const OpenAIClient = require('./OpenAIClient'); const { ChatOpenAI } = require('langchain/chat_models/openai'); const { CallbackManager } = require('langchain/callbacks'); const { initializeCustomAgent, initializeFunctionsAgent } = require('./agents/'); const { findMessageContent } = require('../../utils'); const { loadTools } = require('./tools/util'); const { SelfReflectionTool } = require('./tools/'); const { HumanChatMessage, AIChatMessage } = require('langchain/schema'); const { instructions, imageInstructions, errorInstructions } = require('./prompts/instructions'); class PluginsClient extends OpenAIClient { constructor(apiKey, options = {}) { super(apiKey, options); this.sender = options.sender ?? 'Assistant'; = []; this.actions = []; this.openAIApiKey = apiKey; this.setOptions(options); this.executor = null; } getActions(input = null) { let output = 'Internal thoughts & actions taken:\n"'; let actions = input || this.actions; if (actions[0]?.action && this.functionsAgent) { actions = => ({ log: `Action: ${step.action?.tool || ''}\nInput: ${ JSON.stringify(step.action?.toolInput) || '' }\nObservation: ${step.observation}`, })); } else if (actions[0]?.action) { actions = => ({ log: `${step.action.log}\nObservation: ${step.observation}`, })); } actions.forEach((actionObj, index) => { output += `${actionObj.log}`; if (index < actions.length - 1) { output += '\n'; } }); return output + '"'; } buildErrorInput(message, errorMessage) { const log = errorMessage.includes('Could not parse LLM output:') ? `A formatting error occurred with your response to the human's last message. You didn't follow the formatting instructions. Remember to ${instructions}` : `You encountered an error while replying to the human's last message. Attempt to answer again or admit an answer cannot be given.\nError: ${errorMessage}`; return ` ${log} ${this.getActions()} Human's last message: ${message} `; } buildPromptPrefix(result, message) { if ((result.output && result.output.includes('N/A')) || result.output === undefined) { return null; } if ( result?.intermediateSteps?.length === 1 && result?.intermediateSteps[0]?.action?.toolInput === 'N/A' ) { return null; } const internalActions = result?.intermediateSteps?.length > 0 ? this.getActions(result.intermediateSteps) : 'Internal Actions Taken: None'; const toolBasedInstructions = internalActions.toLowerCase().includes('image') ? imageInstructions : ''; const errorMessage = result.errorMessage ? `${errorInstructions} ${result.errorMessage}\n` : ''; const preliminaryAnswer = result.output?.length > 0 ? `Preliminary Answer: "${result.output.trim()}"` : ''; const prefix = preliminaryAnswer ? 'review and improve the answer you generated using plugins in response to the User Message below. The user hasn\'t seen your answer or thoughts yet.' : 'respond to the User Message below based on your preliminary thoughts & actions.'; return `As a helpful AI Assistant, ${prefix}${errorMessage}\n${internalActions} ${preliminaryAnswer} Reply conversationally to the User based on your ${ preliminaryAnswer ? 'preliminary answer, ' : '' }internal actions, thoughts, and observations, making improvements wherever possible, but do not modify URLs. ${ preliminaryAnswer ? '' : '\nIf there is an incomplete thought or action, you are expected to complete it in your response now.\n' }You must cite sources if you are using any web links. ${toolBasedInstructions} Only respond with your conversational reply to the following User Message: "${message}"`; } setOptions(options) { this.agentOptions = options.agentOptions; this.functionsAgent = this.agentOptions?.agent === 'functions'; this.agentIsGpt3 = this.agentOptions?.model.startsWith('gpt-3'); if (this.functionsAgent && this.agentOptions.model) { this.agentOptions.model = this.getFunctionModelName(this.agentOptions.model); } super.setOptions(options); this.isGpt3 = this.modelOptions.model.startsWith('gpt-3'); if (this.options.reverseProxyUrl) { this.langchainProxy = this.options.reverseProxyUrl.match(/.*v1/)[0]; } } getSaveOptions() { return { chatGptLabel: this.options.chatGptLabel, promptPrefix: this.options.promptPrefix, ...this.modelOptions, agentOptions: this.agentOptions, }; } saveLatestAction(action) { this.actions.push(action); } getFunctionModelName(input) { if (input.startsWith('gpt-3.5-turbo')) { return 'gpt-3.5-turbo'; } else if (input.startsWith('gpt-4')) { return 'gpt-4'; } else { return 'gpt-3.5-turbo'; } } getBuildMessagesOptions(opts) { return { isChatCompletion: true, promptPrefix: opts.promptPrefix, abortController: opts.abortController, }; } createLLM(modelOptions, configOptions) { let credentials = { openAIApiKey: this.openAIApiKey }; let configuration = { apiKey: this.openAIApiKey, }; if ( { credentials = {}; configuration = {}; } if (this.options.debug) { console.debug('createLLM: configOptions'); console.debug(configOptions); } return new ChatOpenAI({ credentials, configuration, ...modelOptions }, configOptions); } async initialize({ user, message, onAgentAction, onChainEnd, signal }) { const modelOptions = { modelName: this.agentOptions.model, temperature: this.agentOptions.temperature, }; const configOptions = {}; if (this.langchainProxy) { configOptions.basePath = this.langchainProxy; } const model = this.createLLM(modelOptions, configOptions); if (this.options.debug) { console.debug( `<-----Agent Model: ${model.modelName} | Temp: ${model.temperature} | Functions: ${this.functionsAgent}----->`, ); } this.availableTools = await loadTools({ user, model, tools:, functions: this.functionsAgent, options: { openAIApiKey: this.openAIApiKey, debug: this.options?.debug, message, }, }); // load tools for (const tool of { const validTool = this.availableTools[tool]; if (tool === 'plugins') { const plugins = await validTool(); = [, ...plugins]; } else if (validTool) { validTool()); } } if (this.options.debug) { console.debug('Requested Tools'); console.debug(; console.debug('Loaded Tools'); console.debug( =>; } if ( > 0 && !this.functionsAgent) { SelfReflectionTool({ message, isGpt3: false })); } else if ( === 0) { return; } const handleAction = (action, callback = null) => { this.saveLatestAction(action); if (this.options.debug) { console.debug('Latest Agent Action ', this.actions[this.actions.length - 1]); } if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(action); } }; // Map Messages to Langchain format const pastMessages = this.currentMessages .slice(0, -1) .map((msg) => msg?.isCreatedByUser || msg?.role?.toLowerCase() === 'user' ? new HumanChatMessage(msg.text) : new AIChatMessage(msg.text), ); // initialize agent const initializer = this.functionsAgent ? initializeFunctionsAgent : initializeCustomAgent; this.executor = await initializer({ model, signal, pastMessages, tools:, currentDateString: this.currentDateString, verbose: this.options.debug, returnIntermediateSteps: true, callbackManager: CallbackManager.fromHandlers({ async handleAgentAction(action) { handleAction(action, onAgentAction); }, async handleChainEnd(action) { if (typeof onChainEnd === 'function') { onChainEnd(action); } }, }), }); if (this.options.debug) { console.debug('Loaded agent.'); } onAgentAction( { tool: 'self-reflection', toolInput: `Processing the User's message:\n"${message}"`, log: '', }, true, ); } async executorCall(message, signal) { let errorMessage = ''; const maxAttempts = 1; for (let attempts = 1; attempts <= maxAttempts; attempts++) { const errorInput = this.buildErrorInput(message, errorMessage); const input = attempts > 1 ? errorInput : message; if (this.options.debug) { console.debug(`Attempt ${attempts} of ${maxAttempts}`); } if (this.options.debug && errorMessage.length > 0) { console.debug('Caught error, input:', input); } try { this.result = await{ input, signal }); break; // Exit the loop if the function call is successful } catch (err) { console.error(err); errorMessage = err.message; const content = findMessageContent(message); if (content) { errorMessage = content; break; } if (attempts === maxAttempts) { this.result.output = `Encountered an error while attempting to respond. Error: ${err.message}`; this.result.intermediateSteps = this.actions; this.result.errorMessage = errorMessage; break; } } } } addImages(intermediateSteps, responseMessage) { if (!intermediateSteps || !responseMessage) { return; } intermediateSteps.forEach((step) => { const { observation } = step; if (!observation || !observation.includes('![')) { return; } // Extract the image file path from the observation const observedImagePath = observation.match(/\(\/images\/.*\.\w*\)/g)[0]; // Check if the responseMessage already includes the image file path if (!responseMessage.text.includes(observedImagePath)) { // If the image file path is not found, append the whole observation responseMessage.text += '\n' + observation; if (this.options.debug) { console.debug('added image from intermediateSteps'); } } }); } async handleResponseMessage(responseMessage, saveOptions, user) { responseMessage.tokenCount = this.getTokenCountForResponse(responseMessage); responseMessage.completionTokens = responseMessage.tokenCount; await this.saveMessageToDatabase(responseMessage, saveOptions, user); delete responseMessage.tokenCount; return { ...responseMessage, ...this.result }; } async sendMessage(message, opts = {}) { const completionMode = === 0; if (completionMode) { this.setOptions(opts); return super.sendMessage(message, opts); } console.log('Plugins sendMessage', message, opts); const { user, conversationId, responseMessageId, saveOptions, userMessage, onAgentAction, onChainEnd, } = await this.handleStartMethods(message, opts); this.currentMessages.push(userMessage); let { prompt: payload, tokenCountMap, promptTokens, messages, } = await this.buildMessages( this.currentMessages, userMessage.messageId, this.getBuildMessagesOptions({ promptPrefix: null, abortController: this.abortController, }), ); if (tokenCountMap) { console.dir(tokenCountMap, { depth: null }); if (tokenCountMap[userMessage.messageId]) { userMessage.tokenCount = tokenCountMap[userMessage.messageId]; console.log('userMessage.tokenCount', userMessage.tokenCount); } payload = => { const messageWithoutTokenCount = message; delete messageWithoutTokenCount.tokenCount; return messageWithoutTokenCount; }); this.handleTokenCountMap(tokenCountMap); } this.result = {}; if (messages) { this.currentMessages = messages; } await this.saveMessageToDatabase(userMessage, saveOptions, user); const responseMessage = { messageId: responseMessageId, conversationId, parentMessageId: userMessage.messageId, isCreatedByUser: false, model: this.modelOptions.model, sender: this.sender, promptTokens, }; await this.initialize({ user, message, onAgentAction, onChainEnd, signal: this.abortController.signal, }); await this.executorCall(message, this.abortController.signal); // If message was aborted mid-generation if (this.result?.errorMessage?.length > 0 && this.result?.errorMessage?.includes('cancel')) { responseMessage.text = 'Cancelled.'; return await this.handleResponseMessage(responseMessage, saveOptions, user); } if (this.agentOptions.skipCompletion && this.result.output) { responseMessage.text = this.result.output; this.addImages(this.result.intermediateSteps, responseMessage); await this.generateTextStream(this.result.output, opts.onProgress, { delay: 8 }); return await this.handleResponseMessage(responseMessage, saveOptions, user); } if (this.options.debug) { console.debug('Plugins completion phase: this.result'); console.debug(this.result); } const promptPrefix = this.buildPromptPrefix(this.result, message); if (this.options.debug) { console.debug('Plugins: promptPrefix'); console.debug(promptPrefix); } payload = await this.buildCompletionPrompt({ messages: this.currentMessages, promptPrefix, }); if (this.options.debug) { console.debug('buildCompletionPrompt Payload'); console.debug(payload); } responseMessage.text = await this.sendCompletion(payload, opts); return await this.handleResponseMessage(responseMessage, saveOptions, user); } async buildCompletionPrompt({ messages, promptPrefix: _promptPrefix }) { if (this.options.debug) { console.debug('buildCompletionPrompt messages', messages); } const orderedMessages = messages; let promptPrefix = _promptPrefix.trim(); // If the prompt prefix doesn't end with the end token, add it. if (!promptPrefix.endsWith(`${this.endToken}`)) { promptPrefix = `${promptPrefix.trim()}${this.endToken}\n\n`; } promptPrefix = `${this.startToken}Instructions:\n${promptPrefix}`; const promptSuffix = `${this.startToken}${this.chatGptLabel ?? 'Assistant'}:\n`; const instructionsPayload = { role: 'system', name: 'instructions', content: promptPrefix, }; const messagePayload = { role: 'system', content: promptSuffix, }; if (this.isGpt3) { instructionsPayload.role = 'user'; messagePayload.role = 'user'; instructionsPayload.content += `\n${promptSuffix}`; } // testing if this works with browser endpoint if (!this.isGpt3 && this.options.reverseProxyUrl) { instructionsPayload.role = 'user'; } let currentTokenCount = this.getTokenCountForMessage(instructionsPayload) + this.getTokenCountForMessage(messagePayload); let promptBody = ''; const maxTokenCount = this.maxPromptTokens; // Iterate backwards through the messages, adding them to the prompt until we reach the max token count. // Do this within a recursive async function so that it doesn't block the event loop for too long. const buildPromptBody = async () => { if (currentTokenCount < maxTokenCount && orderedMessages.length > 0) { const message = orderedMessages.pop(); const isCreatedByUser = message.isCreatedByUser || message.role?.toLowerCase() === 'user'; const roleLabel = isCreatedByUser ? this.userLabel : this.chatGptLabel; let messageString = `${this.startToken}${roleLabel}:\n${message.text}${this.endToken}\n`; let newPromptBody = `${messageString}${promptBody}`; const tokenCountForMessage = this.getTokenCount(messageString); const newTokenCount = currentTokenCount + tokenCountForMessage; if (newTokenCount > maxTokenCount) { if (promptBody) { // This message would put us over the token limit, so don't add it. return false; } // This is the first message, so we can't add it. Just throw an error. throw new Error( `Prompt is too long. Max token count is ${maxTokenCount}, but prompt is ${newTokenCount} tokens long.`, ); } promptBody = newPromptBody; currentTokenCount = newTokenCount; // wait for next tick to avoid blocking the event loop await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 0)); return buildPromptBody(); } return true; }; await buildPromptBody(); const prompt = promptBody; messagePayload.content = prompt; // Add 2 tokens for metadata after all messages have been counted. currentTokenCount += 2; if (this.isGpt3 && messagePayload.content.length > 0) { const context = 'Chat History:\n'; messagePayload.content = `${context}${prompt}`; currentTokenCount += this.getTokenCount(context); } // Use up to `this.maxContextTokens` tokens (prompt + response), but try to leave `this.maxTokens` tokens for the response. this.modelOptions.max_tokens = Math.min( this.maxContextTokens - currentTokenCount, this.maxResponseTokens, ); if (this.isGpt3) { messagePayload.content += promptSuffix; return [instructionsPayload, messagePayload]; } const result = [messagePayload, instructionsPayload]; if (this.functionsAgent && !this.isGpt3) { result[1].content = `${result[1].content}\n${this.startToken}${this.chatGptLabel}:\nSure thing! Here is the output you requested:\n`; } return result.filter((message) => message.content.length > 0); } } module.exports = PluginsClient;