Louis Brulé Naudet


AI & ML interests

Research in business taxation and development, University Dauphine-PSL 📖 | Backed by the Microsoft for Startups Hub program and Google Cloud Platform for startups program | Hugging Face for Legal 🤗


Posts 7

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Announcing the creation of the "HF for Legal" organization, an open-source community dedicated to demystifying language models for legal professionals 🤗

Whether you're a practicing attorney, a legal scholar, or a technologist interested in legal applications of AI, HF for Legal may be your hub for exploration, learning, and free innovation ⚗️

On the occasion of this launch, you'll be able to find several notebooks I've been developing over the last few months for TSDAE pre-training of embedding models, the generation of indexes for semantic search, based on the formidable work of @tomaarsen and @nreimers , adapted to the field of French law, or the addition of information retrieval tasks to the MTEB.

Join us in our mission to make AI more accessible and understandable for the legal world, ensuring that the power of language models can be harnessed effectively and ethically.

Link to the org: https://huggingface.co/HFforLegal

Special thanks to @clem for encouraging me to start this organization. Let's hope we can bring together all the enthusiasts who work in this field.

Let's code and share together! 🚀🔗
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I am delighted to announce the publication of my LegalKit, a French labeled dataset built for legal ML training 🤗

This dataset comprises multiple query-document pairs (+50k) curated for training sentence embedding models within the domain of French law.

The labeling process follows a systematic approach to ensure consistency and relevance:
- Initial Query Generation: Three instances of the LLaMA-3-70B model independently generate three different queries based on the same document.
- Selection of Optimal Query: A fourth instance of the LLaMA-3-70B model, using a dedicated selection prompt, evaluates the generated queries and selects the most suitable one.
- Final Label Assignment: The chosen query is used to label the document, aiming to ensure that the label accurately reflects the content and context of the original text.

Dataset: louisbrulenaudet/legalkit

Stay tuned for further updates and release information 🔥

@clem , if we can create an "HF for Legal" organization, similar to what exists for journalists, I am available!

Note : My special thanks to @alvdansen for their illustration models ❤️