import streamlit as st from transformers import pipeline, set_seed text_generator = pipeline("text2text-generation", model="google/flan-t5-base") st.title("Story Generator") title = st.text_input("Title of the Story:") character = st.text_input("Character (Hero) Name:") era = st.selectbox("Era of the Story:", ["Medieval", "Modern", "Future"]) genre = st.selectbox("Genre:", ["Action", "Novelistic", "Love"]) punchline = st.text_area("Punchline (Describe what the story is about):") story_length = st.slider("Story Length", min_value=100, max_value=2000, step=100) generate_button = st.button("Generate Story") if generate_button: if title and character and punchline: prompt = f"Write a {genre} story titled '{title}' set in the {era} era. The main character, {character}, faces a {genre} adventure. The story is about '{punchline}'." set_seed(42) full_story = text_generator(prompt, max_length=story_length, do_sample=True)[0]["generated_text"] st.markdown(full_story) else: st.warning("Please provide a title, character name, and punchline.")