AI & ML interests

Breaking the opacity of language models for legal professionals 📖 Join us by smashing the button at top right 🤗

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Welcome to HF for Legal, a community dedicated to breaking down the opacity of language models for legal professionals. Our mission is to empower legal practitioners, scholars, and researchers with the knowledge and tools they need to navigate the complex world of AI in the legal domain. At HF for Legal, we aim to:

  • Demystify AI language models for the legal community
  • Share curated resources, including specialized legal models, datasets, and tools
  • Foster collaboration on projects that enhance legal research and practice through AI
  • Provide a platform for discussing ethical implications and best practices of AI in law
  • Offer tutorials and workshops on leveraging AI technologies in legal work

By bringing together legal experts, AI researchers, and technology enthusiasts, we strive to create an open ecosystem where legal professionals can easily access, understand, and utilize AI models tailored to their needs. Whether you're a practicing attorney, a legal scholar, or a technologist interested in legal applications of AI, HF for Legal is your hub for exploration, learning, and innovation in the evolving landscape of AI-assisted legal practice.

Join us in our mission to make AI more accessible and understandable for the legal world, ensuring that the power of language models can be harnessed effectively and ethically in the pursuit of justice.

🤗 Assistants

Assistants are a great way to configure models to perform specific tasks. You can find an example with the French law based on legal codes and cases:

The prompts behind them are public. Feel free to tailor them to your needs. Also, share your ideas for other Assistants in the Community tab!


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