IFEvalTR / src /tools /plots.py
refacto style + rate limit
history blame
No virus
8.84 kB
import pickle
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple
import pandas as pd
import plotly.express as px
from plotly.graph_objs import Figure
from src.leaderboard.filter_models import FLAGGED_MODELS
# Average ⬆️ human baseline is 0.897 (source: averaging human baselines below)
# ARC human baseline is 0.80 (source: https://lab42.global/arc/)
# HellaSwag human baseline is 0.95 (source: https://deepgram.com/learn/hellaswag-llm-benchmark-guide)
# MMLU human baseline is 0.898 (source: https://openreview.net/forum?id=d7KBjmI3GmQ)
# TruthfulQA human baseline is 0.94(source: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2109.07958.pdf)
# Define the human baselines
"Average ⬆️": 0.897 * 100,
"ARC": 0.80 * 100,
"HellaSwag": 0.95 * 100,
"MMLU": 0.898 * 100,
"TruthfulQA": 0.94 * 100,
def to_datetime(model_info: Tuple[str, Any]) -> datetime:
Converts the lastModified attribute of the object to datetime.
:param model_info: A tuple containing the name and object.
The object must have a lastModified attribute
with a string representing the date and time.
:return: A datetime object converted from the lastModified attribute of the input object.
name, obj = model_info
return datetime.strptime(obj.lastModified, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ").replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
def join_model_info_with_results(results_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
Integrates model information with the results DataFrame by matching 'Model sha'.
:param results_df: A DataFrame containing results information including 'Model sha' column.
:return: A DataFrame with updated 'Results Date' columns, which are synchronized with model information.
# copy dataframe to avoid modifying the original
df = results_df.copy(deep=True)
# Filter out FLAGGED_MODELS to ensure graph is not skewed by mistakes
df = df[~df["model_name_for_query"].isin(FLAGGED_MODELS.keys())].reset_index(drop=True)
# load cache from disk
with open("model_info_cache.pkl", "rb") as f:
model_info_cache = pickle.load(f)
except (EOFError, FileNotFoundError):
model_info_cache = {}
# Sort date strings using datetime objects as keys
sorted_dates = sorted(list(model_info_cache.items()), key=to_datetime, reverse=True)
df["Results Date"] = datetime.now().replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
# Define the date format string
date_format = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ"
# Iterate over sorted_dates and update the dataframe
for name, obj in sorted_dates:
# Convert the lastModified string to a datetime object
last_modified_datetime = datetime.strptime(obj.lastModified, date_format).replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
# Update the "Results Date" column where "Model sha" equals obj.sha
df.loc[df["Model sha"] == obj.sha, "Results Date"] = last_modified_datetime
return df
def create_scores_df(results_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
Generates a DataFrame containing the maximum scores until each result date.
:param results_df: A DataFrame containing result information including metric scores and result dates.
:return: A new DataFrame containing the maximum scores until each result date for every metric.
# Step 1: Ensure 'Results Date' is in datetime format and sort the DataFrame by it
results_df["Results Date"] = pd.to_datetime(results_df["Results Date"])
results_df.sort_values(by="Results Date", inplace=True)
# Step 2: Initialize the scores dictionary
scores = {
"Average ⬆️": [],
"ARC": [],
"HellaSwag": [],
"MMLU": [],
"TruthfulQA": [],
"Result Date": [],
"Model Name": [],
# Step 3: Iterate over the rows of the DataFrame and update the scores dictionary
for i, row in results_df.iterrows():
date = row["Results Date"]
for column in scores.keys():
if column == "Result Date":
if not scores[column] or scores[column][-1] <= date:
if column == "Model Name":
current_max = scores[column][-1] if scores[column] else float("-inf")
scores[column].append(max(current_max, row[column]))
# Step 4: Convert the dictionary to a DataFrame
return pd.DataFrame(scores)
def create_plot_df(scores_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
Transforms the scores DataFrame into a new format suitable for plotting.
:param scores_df: A DataFrame containing metric scores and result dates.
:return: A new DataFrame reshaped for plotting purposes.
# Sample columns
cols = ["Average ⬆️", "ARC", "HellaSwag", "MMLU", "TruthfulQA"]
# Initialize the list to store DataFrames
dfs = []
# Iterate over the cols and create a new DataFrame for each column
for col in cols:
d = scores_df[[col, "Model Name", "Result Date"]].copy().reset_index(drop=True)
d["Metric Name"] = col
d.rename(columns={col: "Metric Value"}, inplace=True)
# Concatenate all the created DataFrames
concat_df = pd.concat(dfs, ignore_index=True)
# Sort values by 'Result Date'
concat_df.sort_values(by="Result Date", inplace=True)
concat_df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
# Drop duplicates based on 'Metric Name' and 'Metric Value' and keep the first (earliest) occurrence
concat_df.drop_duplicates(subset=["Metric Name", "Metric Value"], keep="first", inplace=True)
concat_df.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
return concat_df
def create_metric_plot_obj(
df: pd.DataFrame, metrics: List[str], human_baselines: Dict[str, float], title: str
) -> Figure:
Create a Plotly figure object with lines representing different metrics
and horizontal dotted lines representing human baselines.
:param df: The DataFrame containing the metric values, names, and dates.
:param metrics: A list of strings representing the names of the metrics
to be included in the plot.
:param human_baselines: A dictionary where keys are metric names
and values are human baseline values for the metrics.
:param title: A string representing the title of the plot.
:return: A Plotly figure object with lines representing metrics and
horizontal dotted lines representing human baselines.
# Filter the DataFrame based on the specified metrics
df = df[df["Metric Name"].isin(metrics)]
# Filter the human baselines based on the specified metrics
filtered_human_baselines = {k: v for k, v in human_baselines.items() if k in metrics}
# Create a line figure using plotly express with specified markers and custom data
fig = px.line(
x="Result Date",
y="Metric Value",
color="Metric Name",
custom_data=["Metric Name", "Metric Value", "Model Name"],
# Update hovertemplate for better hover interaction experience
"Model Name: %{customdata[2]}",
"Metric Name: %{customdata[0]}",
"Date: %{x}",
"Metric Value: %{y}",
# Update the range of the y-axis
fig.update_layout(yaxis_range=[0, 100])
# Create a dictionary to hold the color mapping for each metric
metric_color_mapping = {}
# Map each metric name to its color in the figure
for trace in fig.data:
metric_color_mapping[trace.name] = trace.line.color
# Iterate over filtered human baselines and add horizontal lines to the figure
for metric, value in filtered_human_baselines.items():
color = metric_color_mapping.get(metric, "blue") # Retrieve color from mapping; default to blue if not found
location = "top left" if metric == "HellaSwag" else "bottom left" # Set annotation position
# Add horizontal line with matched color and positioned annotation
annotation_text=f"{metric} human baseline",
return fig
# Example Usage:
# human_baselines dictionary is defined.
# chart = create_metric_plot_obj(scores_df, ["ARC", "HellaSwag", "MMLU", "TruthfulQA"], human_baselines, "Graph Title")