import subprocess from cog import BasePredictor, Input, Path import gradio as gr import tempfile class Predictor(BasePredictor): def predict(self, audio: Path = Input(description="Audio file to create waveform from"), bg_color: str = Input(description="Background color of waveform", default="#000000"), fg_alpha: float = Input(description="Opacity of foreground waveform", default=0.75), bars_color: str = Input(description="Color of waveform bars", default="#ffffff"), bar_count: int = Input(description="Number of bars in waveform", default=100), bar_width: float = Input(description="Width of bars in waveform. 1 represents full width, 0.5 represents half width, etc.", default=0.4), caption_text: str = Input(description="Caption text for the video", default=""), ) -> Path: """Make waveform video from audio file""" waveform_video = gr.make_waveform( str(audio), bg_color=bg_color, fg_alpha=fg_alpha, bars_color=bars_color, bar_count=bar_count, bar_width=bar_width, ) if caption_text == "" or caption_text is None: return Path(waveform_video) else: padded_waveform_path = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".mp4") background_image_path = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".png") final_video_path = tempfile.mktemp(suffix=".mp4") # Add padding to the top of the waveform video[ 'ffmpeg', '-y', '-i', waveform_video, '-vf', f'pad=width=1000:height=667:x=0:y=467:color={bg_color[1:]}', padded_waveform_path ], check=True) # Create an image using ImageMagick[ 'convert', '-background', bg_color, '-fill', bars_color, '-font', 'font/Roboto-Black.ttf', '-pointsize', '48', '-size', '900x367', '-gravity', 'center', f'caption:{caption_text}', '-bordercolor', bg_color, '-border', '40', background_image_path ], check=True) # Overlay the image on the padded waveform video[ 'ffmpeg', '-y', '-i', padded_waveform_path, '-i', background_image_path, '-filter_complex', 'overlay=0:0', final_video_path ], check=True) return Path(final_video_path)