import { useEffect, useState, useTransition } from "react" import { OAuthResult, oauthHandleRedirectIfPresent, oauthLoginUrl } from "@huggingface/hub" import { useLocalStorage } from "usehooks-ts" import { UserInfo } from "@/types/general" import { useStore } from "./useStore" import { localStorageKeys } from "./localStorageKeys" import { defaultSettings } from "./defaultSettings" import { getCurrentUser } from "../api/actions/users" export function useCurrentUser({ isLoginRequired = false }: { // set this to true, and the page will automatically redirect to the // HF login page if the session is expired isLoginRequired?: boolean } = {}): { user?: UserInfo login: (redirectUrl?: string) => void checkSession: (isLoginRequired: boolean) => Promise apiKey: string oauthResult?: OAuthResult // the long standing API is a temporary solution for "PRO" users of AiTube // (users who use Clap files using external tools, // or want ot use their own HF account to generate videos) longStandingApiKey: string setLongStandingApiKey: (apiKey: string, loginOnFailure: boolean) => void } { const [_pending, startTransition] = useTransition() const user = useStore(s => s.currentUser) const setCurrentUser = useStore(s => s.setCurrentUser) const [oauthResult, setOauthResult] = useState() const userId = `${user?.id || ""}` // this is the legacy, long-standing API key // which is still required for long generation of Clap files const [huggingfaceApiKey, setHuggingfaceApiKey] = useLocalStorage( localStorageKeys.huggingfaceApiKey, defaultSettings.huggingfaceApiKey ) // this is the new recommended API to use, with short expiration rates // in the future this API key will be enough for all our use cases const [huggingfaceTemporaryApiKey, setHuggingfaceTemporaryApiKey] = useLocalStorage( localStorageKeys.huggingfaceTemporaryApiKey, defaultSettings.huggingfaceTemporaryApiKey ) // force the API call const checkSession = async (isLoginRequired: boolean = false): Promise => { console.log("useCurrentUser.checkSession()") let huggingfaceTemporaryApiKey = localStorage.getItem(localStorageKeys.huggingfaceTemporaryApiKey) || "" console.log("huggingfaceTemporaryApiKey:", huggingfaceTemporaryApiKey) if (huggingfaceTemporaryApiKey.startsWith('"')) { console.log("the key has been corrupted..") localStorage.setItem(localStorageKeys.huggingfaceTemporaryApiKey, JSON.parse(huggingfaceTemporaryApiKey)) huggingfaceTemporaryApiKey = localStorage.getItem(localStorageKeys.huggingfaceTemporaryApiKey) || "" console.log(`the recovered key is: ${huggingfaceTemporaryApiKey}`) } // new way: try to use the safer temporary key whenever possible if (huggingfaceTemporaryApiKey) { try { console.log(`calling getCurrentUser()`, { huggingfaceTemporaryApiKey }) const user = await getCurrentUser(huggingfaceTemporaryApiKey) setCurrentUser(user) return user // we stop there, no need to try the legacy key } catch (err) { console.error("failed to log in using the temporary key:", err) setCurrentUser(undefined) } } // deprecated: the old static key which is harder to renew if (huggingfaceApiKey) { try { const user = await getCurrentUser(huggingfaceApiKey) setCurrentUser(user) return user } catch (err) { console.error("failed to log in using the static key:", err) setCurrentUser(undefined) } } // when we reach this stage, we know that none of the API tokens were valid // we are given the choice to request a login or not // (depending on if it's a secret page or not) if (isLoginRequired) { // await login("/") } return undefined } // can be called many times, but won't do the API call if not necessary const main = (isLoginRequired: boolean) => { // already logged-in, no need to spend an API call // although it is worth noting that the API token might be expired at this stage if (userId) { console.log("we are already logged-in") return } startTransition(async () => { console.log("useCurrentUser(): yes, we need to call synchronizeSession()") await checkSession(isLoginRequired) }) } useEffect(() => { main(isLoginRequired) }, [isLoginRequired, huggingfaceApiKey, huggingfaceTemporaryApiKey, userId]) useEffect(() => { // DIY try { localStorage.setItem( "", localStorage.getItem("") || "" ) // localStorage.removeItem("") localStorage.setItem( "", localStorage.getItem("") || "" ) // localStorage.removeItem("") } catch (err) { console.log("no pending oauth flow to finish") } // console.log("useCurrentUser()") const searchParams = new URLSearchParams(; /* console.log("debug:", { "":, searchParams, }) */ const fn = async () => { try { const res = await oauthHandleRedirectIfPresent() // console.log("result of oauthHandleRedirectIfPresent:", res) if (res) { // console.log("oauthHandleRedirectIfPresent returned something!", res) setOauthResult(res) // console.log("debug:", { accessToken: res.accessToken }) setHuggingfaceTemporaryApiKey(res.accessToken) startTransition(async () => { console.log("TODO julian do something, eg. reload the page, remove the things in the URL etc") // await checkSession(isLoginRequired) }) } } catch (err) { console.error(err) } } fn() }, [isLoginRequired]) const login = async ( // used to redirect the user back to the route they were browsing redirectTo: string = "" ) => { const oauthUrl = await oauthLoginUrl({ /** * OAuth client ID. * * For static Spaces, you can omit this and it will be loaded from the Space config, as long as `hf_oauth: true` is present in the's metadata. * For other Spaces, it is available to the backend in the OAUTH_CLIENT_ID environment variable, as long as `hf_oauth: true` is present in the's metadata. * * You can also create a Developer Application at and use its client ID. */ clientId: process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_AI_TUBE_OAUTH_CLIENT_ID, // hubUrl?: string; /** * OAuth scope, a list of space separate scopes. * * For static Spaces, you can omit this and it will be loaded from the Space config, as long as `hf_oauth: true` is present in the's metadata. * For other Spaces, it is available to the backend in the OAUTH_SCOPES environment variable, as long as `hf_oauth: true` is present in the's metadata. * * Defaults to "openid profile". * * You can also create a Developer Application at and use its scopes. * * See for a list of available scopes. */ scopes: "openid profile", /** * Redirect URI, defaults to the current URL. * * For Spaces, any URL within the Space is allowed. * * For Developer Applications, you can add any URL you want to the list of allowed redirect URIs at */ redirectUrl: `${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_DOMAIN}/api/login`, /** * State to pass to the OAuth provider, which will be returned in the call to `oauthLogin` after the redirect. */ state: JSON.stringify({ redirectTo }) }) // DIY localStorage.setItem( "", localStorage.getItem("") || "" ) localStorage.setItem( "", localStorage.getItem("") || "" ) // should we open this in a new tab? window.location.href = oauthUrl } const setLongStandingApiKey = (apiKey: string, loginOnFailure: boolean) => { (async () => { try { const user = await getCurrentUser(apiKey) setHuggingfaceApiKey(apiKey) setCurrentUser(user) } catch (err) { console.error("failed to log in using the long standing key:", err) setHuggingfaceApiKey("") setCurrentUser(undefined) if (loginOnFailure) { // login() } } })() } // this may correspond to either a short or a long standing api key // in the future it may always be a short api key with auto renewal const apiKey = user?.hfApiToken || "" // for now, we still need to keep track of a logn api, but this is purely optional const longStandingApiKey = huggingfaceApiKey return { user, login, checkSession, oauthResult, apiKey, longStandingApiKey, setLongStandingApiKey, } }