import gradio as gr from huggingface_hub import hf_hub_download hf_hub_download(repo_id="LLukas22/gpt4all-lora-quantized-ggjt", filename="ggjt-model.bin", local_dir=".") from llama_cpp import Llama llm = Llama(model_path="./ggjt-model.bin") ins = '''### Instruction: {} ### Response: ''' fixed_instruction = "You are a healthcare bot designed to give advice for the prevention and treatment of various illnesses." def respond(message, chat_history): full_instruction = fixed_instruction + " " + message formatted_instruction = ins.format(full_instruction) bot_message = llm(formatted_instruction, stop=['### Instruction:', '### End']) bot_message = bot_message['choices'][0]['text'] return bot_message gr.ChatInterface( fn=respond, chatbot=gr.Chatbot(height=300), textbox=gr.Textbox(placeholder="Ask me a question"), title="Healthcare Bot", description="Ask the Healthcare Bot any question", examples = [ "Give me treatements for heart disease", "I hate excercise, what else can I do to treat my high blood pressure", "How can I avoid lung disease", ], ).launch()