# shape of input image to YOLO W, H = 448, 448 # grid size after last convolutional layer of YOLO S = 7 # anchors of YOLO model ANCHORS = [[1.08,1.19], [3.42,4.41], [16.62,10.52]] # number of anchors boxes BOX = len(ANCHORS) # maximum number of stamps on image STAMP_NB_MAX = 10 # minimal confidence of presence a stamp in the grid cell OUTPUT_THRESH = 0.76 # maximal iou score to consider boxes different IOU_THRESH = 0.3 # path to folder containing images IMAGE_FOLDER = './data/images' # path to .cvs file containing annotations ANNOTATIONS_PATH = './data/all_annotations.csv' # standard deviation and mean of pixel values for normalization STD = (0.229, 0.224, 0.225) MEAN = (0.485, 0.456, 0.406) # box color to show the bounding box on image BOX_COLOR = (0, 0, 255)