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01ef069 verified
  - text: >-
      Gapapa kalian gak tahu band Indo ini. Tapi jangan becanda. Karena mereka
      berani menyanyikan dengan lantang bagaimana aktivis ditikam, diracun,
      dikursilitrikkan, dan dibunuh di udara. Orang-orang yang berkorban nyawa
      supaya kalian menikmati hari ini sambil ngetwit tanpa khawatir
    example_title: Example 1
      - label: Negative
        score: 0.2964
      - label: Neutral
        score: 0.067
      - label: Positive
        score: 0.6969
  - text: >-
      Selama ada kelompok yg ingin jd mesias, selama itu jg govt punya
      justifikasi but bikin banyak aturan = celah korup/power abuse. Keadilan
      adalah deregulasi.
    example_title: Example 2
      - label: Negative
        score: 0.971
      - label: Neutral
        score: 0.0165
      - label: Positive
        score: 0.126
  - text: >-
      saat pendukungmu oke😹 gas ✌🏽oke😹 gas ✌🏽tapi kamu malah ketawa 🤣 itu
      ga respek 😠banget wok jangan lupa makan siang 😁geratisnya wok😋😹✌🏽
    example_title: Example 3
      - label: Negative
        score: 0.6457
      - label: Neutral
        score: 0.048
      - label: Positive
        score: 0.3063
  - text: >-
      Infoin loker wfh/freelance untuk mahasiswa dong, pengin bangget buat
      tambahan uang jajan di kos
    example_title: Example 4
      - label: Negative
        score: 0.0544
      - label: Neutral
        score: 0.6973
      - label: Positive
        score: 0.2482
  - text: >-
      Cari kerja sekarang tuh susah. Anaknya Presiden aja mesti dicariin kerjaan
      sama bapaknya
    example_title: Example 5
      - label: Negative
        score: 0.9852
      - label: Neutral
        score: 0.0116
      - label: Positive
        score: 0.0032
library_name: transformers
license: mit
  - id

Model Card for Model ID

Model Details

Model Description

This model is a fine-tuned version of IndoBertweet-base-uncased for Indonesian sentiment analysis. The model is designed to classify sentiment into three categories: negative, positive, and neutral. It has been trained on a diverse dataset comprising reactions from Twitter and other social media platforms, covering various topics, including politics, disasters, and education. The model is optimized using Optuna for hyperparameter tuning and evaluated using accuracy, F1-score, precision, and recall metrics.

Bias and Limitations

Do consider that this model is trained using certain data, which may cause bias in the sentiment classification process. The model may inherit socio-cultural biases from its training data and may be less accurate for the most recent events that are not covered in the data. The limitation of the three categories may also not fully grasp the complexity of emotions, especially in capturing particular contexts. Therefore, it is important to consider and account for such biases when using this model.

Evaluation Results

The training process uses hyperparameter optimization techniques with Optuna. The model was trained for a maximum of 10 epochs with a batch size of 16, using an optimized learning rate and weight decay. The evaluation strategy is performed every 100 steps, saving the best model based on accuracy. The training also applied early stopping with patience 3 to prevent overfitting.

Epoch Training Loss Validation Loss Accuracy F1 Precision Recall
100 1.052800 0.995017 0.482368 0.348356 0.580544 0.482368
200 0.893700 0.807756 0.730479 0.703134 0.756189 0.730479
300 0.583400 0.476157 0.850126 0.847161 0.849467 0.850126
400 0.413600 0.385942 0.867758 0.867614 0.870417 0.867758
500 0.345700 0.362191 0.885390 0.883918 0.886880 0.885390
600 0.245400 0.330090 0.897985 0.897466 0.897541 0.897985
700 0.485000 0.308807 0.899244 0.898736 0.898761 0.899244
800 0.363700 0.328786 0.896725 0.895167 0.898695 0.896725
900 0.369800 0.329429 0.892947 0.893138 0.898281 0.892947
1000 0.273300 0.305412 0.910579 0.910355 0.910519 0.910579
1100 0.272800 0.388976 0.891688 0.893113 0.896606 0.891688
1200 0.259900 0.305771 0.913098 0.913123 0.913669 0.913098
1300 0.293500 0.317654 0.908060 0.908654 0.909939 0.908060
1400 0.255200 0.331161 0.915617 0.915708 0.916149 0.915617
1500 0.139800 0.352545 0.909320 0.909768 0.911014 0.909320
1600 0.194400 0.372482 0.904282 0.904296 0.906285 0.904282
1700 0.134200 0.340576 0.906801 0.907110 0.907780 0.906801


    author    = {Mikhael Ardiyanto},
    title     = {Aardiiiiy/indobertweet-base-Indonesian-sentiment-analysis},
    year      = {2024},
    URL       = {https://huggingface.co/Aardiiiiy/indobertweet-base-Indonesian-sentiment-analysis},
    publisher = {Hugging Face}