# Import streamlit import streamlit as st from streamlit_option_menu import option_menu from PIL import Image import pandas as pd from fastai.vision.all import * from fastai.learner import load_learner ####################################################################################################################### def upload_photo(model=None, vocab=None, key=None): options = st.multiselect("**List of all the birds species used for trainng the model. Outside this, the model shall give wrong predictions.**", vocab, vocab[150:156], key="birds_detector 1") st.text(f"Your selection: {options}") uploaded_image = st.file_uploader( "**Upload an image**", type=["jpg", "png", "jpeg"], key=key) st.divider() if uploaded_image: image = Image.open(uploaded_image) st.image(image, use_column_width=True) if st.button("**Detect**", type="primary"): output = model.predict(image) st.markdown(f"""


""", unsafe_allow_html=True) st.image( image, caption=f'{output[0]} {max(output[2]).item() * 100:.2f}%', use_column_width=True) ####################################################################################################################### def capture_photo(model=None, vocab=None, key=None): capture_toggle = st.toggle( label="**`Enable Camera`**", key="birds_capture_photo") if capture_toggle: # Check if the cancel checkbox is not selected img_file_buffer = st.camera_input( label="Take a picture (`try to keep the subject at the center`)", key=key) if img_file_buffer: # To read image file buffer as a PIL Image: image = Image.open(img_file_buffer) st.image(image, use_column_width=True) if st.button(label="Detect", key="pets_capture_detect"): output = model.predict(image) st.markdown(f"""


""", unsafe_allow_html=True) st.image( image, caption=f'{output[0]} {max(output[2]).item() * 100:.2f}%', use_column_width=True) ####################################################################################################################### def model_info(): # Model performance on Freezed Layers st.subheader("Model performance with Resnet50 (freezed layers)") freezed_data = { 'epoch': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], 'train_loss': [1.280186, 0.786523, 0.491951, 0.343532, 0.297919], 'valid_loss': [0.447442, 0.183758, 0.107396, 0.067139, 0.058960], 'accuracy': [0.870476, 0.948190, 0.969524, 0.984381, 0.985905], 'error_rate': [0.129524, 0.051810, 0.030476, 0.015619, 0.014095], 'time': ['13:50', '11:06', '11:17', '10:44', '11:12'] } df = pd.DataFrame(freezed_data) # Streamlit table st.table(df) # Visualize data as line plot st.line_chart(data=df, x="epoch", y=['train_loss', 'valid_loss', 'accuracy', 'error_rate'], height=600) # Model performance on Unfreezed Layers st.subheader("Model performance with Resnet50 (unfreezed layers)") # Create a DataFrame with the provided data unfreezed_data = { 'epoch': [0, 1, 2, 3, 4], 'train_loss': [0.989004, 0.699652, 0.447756, 0.258508, 0.160852], 'valid_loss': [0.391414, 0.176702, 0.089814, 0.037954, 0.029704], 'accuracy': [0.896381, 0.949714, 0.975238, 0.991238, 0.992762], 'error_rate': [0.103619, 0.050286, 0.024762, 0.008762, 0.007238], 'time': ['17:05', '12:41', '12:12', '14:43', '12:30'] } df = pd.DataFrame(unfreezed_data) # Streamlit table st.table(df) # Visualize data as line plot st.line_chart(data=df, x="epoch", y=['train_loss', 'valid_loss', 'accuracy', 'error_rate'], height=600)