import json import logging from collections import defaultdict from flask import Flask, request, jsonify import nltk from nltk.corpus import words import random from routes import app # Initialize NLTK word list try:'corpora/words') except LookupError:'words') # Configure logging logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def load_word_list(): word_list = [word.lower() for word in words.words() if len(word) == 5 and word.isalpha()] return word_list WORD_LIST = load_word_list() def filter_words(guess, feedback, guess_list): for word in guess_list[:]: # Create a copy of the list to avoid modifying it during iteration for i in range(5): if feedback[i] == "w" and guess[i] in word and guess.count(guess[i]) == 1: guess_list.remove(word) break elif feedback[i] == "g" and guess[i] != word[i]: guess_list.remove(word) break elif feedback[i] == "y" and guess[i] not in word: guess_list.remove(word) break elif feedback[i] == "y" and guess[i] == word[i]: guess_list.remove(word) break return guess_list def suggest_best_guess(guess_history, evaluation_history, word_list): # Start with the full word list guess_list = word_list.copy() for guess, feedback in zip(guess_history, evaluation_history): guess_list = filter_words(guess, feedback, guess_list) # Return the best guess (first valid word in the filtered list) return guess_list[0] if guess_list else None # Return None if no valid words are left @app.route('/wordle-game', methods=['POST']) def wordle_game(): # Parse JSON input data = request.get_json()"Data received for evaluation: %s", data) guess_history = data.get("guessHistory", []) evaluation_history = data.get("evaluationHistory", []) start_word = ["crate", "raise", "least", "salet"] n = random.randint(-1,2) # If first word, use "CRATE" as the first guess if not guess_history: next_guess = start_word[n]"First guess: %s", next_guess) return jsonify({"guess": next_guess}) # Suggest the next guess next_guess = suggest_best_guess(guess_history, evaluation_history, WORD_LIST)"Suggested next guess: %s", next_guess) # If evaluation history is 6 or more, the game is over if len(evaluation_history) >= 6: return jsonify({}) # Return the response return jsonify({"guess": next_guess})