################################################################ # # # Chinese # # # ################################################################ package NLP::Chinese; $utf8 = NLP::UTF8; %empty_ht = (); sub read_chinese_tonal_pinyin_files { local($caller, *ht, @filenames) = @_; $n_kHanyuPinlu = 0; $n_kXHC1983 = 0; $n_kHanyuPinyin = 0; $n_kMandarin = 0; $n_cedict = 0; $n_simple_pinyin = 0; foreach $filename (@filenames) { if ($filename =~ /unihan/i) { my $line_number = 0; if (open(IN, $filename)) { while () { $line_number++; next if /^#/; s/\s*$//; if (($u, $type, $value) = split(/\t/, $_)) { if ($type =~ /^(kHanyuPinlu|kXHC1983|kHanyuPinyin|kMandarin)$/) { $u = $util->trim($u); $type = $util->trim($type); $value = $util->trim($value); $f = $utf8->unicode_string2string($u); if ($type eq "kHanyuPinlu") { $value =~ s/\(.*?\)//g; $value = $util->trim($value); $translit = $caller->number_to_accent_tone($value); $ht{"kHanyuPinlu"}->{$f} = $translit; $n_kHanyuPinlu++; } elsif ($type eq "kXHC1983") { @translits = ($value =~ /:(\S+)/g); $translit = join(" ", @translits); $ht{"kXHC1983"}->{$f} = $translit; $n_kXHC1983++; } elsif ($type eq "kHanyuPinyin") { $value =~ s/^.*://; $value =~ s/,/ /g; $ht{"kHanyuPinyin"}->{$f} = $value; $n_kHanyuPinyin++; } elsif ($type eq "kMandarin") { $ht{"kMandarin"}->{$f} = $value; $n_kMandarin++; } } } } close(IN); print "Read in $n_kHanyuPinlu kHanyuPinlu, $n_kXHC1983 n_kXHC1983, $n_kHanyuPinyin n_kHanyuPinyin $n_kMandarin n_kMandarin\n"; } else { print STDERR "Can't open $filename\n"; } } elsif ($filename =~ /cedict/i) { if (open(IN, $filename)) { my $line_number = 0; while () { $line_number++; next if /^#/; s/\s*$//; if (($f, $translit) = ($_ =~ /^\S+\s+(\S+)\s+\[([^\[\]]+)\]/)) { $translit = $utf8->extended_lower_case($translit); $translit = $caller->number_to_accent_tone($translit); $translit =~ s/\s//g; if ($old_translit = $ht{"cedict"}->{$f}) { # $ht{CONFLICT}->{("DUPLICATE " . $f)} = "CEDICT($f): $old_translit\nCEDICT($f): $translit (duplicate)\n" unless $translit eq $old_translit; $ht{"cedicts"}->{$f} = join(" ", $ht{"cedicts"}->{$f}, $translit) unless $old_translit eq $translit; } else { $ht{"cedict"}->{$f} = $translit; $ht{"cedicts"}->{$f} = $translit; } $n_cedict++; } } close(IN); # print "Read in $n_cedict n_cedict\n"; } else { print STDERR "Can't open $filename"; } } elsif ($filename =~ /chinese_to_pinyin/i) { if (open(IN, $filename)) { my $line_number = 0; while () { $line_number++; next if /^#/; if (($f, $translit) = ($_ =~ /^(\S+)\t(\S+)\s*$/)) { $ht{"simple_pinyin"}->{$f} = $translit; $n_simple_pinyin++; } } close(IN); # print "Read in $n_simple_pinyin n_simple_pinyin\n"; } else { print STDERR "Can't open $filename"; } } else { print STDERR "Don't know what to do with file $filename (in read_chinese_tonal_pinyin_files)\n"; } } } sub tonal_pinyin { local($caller, $s, *ht, $gloss) = @_; return $result if defined($result = $ht{COMBINED}->{$s}); $cedict_pinyin = $ht{"cedict"}->{$s} || ""; $cedicts_pinyin = $ht{"cedicts"}->{$s} || ""; $unihan_pinyin = ""; @characters = $utf8->split_into_utf8_characters($s, "return only chars", *empty_ht); foreach $c (@characters) { if ($pinyin = $ht{"simple_pinyin"}->{$c}) { $unihan_pinyin .= $pinyin; } elsif ($pinyin = $ht{"kHanyuPinlu"}->{$c}) { $pinyin =~ s/^(\S+)\s.*$/$1/; $unihan_pinyin .= $pinyin; } elsif ($pinyin = $ht{"kXHC1983"}->{$c}) { $pinyin =~ s/^(\S+)\s.*$/$1/; $unihan_pinyin .= $pinyin; } elsif ($pinyin = $ht{"kHanyuPinyin"}->{$c}) { $pinyin =~ s/^(\S+)\s.*$/$1/; $unihan_pinyin .= $pinyin; } elsif ($pinyin = $ht{"cedicts"}->{$c}) { $pinyin =~ s/^(\S+)\s.*$/$1/; $unihan_pinyin .= $pinyin; # middle dot, katakana middle dot, multiplication sign } elsif ($c =~ /^(\xC2\xB7|\xE3\x83\xBB|\xC3\x97)$/) { $unihan_pinyin .= $c; # ASCII } elsif ($c =~ /^([\x21-\x7E])$/) { $unihan_pinyin .= $c; } else { $unihan_pinyin .= "?"; $hex = $utf8->utf8_to_hex($c); $unicode = uc $utf8->utf8_to_4hex_unicode($c); # print STDERR "Tonal pinyin: Unknown character $c ($hex/U+$unicode) -> ?\n"; } } $pinyin_title = ""; if (($#characters >= 1) && $cedicts_pinyin) { foreach $pinyin (split(/\s+/, $cedicts_pinyin)) { $pinyin_title .= "$s $pinyin (CEDICT)\n"; } $pinyin_title .= "\n"; } foreach $c (@characters) { my %local_ht = (); @pinyins = (); foreach $type (("kHanyuPinlu", "kXHC1983", "kHanyuPinyin", "cedicts")) { if ($pinyin_s = $ht{$type}->{$c}) { foreach $pinyin (split(/\s+/, $pinyin_s)) { push(@pinyins, $pinyin) unless $util->member($pinyin, @pinyins); $type2 = ($type eq "cedicts") ? "CEDICT" : $type; $local_ht{$pinyin} = ($local_ht{$pinyin}) ? join(", ", $local_ht{$pinyin}, $type2) : $type2; } } } foreach $pinyin (@pinyins) { $type_s = $local_ht{$pinyin}; $pinyin_title .= "$c $pinyin ($type_s)\n"; } } $pinyin_title =~ s/\n$//; $pinyin_title =~ s/\n/ /g; $unihan_pinyin = "" if $unihan_pinyin =~ /^\?+$/; if (($#characters >= 1) && $cedict_pinyin && $unihan_pinyin && ($unihan_pinyin ne $cedict_pinyin)) { $log = "Gloss($s): $gloss\nCEdict($s): $cedicts_pinyin\nUnihan($s): $unihan_pinyin\n"; foreach $type (("kHanyuPinlu", "kXHC1983", "kHanyuPinyin")) { $log_line = "$type($s): "; foreach $c (@characters) { $pinyin = $ht{$type}->{$c} || ""; if ($pinyin =~ / /) { $log_line .= "($pinyin)"; } elsif ($pinyin) { $log_line .= $pinyin; } else { $log_line .= "?"; } } $log .= "$log_line\n"; } $ht{CONFLICT}->{$s} = $log; } $result = $unihan_pinyin || $cedict_pinyin; $result = $cedict_pinyin if ($#characters > 0) && $cedict_pinyin; $ht{COMBINED}->{$s} = $result; $ht{PINYIN_TITLE}->{$s} = $pinyin_title; return $result; } %number_to_accent_tone_ht = ( "a1", "\xC4\x81", "a2", "\xC3\xA1", "a3", "\xC7\x8E", "a4", "\xC3\xA0", "e1", "\xC4\x93", "e2", "\xC3\xA9", "e3", "\xC4\x9B", "e4", "\xC3\xA8", "i1", "\xC4\xAB", "i2", "\xC3\xAD", "i3", "\xC7\x90", "i4", "\xC3\xAC", "o1", "\xC5\x8D", "o2", "\xC3\xB3", "o3", "\xC7\x92", "o4", "\xC3\xB2", "u1", "\xC5\xAB", "u2", "\xC3\xBA", "u3", "\xC7\x94", "u4", "\xC3\xB9", "u:1","\xC7\x96", "u:2","\xC7\x98", "u:3","\xC7\x9A", "u:4","\xC7\x9C", "\xC3\xBC1","\xC7\x96","\xC3\xBC2","\xC7\x98","\xC3\xBC3","\xC7\x9A","\xC3\xBC4","\xC7\x9C" ); sub number_to_accent_tone { local($caller, $s) = @_; my $result = ""; while (($pre,$alpha,$tone_number,$rest) = ($s =~ /^(.*?)((?:[a-z]|u:|\xC3\xBC)+)([1-5])(.*)$/i)) { if ($tone_number eq "5") { $result .= "$pre$alpha"; } elsif ((($pre_acc,$acc_letter,$post_acc) = ($alpha =~ /^(.*)([ae])(.*)$/)) || (($pre_acc,$acc_letter,$post_acc) = ($alpha =~ /^(.*)(o)(u.*)$/)) || (($pre_acc,$acc_letter,$post_acc) = ($alpha =~ /^(.*)(u:|[iou]|\xC3\xBC)([^aeiou]*)$/))) { $result .= "$pre$pre_acc" . ($number_to_accent_tone_ht{($acc_letter . $tone_number)} || ($acc_letter . $tone_number)) . $post_acc; } else { $result .= "$pre$alpha$tone_number"; } $s = $rest; } $result .= $s; $result =~ s/u:/\xC3\xBC/g; return $result; } sub string_contains_utf8_cjk_unified_ideograph_p { local($caller, $s) = @_; return ($s =~ /([\xE4-\xE9]|\xE3[\x90-\xBF]|\xF0[\xA0-\xAC])/); } 1;