from imports import * punc = list(string.punctuation) def parse_string(inp: str, rep=" ", punc=punc, excp=[]) -> str: try: for i in excp: punc.remove(i) except: pass inp = inp.lower() inp = re.sub(r"won\'t", "will not", inp) inp = re.sub(r"can\'t", "can not", inp) inp = re.sub(r"\'re", " are", inp) inp = re.sub(r"\'s", " of", inp) inp = re.sub(r"\'d", " would", inp) inp = re.sub(r"\'ll", " will", inp) inp = re.sub(r"\'t", " not", inp) inp = re.sub(r"\'ve", " have", inp) inp = re.sub(r"\'m", " am", inp) for i in punc: inp = inp.replace(i,rep) return " ".join(inp.split()) def parse_time(inp: List): duration = 0 for i, _ in enumerate(inp): inp[i] = inp[i].lower() now = datetime.utcnow().strftime("%d/%m/%Y") _ = ["đến", " to ", "–"] # list that split 2 time point word __ = ["now", "hiện tại", " nay", " đến nay", "present"] # end time point for j in _: inp[i] = inp[i].replace(j," - ") for j in __: inp[i] = inp[i].replace(j,now) for j in inp[i]: if j.isalpha(): inp[i] = inp[i].replace(j,"").strip() inp[i] = parse_string(" ".join(inp[i].split(" ")), rep="", excp=["/","-"]) time_point = inp[i].split("-") # split to 2 time point if len(time_point) != 2: # must be splitted to 2 time point continue try: d1 = parser.parse(time_point[0]).strftime("%d-%m-%Y") d2 = parser.parse(time_point[1]).strftime("%d-%m-%Y") duration += (datetime.strptime(d2, "%d-%m-%Y") - datetime.strptime(d1, "%d-%m-%Y")).days except: continue return "{:.1f} năm".format(np.abs(duration/365)) filename = "./skills.csv" detected = chardet.detect(Path(filename).read_bytes()) # "ISO-8859-1" skill_list = pd.read_csv(filename, encoding=detected["encoding"]) skill_list = [i.replace("\n","") for i in skill_list["Skill"].to_list()] def parse_skill(inp: List) -> list: res = [] for i, _ in enumerate(inp): if "," in _: _ = [j.strip() for j in _.split(",")] inp.extend(_) inp = [parse_string(i) for i in inp] for ngram in Counter(map(' '.join, everygrams(" ".join(inp).split(), 1, 3))).keys(): if ngram in skill_list: res.append(ngram) return ". ".join([i.capitalize() for i in list(set(res))]) def parse_gender(inp: List) -> str: inp = " ".join([parse_string(i) for i in inp]) gender = ["nam", "nữ", "female", "male", "bisexual", "asexual", "heterosexual", "homosexual", "lgbt"] for gen in gender: if gen in inp: return gen return "" def parse_address(inp: List) -> str: inp = [parse_string(i, excp=",") for i in inp] for i, _ in enumerate(inp): inp[i] = " ".join([j.capitalize() for j in inp[i].split()]) return ". ".join(inp) def parse_designation(inp: List) -> str: inp = list(set([parse_string(i) for i in inp])) for i, _ in enumerate(inp): inp[i] = " ".join([j.capitalize() for j in inp[i].split()]) return ". ".join(inp) def parse_email(inp: List) -> str: inp = list(set([parse_string(i, rep="", excp=["@","."]) for i in inp])) return " ".join(inp) def decontracted(phrase) -> str: phrase = re.sub(r"â€|™|“|”|;|ü|\xad|\xa0|\u200b|·|∙|�|●|�|§|•|!|▪|©|\?|\]|\[|\)|\(", "", phrase) phrase = phrase.strip() phrase = unicodedata.normalize("NFC", phrase) if " " in phrase or " " in phrase: # check space character phrase = phrase.replace(" ","_").replace(" ","_").replace(" ","").replace("_"," ") tmp = phrase.split(" ") check_parse = True for i in tmp: if len(i) > 1: check_parse = False break if check_parse: phrase = phrase.replace(" ","") # phrase = phrase.replace(" "," ").replace(" "," ") return phrase.replace("\n"," ") def normalize_bbox(bbox, size): # must normalize bbox to [0;1000] return [int(1000 * bbox[0] / size[0]), int(1000 * bbox[1] / size[1]), int(1000 * bbox[2] / size[0]), int(1000 * bbox[3] / size[1])]