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from flask import request, jsonify
import logging
from routes import app
import re
from collections import deque
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from flask import request, jsonify
@app.route('/lab_work', methods=['POST'])
def lab_work():
data = request.get_json()
# Adjusting to handle both list and dict inputs
if isinstance(data, dict):
# If data is a dict, extract the markdown tables
test_cases = []
for value in data.values():
if isinstance(value, list):
test_cases = data
output = []
for test_case in test_cases:
labs = parse_markdown_table(test_case)
inspections = simulate_labs(labs)
return jsonify(output)
def parse_markdown_table(test_case):
import re
labs = {}
lines = test_case.strip().split('\n')
# Skip header lines
data_lines = [line for line in lines if not re.match(r'^\|[-\s]*\|$', line) and not line.startswith('|Lab')]
for line in data_lines:
# Split the line into columns
cols = [col.strip() for col in line.strip('|').split('|')]
if len(cols) != 4:
continue # Skip malformed lines
lab_number = int(cols[0])
cell_counts = list(map(int, cols[1].split()))
increment_str = cols[2]
condition_str = cols[3]
# Parse increment operation
increment_op = parse_increment(increment_str)
# Parse condition
divisor, true_lab, false_lab = map(int, condition_str.split())
labs[lab_number] = {
'cell_counts': cell_counts,
'increment_op': increment_op,
'divisor': divisor,
'true_lab': true_lab,
'false_lab': false_lab,
'inspections': 0,
'queue': cell_counts.copy()
return labs
def parse_increment(increment_str):
import re
# Example increments: 'count * 2', 'count + 5', 'count * count'
if 'count * count' in increment_str:
return lambda count: count * count
match = re.match(r'count ([\*\+]) (\d+|count)', increment_str)
if match:
operator, operand = match.groups()
if operand == 'count':
if operator == '*':
return lambda count: count * count
elif operator == '+':
return lambda count: count + count
operand = int(operand)
if operator == '*':
return lambda count: count * operand
elif operator == '+':
return lambda count: count + operand
# If increment cannot be parsed, return identity function
return lambda count: count
def simulate_labs(labs):
from collections import deque
from math import gcd
from functools import reduce
# Initialize labs' queues and inspections
for lab in labs.values():
lab['queue'] = deque(lab['cell_counts'])
lab['inspections'] = 0
# Compute the LCM of all the divisors to use for modulus
divisors = [lab['divisor'] for lab in labs.values()]
lcm_value = reduce(lambda a, b: a * b // gcd(a, b), divisors)
days = 10000
intervals = range(1000, days + 1, 1000)
inspection_records = {}
for day in range(1, days + 1):
# Prepare a temporary storage for new dishes to be added to labs
new_dishes = {lab_number: deque() for lab_number in labs}
for lab_number, lab in labs.items():
while lab['queue']:
count = lab['queue'].popleft()
lab['inspections'] += 1
# Apply increment operation
new_count = lab['increment_op'](count)
new_count %= lcm_value # Apply modulus to prevent counts from growing too large
# Apply condition
if new_count % lab['divisor'] == 0:
next_lab_number = lab['true_lab']
next_lab_number = lab['false_lab']
# Pass the dish to the next lab
# Update labs' queues with new dishes
for lab_number, lab in labs.items():
lab['queue'].extend(new_dishes.get(lab_number, []))
# Record inspections at intervals
if day in intervals:
inspection_records[str(day)] = [lab['inspections'] for lab_number, lab in sorted(labs.items())]
return inspection_records