import ast import argparse import os from functools import partial from typing import List, Optional import sys import base64 from io import BytesIO import requests from import tqdm import time from PIL import Image import re import paddlehub as hub from paddlehub.module.module import moduleinfo from paddlehub.module.module import runnable from paddlehub.module.module import serving @moduleinfo( name="ernie_vilg", version="1.0.0", type="image/text_to_image", summary="", author="baidu-nlp", author_email="") class ErnieVilG: def __init__(self, ak=None, sk=None): """ :param ak: ak for applying token to request wenxin api. :param sk: sk for applying token to request wenxin api. """ if ak is None or sk is None: self.ak = 'G26BfAOLpGIRBN5XrOV2eyPA25CE01lE' = 'txLZOWIjEqXYMU3lSm05ViW4p9DWGOWs' else: self.ak = ak = sk self.token_host = '' self.token = self._apply_token(self.ak, def _apply_token(self, ak, sk): if ak is None or sk is None: ak = self.ak sk = response = requests.get(self.token_host, params={'grant_type':'client_credentials', 'client_id':ak, 'client_secret':sk}) if response: res = response.json() if res['code'] != 0: print('Request access token error.') raise RuntimeError("Request access token error.") else: print('Request access token error.') raise RuntimeError("Request access token error.") return res['data'] def generate_image(self, text_prompts, style: Optional[str] = "油画", topk: Optional[int] = 6, visualization: Optional[bool] = True, output_dir: Optional[str] = 'ernievilg_output'): """ Create image by text prompts using ErnieVilG model. :param text_prompts: Phrase, sentence, or string of words and phrases describing what the image should look like. :param style: Image stype, currently supported 油画、水彩、粉笔画、卡通、儿童画、蜡笔画、探索无限。 :param topk: Top k images to save. :param visualization: Whether to save images or not. :output_dir: Output directory """ if not os.path.exists(output_dir): os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) token = self.token task_create_start_time = time.time() print('task_create_start_time', time.ctime(task_create_start_time)) create_url = '' get_url = '' if isinstance(text_prompts, str): text_prompts = [text_prompts] taskids = [] for text_prompt in text_prompts: res =, headers={'Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}, data={'access_token': token,"text": text_prompt, "style": style}) res = res.json() if res['code'] == 4001: print('请求参数错误') raise RuntimeError("请求参数错误") elif res['code'] == 4002: print('请求参数格式错误,请检查必传参数是否齐全,参数类型等') raise RuntimeError("请求参数格式错误,请检查必传参数是否齐全,参数类型等") elif res['code'] == 4003: print('请求参数中,图片风格不在可选范围内') raise RuntimeError("请求参数中,图片风格不在可选范围内") elif res['code'] == 4004: print('API服务内部错误,可能引起原因有请求超时、模型推理错误等') raise RuntimeError("API服务内部错误,可能引起原因有请求超时、模型推理错误等") elif res['code'] == 100 or res['code'] == 110 or res['code'] == 111: token = self._apply_token(self.ak, res =, headers={'Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}, data={'access_token': token,"text": text_prompt, "style": style}) res = res.json() if res['code'] != 0: print("Token失效重新请求后依然发生错误,请检查输入的参数") raise RuntimeError("Token失效重新请求后依然发生错误,请检查输入的参数") if res['msg'] == 'success': taskids.append(res['data']["taskId"]) else: print(res['msg']) raise RuntimeError(res['msg']) task_create_end_time = time.time() print('task_create_end_time', time.ctime(task_create_end_time)) print('task create time:', task_create_end_time-task_create_start_time) start_time = time.time() print('task poll start time', time.ctime(start_time)) process_bar = tqdm(total=100, unit='%') results = {} total_time = 60 * len(taskids) while True: end_time = time.time() duration = end_time - start_time progress_rate = int((duration) / total_time*100) if not taskids: progress_rate = 100 if progress_rate > process_bar.n: if progress_rate >= 100: if not taskids: increase_rate = 100 - process_bar.n else: increase_rate = 0 else: increase_rate = progress_rate - process_bar.n else: increase_rate = 0 process_bar.update(increase_rate) if duration < 30: time.sleep(5) print('increase_time', end_time - start_time) print('increase_rate', increase_rate, flush=True) continue else: time.sleep(1) print('increase_time', end_time - start_time) print('increase_rate', increase_rate, flush=True) if not taskids: break has_done = [] for taskid in taskids: res =, headers={'Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}, data={'access_token': token,'taskId': {taskid}}) res = res.json() if res['code'] == 4001: print('请求参数错误') raise RuntimeError("请求参数错误") elif res['code'] == 4002: print('请求参数格式错误,请检查必传参数是否齐全,参数类型等') raise RuntimeError("请求参数格式错误,请检查必传参数是否齐全,参数类型等") elif res['code'] == 4003: print('请求参数中,图片风格不在可选范围内') raise RuntimeError("请求参数中,图片风格不在可选范围内") elif res['code'] == 4004: print('API服务内部错误,可能引起原因有请求超时、模型推理错误等') raise RuntimeError("API服务内部错误,可能引起原因有请求超时、模型推理错误等") elif res['code'] == 100 or res['code'] == 110 or res['code'] == 111: token = self._apply_token(self.ak, res =, headers={'Content-Type':'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}, data={'access_token': token,'taskId': {taskid}}) res = res.json() if res['code'] != 0: print("Token失效重新请求后依然发生错误,请检查输入的参数") raise RuntimeError("Token失效重新请求后依然发生错误,请检查输入的参数") if res['msg'] == 'success': if res['data']['status'] == 1: print('I am finished', flush=True) has_done.append(res['data']['taskId']) results[res['data']['text']] = { 'imgUrls': res['data']['imgUrls'], 'waiting': res['data']['waiting'], 'taskId': res['data']['taskId'] } else: print(res['msg']) raise RuntimeError(res['msg']) for taskid in has_done: taskids.remove(taskid) end_time = time.time() #debug code print('task poll end time', time.ctime(end_time)) #debug code print('poll time: ', end_time-start_time) start_save_time = time.time() #debug code print('Saving Images...') print('download_start_time', time.ctime(start_save_time)) #debug code result_images = [] for text, data in results.items(): for idx, imgdata in enumerate(data['imgUrls']): try: image =['image']).content)) except Exception as e: print('Download generated images error, retry one time') try: image =['image']).content)) except Exception: raise RuntimeError('Download generated images failed.') if visualization:, '{}_{}.png'.format(text, idx))) result_images.append(image) if idx + 1 >= topk: break print('Done') end_save_time = time.time() #debug code print('download_end_time', time.ctime(end_save_time)) #debug code print('Download and decode images time', end_save_time-start_save_time) return result_images @runnable def run_cmd(self, argvs): """ Run as a command. """ self.parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Run the {} module.".format(, prog='hub run {}'.format(, usage='%(prog)s', add_help=True) self.arg_input_group = self.parser.add_argument_group(title="Input options", description="Input data. Required") self.add_module_input_arg() args = self.parser.parse_args(argvs) if args.ak is not None and is not None: self.ak = args.ak = self.token = self._apply_token(self.ak, results = self.generate_image( text_prompts=args.text_prompts,, topk=args.topk, visualization=args.visualization, output_dir=args.output_dir ) return results @serving def serving_method(self, text_prompts, **kwargs): """ Run as a service. """ results_base64encoded = [] results = self.generate_image(text_prompts=text_prompts, **kwargs) for result in results: buffered = BytesIO(), format="png") img_str = base64.b64encode(buffered.getvalue()).decode('utf-8') results_base64encoded.append(img_str) return results_base64encoded def add_module_input_arg(self): """ Add the command input options. """ self.arg_input_group.add_argument('--text_prompts', type=str) self.arg_input_group.add_argument('--style', type=str, default='油画', choices=['油画','水彩','粉笔画','卡通','儿童画','蜡笔画','探索无限'], help="绘画风格") self.arg_input_group.add_argument('--topk', type=int, default=6, help="选取保存前多少张图,最多10张") self.arg_input_group.add_argument('--ak', type=str, default=None, help="申请文心api使用token的ak") self.arg_input_group.add_argument('--sk', type=str, default=None, help="申请文心api使用token的sk") self.arg_input_group.add_argument('--visualization', type=bool, default=True, help="是否保存生成的图片") self.arg_input_group.add_argument('--output_dir', type=str, default='ernievilg_output')