const _ = require('lodash'); const { genAzureChatCompletion, getAzureCredentials } = require('../utils/'); const titleConvo = async ({ text, response, openAIApiKey, azure = false }) => { let title = 'New Chat'; const ChatGPTClient = (await import('@waylaidwanderer/chatgpt-api')).default; try { const instructionsPayload = { role: 'system', content: `Detect user language and write in the same language an extremely concise title for this conversation, which you must accurately detect. Write in the detected language. Title in 5 Words or Less. No Punctuation or Quotation. All first letters of every word should be capitalized and complete only the title in User Language only. ||>User: "${text}" ||>Response: "${JSON.stringify(response?.text)}" ||>Title:`, }; const options = { azure, reverseProxyUrl: process.env.OPENAI_REVERSE_PROXY || null, proxy: process.env.PROXY || null, }; const titleGenClientOptions = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(options)); titleGenClientOptions.modelOptions = { model: 'gpt-3.5-turbo', temperature: 0, presence_penalty: 0, frequency_penalty: 0, }; let apiKey = openAIApiKey ?? process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY; if (azure) { apiKey = process.env.AZURE_API_KEY; titleGenClientOptions.reverseProxyUrl = genAzureChatCompletion(getAzureCredentials()); } const titleGenClient = new ChatGPTClient(apiKey, titleGenClientOptions); const result = await titleGenClient.getCompletion([instructionsPayload], null); title = result.choices[0].message.content.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').replaceAll('"', '').trim(); } catch (e) { console.error(e); console.log('There was an issue generating title, see error above'); } console.log('CONVERSATION TITLE', title); return title; }; const throttledTitleConvo = _.throttle(titleConvo, 1000); module.exports = throttledTitleConvo;