# Configuration version (required) version: 1.0.2 # Cache settings: Set to true to enable caching cache: true # Example Registration Object Structure (optional) registration: socialLogins: ["github", "google", "discord", "openid", "facebook"] # allowedDomains: # - "gmail.com" # Definition of custom endpoints endpoints: custom: # Mistral AI API - name: "Mistral" # Unique name for the endpoint # For `apiKey` and `baseURL`, you can use environment variables that you define. # recommended environment variables: apiKey: "${MISTRAL_API_KEY}" baseURL: "https://api.mistral.ai/v1" # Models configuration models: # List of default models to use. At least one value is required. default: ["mistral-tiny", "mistral-small", "mistral-medium"] # Fetch option: Set to true to fetch models from API. fetch: true # Defaults to false. # Optional configurations # Title Conversation setting titleConvo: true # Set to true to enable title conversation # Title Method: Choose between "completion" or "functions". titleMethod: "completion" # Defaults to "completion" if omitted. # Title Model: Specify the model to use for titles. titleModel: "mistral-tiny" # Defaults to "gpt-3.5-turbo" if omitted. # Summarize setting: Set to true to enable summarization. summarize: false # Summary Model: Specify the model to use if summarization is enabled. summaryModel: "mistral-tiny" # Defaults to "gpt-3.5-turbo" if omitted. # Force Prompt setting: If true, sends a `prompt` parameter instead of `messages`. forcePrompt: false # The label displayed for the AI model in messages. modelDisplayLabel: "Mistral" # Default is "AI" when not set. # Add additional parameters to the request. Default params will be overwritten. addParams: safe_prompt: true # This field is specific to Mistral AI: https://docs.mistral.ai/api/ # Drop Default params parameters from the request. See default params in guide linked below. # NOTE: For Mistral, it is necessary to drop the following parameters or you will encounter a 422 Error: dropParams: ["stop", "user", "frequency_penalty", "presence_penalty"] # OpenRouter.ai Example - name: "OpenRouter" # For `apiKey` and `baseURL`, you can use environment variables that you define. # recommended environment variables: # Known issue: you should not use `OPENROUTER_API_KEY` as it will then override the `openAI` endpoint to use OpenRouter as well. apiKey: "${OPENROUTER_KEY}" baseURL: "https://openrouter.ai/api/v1" models: default: ["gpt-3.5-turbo"] fetch: true titleConvo: true titleModel: "gpt-3.5-turbo" summarize: false summaryModel: "gpt-3.5-turbo" forcePrompt: false modelDisplayLabel: "OpenRouter" # See the Custom Configuration Guide for more information: # https://docs.librechat.ai/install/configuration/custom_config.html