# ## # # [DANGER] # The example file here is outdated, # please visit the official documentation to get the latest configuration file example. # # 🔗 https://wibus-wee.github.io/raycast-unblock/ # # [WARNING] # The example file here only keeps the minimum available configuration, # please refer to the official documentation for more configuration items. # ## [General] # If you deploy this service on a remote server, # it is recommended to set mode to "remote", maybe one day this program will be used # and you **should** set host to "", or you can't access the service from the outside mode = "remote" port = 3000 host = "" # If there are some problems, you can set debug & logger to true debug = false # Fastify Logger logger = false # If you want the service to listen to the changes of the configuration file and update automatically, # you can set watch to true watch = false [General.Https] # If you want to use HTTPS, you can set the following configuration # enabled = true # # You can specify the host to the certificate file (auto generate mode) # host = '' # # You can also specify the path to your existing certificate file # key = "path # cert = "path" # ca = "path" [AI] default = "openai" # If the parameter is not set in the specific AI service, # this value will be used # For example: # If I don't set the temperature parameter in AI.OpenAI, this value will be used # But if I set the temperature parameter in AI.Gemini, the temperature parameter in AI.Gemini will be used # temperature = 0.5 # max_tokens = 100 [AI.Functions] # You should enter plugin IDs that you want to enable here. # The following plugins are supported: # serp, web_search # You can go to src/features/ai/functionsCall to see more details. plugins = [ 'serp', 'web_search' ] [AI.Functions.Serp] apyHub_api_key = "APY04V154epVA7X87TSe6OmYnPTMr58CyTExbPzUAnaFg7t2YcY46YqRMfNPDZAJQ0V5CQbuGilK6r" # tavily_ai_api_key = "" # Tavily currently doesn't support. [AI.OpenAI] # If the default model is not set, # or... # if the default model is set, # but the specific AI service's model is not set, # the default model written in the code will be used # default = "gpt-3.5-turbo-16k.legacy" # You can edit the base_url if you want to use the custom OpenAI server base_url = "https://api.smgc.cc/v1" api_key = "sk-uFCx2OYWLKJaHtfy7b0cBc517f3c4cF5A1279c855f9f6aE6" # if you'd like to use azure openai # is_azure = true # base_url = "https://.openai.azure.com" # azure_deployment_name = "YOUR_AZURE_DEPLOYMENT_ID" # if not provided, use req.body.model # If the parameter is set in the specific AI service # this value will be used, and it has the highest priority # temperature = 0.5 # max_tokens = 100 # Custom OpenAI Model # You can add your own OpenAI model just like the following: # # [NOTICE] You shouldn't use the dot in the model name. It will be parsed as a section [AI.OpenAI.Models.GPT4] id = "gpt-4-0125-preview" # if it's not provided, it will be generated from the Object key. For example, here it will be "gpt4" model = "gpt-4-0125-preview" # if it's not provided, it will be generated from the Object key. name = "GPT-4 (Preview)" # if it's not provided, it will be generated from the Object key. description = "GPT-4 is OpenAI’s most capable model with broad general knowledge, allowing it to follow complex instructions and solve difficult problems.\n" # speed = 3 # if it's not provided, the default value will be used. # intelligence = 3 # if it's not provided, the default value will be used. # context = 8 # if it's not provided, the default value will be used. # status = "beta" # [AI.OpenAI.Models.GPT4.Capabilities] # Features control # image_generation = true # Not supported yet # web_search = true # The premise is that the model needs to support Function Call. [AI.OpenAI.Models.GPT4-TURBO] id = "gpt-4-turbo" model = "gpt-4-turbo" name = "GPT-4 (Turbo)" description = "GPT-4-Trubo is OpenAI’s most capable model with broad general knowledge, allowing it to follow complex instructions and solve difficult problems.\n" # speed = 3 # if it's not provided, the default value will be used. # intelligence = 3 # if it's not provided, the default value will be used. # context = 8 # if it's not provided, the default value will be used. # status = "beta" # [AI.OpenAI.Models.GPT4.Capabilities] # Features control # image_generation = true # Not supported yet web_search = true [AI.OpenAI.Models.GPT4o] id = "gpt-4o" # if it's not provided, it will be generated from the Object key. For example, here it will be "gpt4" model = "gpt-4o" # if it's not provided, it will be generated from the Object key. name = "GPT-4o" # if it's not provided, it will be generated from the Object key. description = "GPT-4o is OpenAI’s most capable model with broad general knowledge, allowing it to follow complex instructions and solve difficult problems.\n" # speed = 3 # if it's not provided, the default value will be used. # intelligence = 3 # if it's not provided, the default value will be used. # context = 8 # if it's not provided, the default value will be used. # status = "beta" # [AI.OpenAI.Models.GPT4.Capabilities] # Features control # image_generation = true # Not supported yet # web_search = true # The premise is that the model needs to support Function Call. [AI.Groq] # refresh_token = '' # temperature = 0.5 # max_tokens = 100 [AI.Gemini] api_key = "" # temperature = 0.5 # max_tokens = 100 [AI.Cohere] email = "" password = "" [Translate] # You can choose the default translation service from the following: # shortcut, deeplx, ai, libretranslate, google # Default: deeplx default = "deeplx" # Maybe one day there will be a [Translate.Shortcuts] configuration here... # [Translate.Shortcuts] [Translate.DeepLX] # proxy_endpoints = [] # access_tokens = [] [Translate.AI] # If the default model is not set, # or... # if the default model is set, # but the specific AI service's model is not set, # the default model written in the code will be used # Default: openai default = "openai" # The model used by the AI service # (only effective for openai, groq) # Default: gpt-3.5-turbo model = "gpt-3.5-turbo" [Translate.LibreTranslate] base_url = "https://libretranslate.com" # You can choose the type from the following: # reserve, api # Default: reserve type = "reserve" # If you choose api, you should set the api_key api_key = "" [Sync] # The location of the sync file, default is "icloud", and you can also set it to "local" # # The iCloud storage solution is only effective when deployed on the macOS client # # **iCloud storage solution** is the *default* option in *macOS* deployments type = "icloud" # icloud / local