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Welcome to the world of the Yi series models from 01.AI!

You can explore the Yi series models listed below. Try now and enjoy! 😘

Series Intro
Yi-1.5 Models (2024/05) An upgraded version of the Yi models (2023/11), with overall optimized performance in coding, math, reasoning, and logic.
Yi-1.5 includes a collection of pre-trained and fine-tuned language models in 3 sizes: 6B, 9B, and 34B.
Yi-VL Models (2024/01) A collection of pre-trained and fine-tuned multimodal models in 2 sizes: 6B and 34B.
Yi Models (2023/11) A collection of pre-trained and fine-tuned language models in 2 sizes: 6B and 34B.


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