from fastapi import FastAPI ,Request ,Form, UploadFile, File from fastapi.responses import JSONResponse from fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse, FileResponse import os import io from PIL import ImageOps,Image ,ImageFilter #from transformers import pipeline import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np import ast from server import * #http://localhost:8000 app = FastAPI() # Root route @app.get('/') def main(): return "Hello World taha" ##### use space /tmp/ ...'/imageStep1') async def image_step1(image_file: UploadFile = File(...),type_of_filters: str = Form(...), blur_radius: str = Form(...),): contents = await image = produced_image=SegmenterBackground().Back_step1(image,type_of_filters,int(blur_radius))[0] # Save the processed image to a temporary file output_file_path_tmp = "/tmp/tmp_processed_image.png" # Return the processed image for download return FileResponse(output_file_path_tmp, media_type='image/png', filename="/tmp/tmp_processed_image.png")'/predict') async def predict(supported_types_str: str = Form(),age: str = Form() , file: UploadFile = File(...)): # Form(...) to accept input as web form ,may change when android /upload supported_types=ast.literal_eval(supported_types_str) contents = await image = # Process the image (example: convert to grayscale) processed_image = image.convert("L") # Save the processed image to a temporary file output_file_path = "/tmp/tmp_processed_image.png" # Return the processed image for download return FileResponse(output_file_path, media_type='image/png', filename="/tmp/tmp_processed_image.png")