const crypto = require('crypto'); const Keyv = require('keyv'); const { encoding_for_model: encodingForModel, get_encoding: getEncoding, } = require('@dqbd/tiktoken'); const { fetchEventSource } = require('@waylaidwanderer/fetch-event-source'); const { Agent, ProxyAgent } = require('undici'); const BaseClient = require('./BaseClient'); const CHATGPT_MODEL = 'gpt-3.5-turbo'; const tokenizersCache = {}; class ChatGPTClient extends BaseClient { constructor(apiKey, options = {}, cacheOptions = {}) { super(apiKey, options, cacheOptions); cacheOptions.namespace = cacheOptions.namespace || 'chatgpt'; this.conversationsCache = new Keyv(cacheOptions); this.setOptions(options); } setOptions(options) { if (this.options && !this.options.replaceOptions) { // nested options aren't spread properly, so we need to do this manually this.options.modelOptions = { ...this.options.modelOptions, ...options.modelOptions, }; delete options.modelOptions; // now we can merge options this.options = { ...this.options, ...options, }; } else { this.options = options; } if (this.options.openaiApiKey) { this.apiKey = this.options.openaiApiKey; } const modelOptions = this.options.modelOptions || {}; this.modelOptions = { ...modelOptions, // set some good defaults (check for undefined in some cases because they may be 0) model: modelOptions.model || CHATGPT_MODEL, temperature: typeof modelOptions.temperature === 'undefined' ? 0.8 : modelOptions.temperature, top_p: typeof modelOptions.top_p === 'undefined' ? 1 : modelOptions.top_p, presence_penalty: typeof modelOptions.presence_penalty === 'undefined' ? 1 : modelOptions.presence_penalty, stop: modelOptions.stop, }; this.isChatGptModel = this.modelOptions.model.startsWith('gpt-'); const { isChatGptModel } = this; this.isUnofficialChatGptModel = this.modelOptions.model.startsWith('text-chat') || this.modelOptions.model.startsWith('text-davinci-002-render'); const { isUnofficialChatGptModel } = this; // Davinci models have a max context length of 4097 tokens. this.maxContextTokens = this.options.maxContextTokens || (isChatGptModel ? 4095 : 4097); // I decided to reserve 1024 tokens for the response. // The max prompt tokens is determined by the max context tokens minus the max response tokens. // Earlier messages will be dropped until the prompt is within the limit. this.maxResponseTokens = this.modelOptions.max_tokens || 1024; this.maxPromptTokens = this.options.maxPromptTokens || this.maxContextTokens - this.maxResponseTokens; if (this.maxPromptTokens + this.maxResponseTokens > this.maxContextTokens) { throw new Error( `maxPromptTokens + max_tokens (${this.maxPromptTokens} + ${this.maxResponseTokens} = ${ this.maxPromptTokens + this.maxResponseTokens }) must be less than or equal to maxContextTokens (${this.maxContextTokens})`, ); } this.userLabel = this.options.userLabel || 'User'; this.chatGptLabel = this.options.chatGptLabel || 'ChatGPT'; if (isChatGptModel) { // Use these faux tokens to help the AI understand the context since we are building the chat log ourselves. // Trying to use "<|im_start|>" causes the AI to still generate "<" or "<|" at the end sometimes for some reason, // without tripping the stop sequences, so I'm using "||>" instead. this.startToken = '||>'; this.endToken = ''; this.gptEncoder = this.constructor.getTokenizer('cl100k_base'); } else if (isUnofficialChatGptModel) { this.startToken = '<|im_start|>'; this.endToken = '<|im_end|>'; this.gptEncoder = this.constructor.getTokenizer('text-davinci-003', true, { '<|im_start|>': 100264, '<|im_end|>': 100265, }); } else { // Previously I was trying to use "<|endoftext|>" but there seems to be some bug with OpenAI's token counting // system that causes only the first "<|endoftext|>" to be counted as 1 token, and the rest are not treated // as a single token. So we're using this instead. this.startToken = '||>'; this.endToken = ''; try { this.gptEncoder = this.constructor.getTokenizer(this.modelOptions.model, true); } catch { this.gptEncoder = this.constructor.getTokenizer('text-davinci-003', true); } } if (!this.modelOptions.stop) { const stopTokens = [this.startToken]; if (this.endToken && this.endToken !== this.startToken) { stopTokens.push(this.endToken); } stopTokens.push(`\n${this.userLabel}:`); stopTokens.push('<|diff_marker|>'); // I chose not to do one for `chatGptLabel` because I've never seen it happen this.modelOptions.stop = stopTokens; } if (this.options.reverseProxyUrl) { this.completionsUrl = this.options.reverseProxyUrl; } else if (isChatGptModel) { this.completionsUrl = ''; } else { this.completionsUrl = ''; } return this; } static getTokenizer(encoding, isModelName = false, extendSpecialTokens = {}) { if (tokenizersCache[encoding]) { return tokenizersCache[encoding]; } let tokenizer; if (isModelName) { tokenizer = encodingForModel(encoding, extendSpecialTokens); } else { tokenizer = getEncoding(encoding, extendSpecialTokens); } tokenizersCache[encoding] = tokenizer; return tokenizer; } async getCompletion(input, onProgress, abortController = null) { if (!abortController) { abortController = new AbortController(); } const modelOptions = { ...this.modelOptions }; if (typeof onProgress === 'function') { = true; } if (this.isChatGptModel) { modelOptions.messages = input; } else { modelOptions.prompt = input; } const { debug } = this.options; const url = this.completionsUrl; if (debug) { console.debug(); console.debug(url); console.debug(modelOptions); console.debug(); } const opts = { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json', }, body: JSON.stringify(modelOptions), dispatcher: new Agent({ bodyTimeout: 0, headersTimeout: 0, }), }; if (this.apiKey && { opts.headers['api-key'] = this.apiKey; } else if (this.apiKey) { opts.headers.Authorization = `Bearer ${this.apiKey}`; } if (this.options.headers) { opts.headers = { ...opts.headers, ...this.options.headers }; } if (this.options.proxy) { opts.dispatcher = new ProxyAgent(this.options.proxy); } if ( { // eslint-disable-next-line no-async-promise-executor return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { try { let done = false; await fetchEventSource(url, { ...opts, signal: abortController.signal, async onopen(response) { if (response.status === 200) { return; } if (debug) { console.debug(response); } let error; try { const body = await response.text(); error = new Error(`Failed to send message. HTTP ${response.status} - ${body}`); error.status = response.status; error.json = JSON.parse(body); } catch { error = error || new Error(`Failed to send message. HTTP ${response.status}`); } throw error; }, onclose() { if (debug) { console.debug('Server closed the connection unexpectedly, returning...'); } // workaround for private API not sending [DONE] event if (!done) { onProgress('[DONE]'); abortController.abort(); resolve(); } }, onerror(err) { if (debug) { console.debug(err); } // rethrow to stop the operation throw err; }, onmessage(message) { if (debug) { // console.debug(message); } if (! || message.event === 'ping') { return; } if ( === '[DONE]') { onProgress('[DONE]'); abortController.abort(); resolve(); done = true; return; } onProgress(JSON.parse(; }, }); } catch (err) { reject(err); } }); } const response = await fetch(url, { ...opts, signal: abortController.signal, }); if (response.status !== 200) { const body = await response.text(); const error = new Error(`Failed to send message. HTTP ${response.status} - ${body}`); error.status = response.status; try { error.json = JSON.parse(body); } catch { error.body = body; } throw error; } return response.json(); } async generateTitle(userMessage, botMessage) { const instructionsPayload = { role: 'system', content: `Write an extremely concise subtitle for this conversation with no more than a few words. All words should be capitalized. Exclude punctuation. ||>Message: ${userMessage.message} ||>Response: ${botMessage.message} ||>Title:`, }; const titleGenClientOptions = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.options)); titleGenClientOptions.modelOptions = { model: 'gpt-3.5-turbo', temperature: 0, presence_penalty: 0, frequency_penalty: 0, }; const titleGenClient = new ChatGPTClient(this.apiKey, titleGenClientOptions); const result = await titleGenClient.getCompletion([instructionsPayload], null); // remove any non-alphanumeric characters, replace multiple spaces with 1, and then trim return result.choices[0].message.content .replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9' ]/g, '') .replace(/\s+/g, ' ') .trim(); } async sendMessage(message, opts = {}) { if (opts.clientOptions && typeof opts.clientOptions === 'object') { this.setOptions(opts.clientOptions); } const conversationId = opts.conversationId || crypto.randomUUID(); const parentMessageId = opts.parentMessageId || crypto.randomUUID(); let conversation = typeof opts.conversation === 'object' ? opts.conversation : await this.conversationsCache.get(conversationId); let isNewConversation = false; if (!conversation) { conversation = { messages: [], createdAt:, }; isNewConversation = true; } const shouldGenerateTitle = opts.shouldGenerateTitle && isNewConversation; const userMessage = { id: crypto.randomUUID(), parentMessageId, role: 'User', message, }; conversation.messages.push(userMessage); // Doing it this way instead of having each message be a separate element in the array seems to be more reliable, // especially when it comes to keeping the AI in character. It also seems to improve coherency and context retention. const { prompt: payload, context } = await this.buildPrompt( conversation.messages,, { isChatGptModel: this.isChatGptModel, promptPrefix: opts.promptPrefix, }, ); if (this.options.keepNecessaryMessagesOnly) { conversation.messages = context; } let reply = ''; let result = null; if (typeof opts.onProgress === 'function') { await this.getCompletion( payload, (progressMessage) => { if (progressMessage === '[DONE]') { return; } const token = this.isChatGptModel ? progressMessage.choices[0].delta.content : progressMessage.choices[0].text; // first event's delta content is always undefined if (!token) { return; } if (this.options.debug) { console.debug(token); } if (token === this.endToken) { return; } opts.onProgress(token); reply += token; }, opts.abortController || new AbortController(), ); } else { result = await this.getCompletion( payload, null, opts.abortController || new AbortController(), ); if (this.options.debug) { console.debug(JSON.stringify(result)); } if (this.isChatGptModel) { reply = result.choices[0].message.content; } else { reply = result.choices[0].text.replace(this.endToken, ''); } } // avoids some rendering issues when using the CLI app if (this.options.debug) { console.debug(); } reply = reply.trim(); const replyMessage = { id: crypto.randomUUID(), parentMessageId:, role: 'ChatGPT', message: reply, }; conversation.messages.push(replyMessage); const returnData = { response: replyMessage.message, conversationId, parentMessageId: replyMessage.parentMessageId, messageId:, details: result || {}, }; if (shouldGenerateTitle) { conversation.title = await this.generateTitle(userMessage, replyMessage); returnData.title = conversation.title; } await this.conversationsCache.set(conversationId, conversation); if (this.options.returnConversation) { returnData.conversation = conversation; } return returnData; } async buildPrompt(messages, parentMessageId, { isChatGptModel = false, promptPrefix = null }) { const orderedMessages = this.constructor.getMessagesForConversation(messages, parentMessageId); promptPrefix = (promptPrefix || this.options.promptPrefix || '').trim(); if (promptPrefix) { // If the prompt prefix doesn't end with the end token, add it. if (!promptPrefix.endsWith(`${this.endToken}`)) { promptPrefix = `${promptPrefix.trim()}${this.endToken}\n\n`; } promptPrefix = `${this.startToken}Instructions:\n${promptPrefix}`; } else { const currentDateString = new Date().toLocaleDateString('en-us', { year: 'numeric', month: 'long', day: 'numeric', }); promptPrefix = `${this.startToken}Instructions:\nYou are ChatGPT, a large language model trained by OpenAI. Respond conversationally.\nCurrent date: ${currentDateString}${this.endToken}\n\n`; } const promptSuffix = `${this.startToken}${this.chatGptLabel}:\n`; // Prompt ChatGPT to respond. const instructionsPayload = { role: 'system', name: 'instructions', content: promptPrefix, }; const messagePayload = { role: 'system', content: promptSuffix, }; let currentTokenCount; if (isChatGptModel) { currentTokenCount = this.getTokenCountForMessage(instructionsPayload) + this.getTokenCountForMessage(messagePayload); } else { currentTokenCount = this.getTokenCount(`${promptPrefix}${promptSuffix}`); } let promptBody = ''; const maxTokenCount = this.maxPromptTokens; const context = []; // Iterate backwards through the messages, adding them to the prompt until we reach the max token count. // Do this within a recursive async function so that it doesn't block the event loop for too long. const buildPromptBody = async () => { if (currentTokenCount < maxTokenCount && orderedMessages.length > 0) { const message = orderedMessages.pop(); const roleLabel = message?.isCreatedByUser || message?.role?.toLowerCase() === 'user' ? this.userLabel : this.chatGptLabel; const messageString = `${this.startToken}${roleLabel}:\n${ message?.text ?? message?.message }${this.endToken}\n`; let newPromptBody; if (promptBody || isChatGptModel) { newPromptBody = `${messageString}${promptBody}`; } else { // Always insert prompt prefix before the last user message, if not gpt-3.5-turbo. // This makes the AI obey the prompt instructions better, which is important for custom instructions. // After a bunch of testing, it doesn't seem to cause the AI any confusion, even if you ask it things // like "what's the last thing I wrote?". newPromptBody = `${promptPrefix}${messageString}${promptBody}`; } context.unshift(message); const tokenCountForMessage = this.getTokenCount(messageString); const newTokenCount = currentTokenCount + tokenCountForMessage; if (newTokenCount > maxTokenCount) { if (promptBody) { // This message would put us over the token limit, so don't add it. return false; } // This is the first message, so we can't add it. Just throw an error. throw new Error( `Prompt is too long. Max token count is ${maxTokenCount}, but prompt is ${newTokenCount} tokens long.`, ); } promptBody = newPromptBody; currentTokenCount = newTokenCount; // wait for next tick to avoid blocking the event loop await new Promise((resolve) => setImmediate(resolve)); return buildPromptBody(); } return true; }; await buildPromptBody(); const prompt = `${promptBody}${promptSuffix}`; if (isChatGptModel) { messagePayload.content = prompt; // Add 2 tokens for metadata after all messages have been counted. currentTokenCount += 2; } // Use up to `this.maxContextTokens` tokens (prompt + response), but try to leave `this.maxTokens` tokens for the response. this.modelOptions.max_tokens = Math.min( this.maxContextTokens - currentTokenCount, this.maxResponseTokens, ); if (this.options.debug) { console.debug(`Prompt : ${prompt}`); } if (isChatGptModel) { return { prompt: [instructionsPayload, messagePayload], context }; } return { prompt, context }; } getTokenCount(text) { return this.gptEncoder.encode(text, 'all').length; } /** * Algorithm adapted from "6. Counting tokens for chat API calls" of * * * An additional 2 tokens need to be added for metadata after all messages have been counted. * * @param {*} message */ getTokenCountForMessage(message) { let tokensPerMessage; let nameAdjustment; if (this.modelOptions.model.startsWith('gpt-4')) { tokensPerMessage = 3; nameAdjustment = 1; } else { tokensPerMessage = 4; nameAdjustment = -1; } // Map each property of the message to the number of tokens it contains const propertyTokenCounts = Object.entries(message).map(([key, value]) => { // Count the number of tokens in the property value const numTokens = this.getTokenCount(value); // Adjust by `nameAdjustment` tokens if the property key is 'name' const adjustment = key === 'name' ? nameAdjustment : 0; return numTokens + adjustment; }); // Sum the number of tokens in all properties and add `tokensPerMessage` for metadata return propertyTokenCounts.reduce((a, b) => a + b, tokensPerMessage); } } module.exports = ChatGPTClient;