import streamlit as st import transformers import torch from transformers import AutoModel, AutoTokenizer model_path = 'openbmb/MiniCPM-Llama3-V-2_5' if 'int4' in model_path: if device == 'mps': print('Error: running int4 model with bitsandbytes on Mac is not supported right now.') exit() model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(model_path, trust_remote_code=True) else: model = AutoModel.from_pretrained(model_path, trust_remote_code=True).to(dtype=torch.float16) model = tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_path, trust_remote_code=True) model.eval() st.title('Ollama Chatbot') # File uploader for the image image = st.file_uploader('Upload an image') # Button to submit the image for analysis if st.button('Submit'): if image is not None: # Read the uploaded image file image_bytes = # Send the image to the Ollama chatbot for analysis response = image=image, msgs=msgs, tokenizer=tokenizer, sampling=True, temperature=0.1 ) # Display the chatbot's response st.write(response)