import init, { Model } from "./build/m.js" function fixTwo(x) { return Math.floor(x * 100) / 100 } function humanSize(size) { if(size < 1e3) return `${fixTwo(size)}b` if(size < 1e6) return `${fixTwo(size/1e3)}kb` if(size < 1e9) return `${fixTwo(size/1e6)}mb` if(size < 1e12) return `${fixTwo(size/1e9)}gb` return `${fixTwo(size/1e12)}tb` } function humanTime(seconds) { const _year = 31536e3 const _mon = 2592e3 const _day = 864e2 const _hour = 36e2 const _min = 60 const _sec = 1 const year_rem = seconds % _year const years = (seconds - year_rem) / _year const month_rem = year_rem % _mon const months = (year_rem - month_rem) / _mon const day_rem = month_rem % _day const days = (month_rem - day_rem) / _day const hour_rem = day_rem % _hour const hours = (day_rem - hour_rem) / _hour const minute_rem = hour_rem % _min const minutes = (hour_rem - minute_rem) / _min const second_rem = minute_rem % _sec const second = (minute_rem - second_rem) / _sec return (years > 0 ? `${years} year${years == 1 ? '' : 's'} ` : '') + (months > 0 ? `${months} month${months == 1 ? '' : 's'} `: '') + (days > 0 ? `${days} day${days == 1 ? '' : 's'} ` : '') + (hours > 0 ? `${hours} hour${hours == 1 ? '' : 's'} ` : '') + (minutes > 0 ? `${minutes} minute${minutes == 1 ? '' : 's'} ` : '') + (seconds > 0 ? `${second} second${second == 1 ? '' : 's'} ` : '') } let lastSend = 0 let lastTime = Infinity let times = [0, 0, 0, 0] async function fetchArrayBuffer(url) { const cacheName = "phi-mixformer-candle-cache" const cache = await const cachedResponse = await cache.match(url) if (cachedResponse) { const data = await cachedResponse.arrayBuffer() return new Uint8Array(data) } const res = await fetch(url, { cache: "force-cache" }) while (!res.body) { } const reader = res.body.getReader() const contentLength = +(res.headers.get('Content-Length') ?? 0) let receivedLength = 0 let chunks = [] while (true) { const { done, value } = await if (done) { break } chunks.push(value) receivedLength += value.length if( - lastSend > 250) { times.push(receivedLength) times = times.slice(1) let max = [times[3] - times[2], times[2] - times[1], times[1] - times[0]] let median = (max[0] + max[1] + max[2]) / 3 let lengthPerSecond = median * 4 let leftSize = contentLength - receivedLength let leftTime = Math.abs(leftSize / lengthPerSecond) if(leftTime > lastTime * 1.5 && lastTime != 0) leftTime = lastTime * 1.2 // if(leftTime > lastTime) leftTime = lastTime lastTime = leftTime let downloadMessage = `Downloading... ${fixTwo((receivedLength / contentLength) * 100)}% (${humanSize(Math.floor(receivedLength * 100) / 100)}) Estimated time remaining: ${humanTime(leftTime)} (may be inaccurate) Total size: ${humanSize(fixTwo(contentLength))} Download URL: ${url}` self.postMessage({ status: "loading", message: downloadMessage }) // console.log(downloadMessage) lastSend = } } let chunksAll = new Uint8Array(receivedLength) let position = 0 for (let chunk of chunks) { chunksAll.set(chunk, position) position += chunk.length } cache.put(url, new Response(chunksAll)) return chunksAll } async function concatenateArrayBuffers(urls) { const arrayBuffers = await Promise.all( => fetchArrayBuffer(url))) let totalLength = arrayBuffers.reduce((acc, arrayBuffer) => acc + arrayBuffer.byteLength, 0) let concatenatedBuffer = new Uint8Array(totalLength) let offset = 0 arrayBuffers.forEach(buffer => { concatenatedBuffer.set(new Uint8Array(buffer), offset) offset += buffer.byteLength }) return concatenatedBuffer } class Phi { static instance = {} static async getInstance( weightsURL, modelID, tokenizerURL, configURL, quantized ) { // load individual modelID only once if (!this.instance[modelID]) { await init() self.postMessage({ status: "loading", message: "Loading Model" }) const [weightsArrayU8, tokenizerArrayU8, configArrayU8] = await Promise.all([ weightsURL instanceof Array ? concatenateArrayBuffers(weightsURL) : fetchArrayBuffer(weightsURL), fetchArrayBuffer(tokenizerURL), fetchArrayBuffer(configURL), ]) this.instance[modelID] = new Model( weightsArrayU8, tokenizerArrayU8, configArrayU8, quantized ) } return this.instance[modelID] } } let controller = null self.addEventListener("message", (event) => { if ( === "start") { controller = new AbortController() generate( } else if ( === "abort") { controller.abort() } }) async function generate(data) { const { weightsURL, modelID, tokenizerURL, configURL, quantized, prompt, temp, top_p, repeatPenalty, seed, maxSeqLen, stuff } = data try { self.postMessage({ status: "loading", message: "Starting Phi" }) const model = await Phi.getInstance( weightsURL, modelID, tokenizerURL, configURL, quantized ) self.postMessage({ status: "loading", message: "Initializing model" }) const firstToken = model.init_with_prompt( prompt, temp, top_p, repeatPenalty, 64, BigInt(seed) ) const seq_len = 2048 let sentence = firstToken let maxTokens = maxSeqLen ? maxSeqLen : seq_len - prompt.length - 1 let startTime = let tokensCount = 0 while (tokensCount < maxTokens) { await new Promise(async (resolve) => { if (controller && controller.signal.aborted) { self.postMessage({ status: "aborted", message: "Aborted", output: prompt + sentence, }) return } const token = await model.next_token() const terminates = `<|endoftext|>, <|user|>, <|system|>, <|assistant|>`.split(', ').map(e => e.trim()) if (terminates.includes(token)) { self.postMessage({ status: "complete", message: "complete", output: prompt + sentence, }) return } const tokensSec = ((tokensCount + 1) / ( - startTime)) * 1000 sentence += token self.postMessage({ status: "generating", message: "Generating token", token: token, sentence: sentence, totalTime: - startTime, tokensSec, prompt: prompt, }) setTimeout(resolve, 0) }) tokensCount++ } self.postMessage({ status: "complete", message: "complete", output: prompt + sentence, }) } catch (e) { self.postMessage({ error: e }) } }