this.ChatGPTClient.getCompletion.bind(this); this.sender = options.sender ?? 'ChatGPT'; this.contextStrategy = options.contextStrategy ? options.contextStrategy.toLowerCase() : 'discard'; this.shouldRefineContext = this.contextStrategy === 'refine'; = || false; if ( { this.azureEndpoint = genAzureChatCompletion(; } this.setOptions(options); } setOptions(options) { if (this.options && !this.options.replaceOptions) { this.options.modelOptions = { ...this.options.modelOptions, ...options.modelOptions, }; delete options.modelOptions; this.options = { ...this.options, ...options, }; } else { this.options = options; } if (this.options.openaiApiKey) { this.apiKey = this.options.openaiApiKey; } const modelOptions = this.options.modelOptions || {}; if (!this.modelOptions) { this.modelOptions = { ...modelOptions, model: modelOptions.model || 'gpt-3.5-turbo', temperature: typeof modelOptions.temperature === 'undefined' ? 0.8 : modelOptions.temperature, top_p: typeof modelOptions.top_p === 'undefined' ? 1 : modelOptions.top_p, presence_penalty: typeof modelOptions.presence_penalty === 'undefined' ? 1 : modelOptions.presence_penalty, stop: modelOptions.stop, }; } this.isChatCompletion = this.options.reverseProxyUrl || this.options.localAI || this.modelOptions.model.startsWith('gpt-'); this.isChatGptModel = this.isChatCompletion; if (this.modelOptions.model === 'text-davinci-003') { this.isChatCompletion = false; this.isChatGptModel = false; } const { isChatGptModel } = this; this.isUnofficialChatGptModel = this.modelOptions.model.startsWith('text-chat') || this.modelOptions.model.startsWith('text-davinci-002-render'); this.maxContextTokens = maxTokensMap[this.modelOptions.model] ?? 4095; // 1 less than maximum this.maxResponseTokens = this.modelOptions.max_tokens || 1024; this.maxPromptTokens = this.options.maxPromptTokens || this.maxContextTokens - this.maxResponseTokens; if (this.maxPromptTokens + this.maxResponseTokens > this.maxContextTokens) { throw new Error( `maxPromptTokens + max_tokens (${this.maxPromptTokens} + ${this.maxResponseTokens} = ${ this.maxPromptTokens + this.maxResponseTokens }) must be less than or equal to maxContextTokens (${this.maxContextTokens})`, ); } this.userLabel = this.options.userLabel || 'User'; this.chatGptLabel = this.options.chatGptLabel || 'Assistant'; this.setupTokens(); if (!this.modelOptions.stop) { const stopTokens = [this.startToken]; if (this.endToken && this.endToken !== this.startToken) { stopTokens.push(this.endToken); } stopTokens.push(`\n${this.userLabel}:`); stopTokens.push('<|diff_marker|>'); this.modelOptions.stop = stopTokens; } if (this.options.reverseProxyUrl) { this.completionsUrl = this.options.reverseProxyUrl; } else if (isChatGptModel) { this.completionsUrl = ''; } else { this.completionsUrl = ''; } if (this.azureEndpoint) { this.completionsUrl = this.azureEndpoint; } if (this.azureEndpoint && this.options.debug) { console.debug(`Using Azure endpoint: ${this.azureEndpoint}`,; } return this; } setupTokens() { if (this.isChatCompletion) { this.startToken = '||>'; this.endToken = ''; } else if (this.isUnofficialChatGptModel) { this.startToken = '<|im_start|>'; this.endToken = '<|im_end|>'; } else { this.startToken = '||>'; this.endToken = ''; } } // Selects an appropriate tokenizer based on the current configuration of the client instance. // It takes into account factors such as whether it's a chat completion, an unofficial chat GPT model, etc. selectTokenizer() { let tokenizer; this.encoding = 'text-davinci-003'; if (this.isChatCompletion) { this.encoding = 'cl100k_base'; tokenizer = this.constructor.getTokenizer(this.encoding); } else if (this.isUnofficialChatGptModel) { const extendSpecialTokens = { '<|im_start|>': 100264, '<|im_end|>': 100265, }; tokenizer = this.constructor.getTokenizer(this.encoding, true, extendSpecialTokens); } else { try { this.encoding = this.modelOptions.model; tokenizer = this.constructor.getTokenizer(this.modelOptions.model, true); } catch { tokenizer = this.constructor.getTokenizer(this.encoding, true); } } return tokenizer; } // Retrieves a tokenizer either from the cache or creates a new one if one doesn't exist in the cache. // If a tokenizer is being created, it's also added to the cache. static getTokenizer(encoding, isModelName = false, extendSpecialTokens = {}) { let tokenizer; if (tokenizersCache[encoding]) { tokenizer = tokenizersCache[encoding]; } else { if (isModelName) { tokenizer = encodingForModel(encoding, extendSpecialTokens); } else { tokenizer = getEncoding(encoding, extendSpecialTokens); } tokenizersCache[encoding] = tokenizer; } return tokenizer; } // Frees all encoders in the cache and resets the count. static freeAndResetAllEncoders() { try { Object.keys(tokenizersCache).forEach((key) => { if (tokenizersCache[key]) { tokenizersCache[key].free(); delete tokenizersCache[key]; } }); // Reset count tokenizerCallsCount = 1; } catch (error) { console.log('Free and reset encoders error'); console.error(error); } } // Checks if the cache of tokenizers has reached a certain size. If it has, it frees and resets all tokenizers. resetTokenizersIfNecessary() { if (tokenizerCallsCount >= 25) { if (this.options.debug) { console.debug('freeAndResetAllEncoders: reached 25 encodings, resetting...'); } this.constructor.freeAndResetAllEncoders(); } tokenizerCallsCount++; } // Returns the token count of a given text. It also checks and resets the tokenizers if necessary. getTokenCount(text) { this.resetTokenizersIfNecessary(); try { const tokenizer = this.selectTokenizer(); return tokenizer.encode(text, 'all').length; } catch (error) { this.constructor.freeAndResetAllEncoders(); const tokenizer = this.selectTokenizer(); return tokenizer.encode(text, 'all').length; } } getSaveOptions() { return { chatGptLabel: this.options.chatGptLabel, promptPrefix: this.options.promptPrefix, ...this.modelOptions, }; } getBuildMessagesOptions(opts) { return { isChatCompletion: this.isChatCompletion, promptPrefix: opts.promptPrefix, abortController: opts.abortController, }; } async buildMessages( messages, parentMessageId, { isChatCompletion = false, promptPrefix = null }, ) { if (!isChatCompletion) { return await this.buildPrompt(messages, parentMessageId, { isChatGptModel: isChatCompletion, promptPrefix, }); } let payload; let instructions; let tokenCountMap; let promptTokens; let orderedMessages = this.constructor.getMessagesForConversation(messages, parentMessageId); promptPrefix = (promptPrefix || this.options.promptPrefix || '').trim(); if (promptPrefix) { promptPrefix = `Instructions:\n${promptPrefix}`; instructions = { role: 'system', name: 'instructions', content: promptPrefix, }; if (this.contextStrategy) { instructions.tokenCount = this.getTokenCountForMessage(instructions); } } const formattedMessages = => { let { role: _role, sender, text } = message; const role = _role ?? sender; const content = text ?? ''; const formattedMessage = { role: role?.toLowerCase() === 'user' ? 'user' : 'assistant', content, }; if (this.options?.name && formattedMessage.role === 'user') { =; } if (this.contextStrategy) { formattedMessage.tokenCount = message.tokenCount ?? this.getTokenCountForMessage(formattedMessage); } return formattedMessage; }); // TODO: need to handle interleaving instructions better if (this.contextStrategy) { ({ payload, tokenCountMap, promptTokens, messages } = await this.handleContextStrategy({ instructions, orderedMessages, formattedMessages, })); } const result = { prompt: payload, promptTokens, messages, }; if (tokenCountMap) { tokenCountMap.instructions = instructions?.tokenCount; result.tokenCountMap = tokenCountMap; } return result; } async sendCompletion(payload, opts = {}) { let reply = ''; let result = null; if (typeof opts.onProgress === 'function') { await this.getCompletion( payload, (progressMessage) => { if (progressMessage === '[DONE]') { return; } const token = this.isChatCompletion ? progressMessage.choices?.[0]?.delta?.content : progressMessage.choices?.[0]?.text; // first event's delta content is always undefined if (!token) { return; } if (this.options.debug) { // console.debug(token); } if (token === this.endToken) { return; } opts.onProgress(token); reply += token; }, opts.abortController || new AbortController(), ); } else { result = await this.getCompletion( payload, null, opts.abortController || new AbortController(), ); if (this.options.debug) { console.debug(JSON.stringify(result)); } if (this.isChatCompletion) { reply = result.choices[0].message.content; } else { reply = result.choices[0].text.replace(this.endToken, ''); } } return reply.trim(); } getTokenCountForResponse(response) { return this.getTokenCountForMessage({ role: 'assistant', content: response.text, }); } } module.exports = OpenAIClient;