import gradio as gr import torch from diffusers import AutoencoderKL, FluxTransformer2DModel from diffusers.utils import load_image from controlnet_flux import FluxControlNetModel from transformer_flux import FluxTransformer2DModel from pipeline_flux_controlnet_inpaint import FluxControlNetInpaintingPipeline from transformers import T5EncoderModel, CLIPTextModel from PIL import Image, ImageDraw import numpy as np import spaces from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download from optimum.quanto import freeze, qfloat8, quantize controlnet = FluxControlNetModel.from_pretrained("alimama-creative/FLUX.1-dev-Controlnet-Inpainting-Beta", torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16) transformer = FluxTransformer2DModel.from_pretrained( "black-forest-labs/FLUX.1-dev", subfolder='transformer', torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16 ) pipe = FluxControlNetInpaintingPipeline.from_pretrained( "black-forest-labs/FLUX.1-dev", transformer=transformer, controlnet=controlnet, torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16 ) repo_name = "ByteDance/Hyper-SD" ckpt_name = "Hyper-FLUX.1-dev-8steps-lora.safetensors" pipe.load_lora_weights(hf_hub_download(repo_name, ckpt_name)) pipe.fuse_lora(lora_scale=0.125)"cuda") def can_expand(source_width, source_height, target_width, target_height, alignment): if alignment in ("Left", "Right") and source_width >= target_width: return False if alignment in ("Top", "Bottom") and source_height >= target_height: return False return True def prepare_image_and_mask(image, width, height, overlap_percentage, resize_option, custom_resize_percentage, alignment, overlap_left, overlap_right, overlap_top, overlap_bottom): target_size = (width, height) # Calculate the scaling factor to fit the image within the target size scale_factor = min(target_size[0] / image.width, target_size[1] / image.height) new_width = int(image.width * scale_factor) new_height = int(image.height * scale_factor) # Resize the source image to fit within target size source = image.resize((new_width, new_height), Image.LANCZOS) # Apply resize option using percentages if resize_option == "Full": resize_percentage = 100 elif resize_option == "50%": resize_percentage = 50 elif resize_option == "33%": resize_percentage = 33 elif resize_option == "25%": resize_percentage = 25 else: # Custom resize_percentage = custom_resize_percentage # Calculate new dimensions based on percentage resize_factor = resize_percentage / 100 new_width = int(source.width * resize_factor) new_height = int(source.height * resize_factor) # Ensure minimum size of 64 pixels new_width = max(new_width, 64) new_height = max(new_height, 64) # Resize the image source = source.resize((new_width, new_height), Image.LANCZOS) # Calculate the overlap in pixels based on the percentage overlap_x = int(new_width * (overlap_percentage / 100)) overlap_y = int(new_height * (overlap_percentage / 100)) # Ensure minimum overlap of 1 pixel overlap_x = max(overlap_x, 1) overlap_y = max(overlap_y, 1) # Calculate margins based on alignment if alignment == "Middle": margin_x = (target_size[0] - new_width) // 2 margin_y = (target_size[1] - new_height) // 2 elif alignment == "Left": margin_x = 0 margin_y = (target_size[1] - new_height) // 2 elif alignment == "Right": margin_x = target_size[0] - new_width margin_y = (target_size[1] - new_height) // 2 elif alignment == "Top": margin_x = (target_size[0] - new_width) // 2 margin_y = 0 elif alignment == "Bottom": margin_x = (target_size[0] - new_width) // 2 margin_y = target_size[1] - new_height # Adjust margins to eliminate gaps margin_x = max(0, min(margin_x, target_size[0] - new_width)) margin_y = max(0, min(margin_y, target_size[1] - new_height)) # Create a new background image and paste the resized source image background ='RGB', target_size, (255, 255, 255)) background.paste(source, (margin_x, margin_y)) # Create the mask mask ='L', target_size, 255) mask_draw = ImageDraw.Draw(mask) # Calculate overlap areas white_gaps_patch = 2 left_overlap = margin_x + overlap_x if overlap_left else margin_x + white_gaps_patch right_overlap = margin_x + new_width - overlap_x if overlap_right else margin_x + new_width - white_gaps_patch top_overlap = margin_y + overlap_y if overlap_top else margin_y + white_gaps_patch bottom_overlap = margin_y + new_height - overlap_y if overlap_bottom else margin_y + new_height - white_gaps_patch if alignment == "Left": left_overlap = margin_x + overlap_x if overlap_left else margin_x elif alignment == "Right": right_overlap = margin_x + new_width - overlap_x if overlap_right else margin_x + new_width elif alignment == "Top": top_overlap = margin_y + overlap_y if overlap_top else margin_y elif alignment == "Bottom": bottom_overlap = margin_y + new_height - overlap_y if overlap_bottom else margin_y + new_height # Draw the mask mask_draw.rectangle([ (left_overlap, top_overlap), (right_overlap, bottom_overlap) ], fill=0) return background, mask @spaces.GPU def inpaint(image, width, height, overlap_percentage, num_inference_steps, resize_option, custom_resize_percentage, prompt_input, alignment, overlap_left, overlap_right, overlap_top, overlap_bottom, progress=gr.Progress(track_tqdm=True)): background, mask = prepare_image_and_mask(image, width, height, overlap_percentage, resize_option, custom_resize_percentage, alignment, overlap_left, overlap_right, overlap_top, overlap_bottom) if not can_expand(background.width, background.height, width, height, alignment): alignment = "Middle" cnet_image = background.copy() cnet_image.paste(0, (0, 0), mask) final_prompt = f"{prompt_input} , high quality, 4k" #generator = torch.Generator(device="cuda").manual_seed(42) result = pipe( prompt=final_prompt, height=height, width=width, control_image=cnet_image, control_mask=mask, num_inference_steps=num_inference_steps, #generator=generator, controlnet_conditioning_scale=0.9, guidance_scale=3.5, negative_prompt="", true_guidance_scale=3.5, ).images[0] result = result.convert("RGBA") cnet_image.paste(result, (0, 0), mask) return cnet_image, background def preview_image_and_mask(image, width, height, overlap_percentage, resize_option, custom_resize_percentage, alignment, overlap_left, overlap_right, overlap_top, overlap_bottom): background, mask = prepare_image_and_mask(image, width, height, overlap_percentage, resize_option, custom_resize_percentage, alignment, overlap_left, overlap_right, overlap_top, overlap_bottom) preview = background.copy().convert('RGBA') red_overlay ='RGBA', background.size, (255, 0, 0, 64)) red_mask ='RGBA', background.size, (0, 0, 0, 0)) red_mask.paste(red_overlay, (0, 0), mask) preview = Image.alpha_composite(preview, red_mask) return preview def clear_result(): return gr.update(value=None) def preload_presets(target_ratio, ui_width, ui_height): if target_ratio == "9:16": return 720, 1280, gr.update() elif target_ratio == "16:9": return 1280, 720, gr.update() elif target_ratio == "1:1": return 1024, 1024, gr.update() elif target_ratio == "Custom": return ui_width, ui_height, gr.update(open=True) def select_the_right_preset(user_width, user_height): if user_width == 720 and user_height == 1280: return "9:16" elif user_width == 1280 and user_height == 720: return "16:9" elif user_width == 1024 and user_height == 1024: return "1:1" else: return "Custom" def toggle_custom_resize_slider(resize_option): return gr.update(visible=(resize_option == "Custom")) def update_history(new_image, history): if history is None: history = [] history.insert(0, new_image) return history css = """ .gradio-container { width: 1200px !important; } """ title = """

FLUX Image Outpaint

Drop an image you would like to extend, pick your expected ratio and hit Generate.
Using FLUX.1-dev-Controlnet-Inpainting-Beta + Hyper-FLUX.1-dev-8steps-lora
""" with gr.Blocks(css=css) as demo: with gr.Column(): gr.HTML(title) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(): input_image = gr.Image( type="pil", label="Input Image" ) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=2): prompt_input = gr.Textbox(label="Prompt (Optional)") with gr.Column(scale=1): run_button = gr.Button("Generate") with gr.Row(): target_ratio = gr.Radio( label="Expected Ratio", choices=["9:16", "16:9", "1:1", "Custom"], value="9:16", scale=2 ) alignment_dropdown = gr.Dropdown( choices=["Middle", "Left", "Right", "Top", "Bottom"], value="Middle", label="Alignment" ) with gr.Accordion(label="Advanced settings", open=False) as settings_panel: with gr.Column(): with gr.Row(): width_slider = gr.Slider( label="Target Width", minimum=720, maximum=1536, step=8, value=720, ) height_slider = gr.Slider( label="Target Height", minimum=720, maximum=1536, step=8, value=1280, ) num_inference_steps = gr.Slider(label="Steps", minimum=4, maximum=12, step=1, value=8) with gr.Group(): overlap_percentage = gr.Slider( label="Mask overlap (%)", minimum=1, maximum=50, value=10, step=1 ) with gr.Row(): overlap_top = gr.Checkbox(label="Overlap Top", value=True) overlap_right = gr.Checkbox(label="Overlap Right", value=True) with gr.Row(): overlap_left = gr.Checkbox(label="Overlap Left", value=True) overlap_bottom = gr.Checkbox(label="Overlap Bottom", value=True) with gr.Row(): resize_option = gr.Radio( label="Resize input image", choices=["Full", "50%", "33%", "25%", "Custom"], value="Full" ) custom_resize_percentage = gr.Slider( label="Custom resize (%)", minimum=1, maximum=100, step=1, value=50, visible=False ) with gr.Column(): preview_button = gr.Button("Preview alignment and mask") with gr.Column(): result = gr.Image( interactive=False, label="Generated Image", ) use_as_input_button = gr.Button("Use as Input Image", visible=False) with gr.Accordion("History and Mask", open=False): history_gallery = gr.Gallery(label="History", columns=6, object_fit="contain", interactive=False) preview_image = gr.Image(label="Mask preview") def use_output_as_input(output_image): return output_image fn=use_output_as_input, inputs=[result], outputs=[input_image] ) target_ratio.change( fn=preload_presets, inputs=[target_ratio, width_slider, height_slider], outputs=[width_slider, height_slider, settings_panel], queue=False ) width_slider.change( fn=select_the_right_preset, inputs=[width_slider, height_slider], outputs=[target_ratio], queue=False ) height_slider.change( fn=select_the_right_preset, inputs=[width_slider, height_slider], outputs=[target_ratio], queue=False ) resize_option.change( fn=toggle_custom_resize_slider, inputs=[resize_option], outputs=[custom_resize_percentage], queue=False ) fn=clear_result, inputs=None, outputs=result, ).then( fn=inpaint, inputs=[input_image, width_slider, height_slider, overlap_percentage, num_inference_steps, resize_option, custom_resize_percentage, prompt_input, alignment_dropdown, overlap_left, overlap_right, overlap_top, overlap_bottom], outputs=[result, preview_image], ).then( fn=lambda x, history: update_history(x, history), inputs=[result, history_gallery], outputs=history_gallery, ).then( fn=lambda: gr.update(visible=True), inputs=None, outputs=use_as_input_button, ) prompt_input.submit( fn=clear_result, inputs=None, outputs=result, ).then( fn=inpaint, inputs=[input_image, width_slider, height_slider, overlap_percentage, num_inference_steps, resize_option, custom_resize_percentage, prompt_input, alignment_dropdown, overlap_left, overlap_right, overlap_top, overlap_bottom], outputs=[result, preview_image], ).then( fn=lambda x, history: update_history(x, history), inputs=[result, history_gallery], outputs=history_gallery, ).then( fn=lambda: gr.update(visible=True), inputs=None, outputs=use_as_input_button, ) fn=preview_image_and_mask, inputs=[input_image, width_slider, height_slider, overlap_percentage, resize_option, custom_resize_percentage, alignment_dropdown, overlap_left, overlap_right, overlap_top, overlap_bottom], outputs=preview_image, queue=False ) demo.queue(max_size=12).launch(share=False)