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Designed for Advanced Problem-Solving Across Interconnected Domains of Biomimicry, Climate Change, and Astrobiology

The Llama-3-IMPACTS-2x8B-64k model is a cutting-edge large language model trained on the I.M.P.A.C.T.S dataset, which encompasses scenarios from biomimicry, climate change, and theoretical astrobiology. This model has been specifically tailored to generate innovative solutions and insights for both Earth and potential extraterrestrial environments, reflecting key themes of resilience, sustainability, and the interconnectedness of life across the universe.

Model Details


  • Model name: Llama-3-IMPACTS-2x8B-64k
  • Developer: Severian
  • Version: 1.0
  • License: MIT

Training Data

The model was trained on a subset of the I.M.P.A.C.T. dataset, utilizing 35,000 carefully curated examples that include detailed scenarios involving climate adaptation, biomimetic applications, and the potential for life in varying cosmic conditions.

Model Architecture

  • Type: Llama-3
  • Parameters: 8 billion
  • MoE: 2 Experts
  • Training:
  • Epochs: 1 (35K Examples)
  • R = 64
  • Alpha = 128
  • Lr = 1e-7
  • Context Limit: 64K

Intended Uses

This model is intended for use in applications that require deep, interdisciplinary understanding and the generation of novel insights within the realms of environmental science, synthetic biology, space exploration, and sustainability studies. Its capabilities make it ideal for:

  • Research and academic studies aiming to explore complex scenarios involving ecological and astrobiological phenomena.
  • Organizations looking to innovate in the fields of climate resilience and biomimicry.
  • Creative problem-solving in contexts where conventional approaches are insufficient.

How to Use This Model

The model can be loaded and used in various natural language processing tasks that require nuanced understanding and creative output. Here is a basic example of how to load and use the model using the Hugging Face Transformers library:

Can be used with any GGUF serving framework such as Ollama, LMStudio, llama.cpp, Nitro, etc.

Use Cases

Universe/World Simulation

Use Llama-3-IMPACTS-2x8B-64k to simulate incredibly unique and diverse ecosystems and cosmic worlds. Example image generation (text-to-image):

User Prompt: 'Craft a detailed image generation prompt focused on visualizing an innovative scenario that integrates biomimicry, climate change adaptation, and astrobiology.'

Image Generation Prompt:

Title: “Biomimicry on Kepler-62f: A Red Dwarf Oasis”


In the year 2154, humanity discovers a new Earth-like planet, Kepler-62f, orbiting a red dwarf star. This distant world is beset by extreme climate conditions, with scorching daytime temperatures and frigid nighttime temperatures. To thrive in this unforgiving environment, scientists apply biomimetic technologies developed on Earth to create a sustainable ecosystem.


In the foreground, a sprawling cityscape stretches across the planet’s surface, its architecture inspired by nature’s own designs. Towering “Tree-Habitats” mimic the branching structures of terrestrial trees, providing shelter and habitat for various extraterrestrial species. Their trunks are covered in iridescent, solar-powered panels that generate energy while also filtering out harmful radiation from the red dwarf star.

In the distance, a vast network of “Coral-Reefs” sprawls across the planet’s surface, mimicking the intricate structures found on Earth’s coral reefs. These artificial ecosystems support an incredible array of alien marine life, including bioluminescent fish, towering kelp-like seaweed, and gelatinous sea creatures that drift through the water like terrestrial jellyfish.

Above the city, a series of “Cloud-Cities” float majestically, their translucent membranes reflecting the red dwarf star’s light. These floating metropolises are home to species adapted for life in the upper atmosphere, such as winged beings with iridescent feathers and gas-filled bodies that allow them to soar through the skies.

Key Features:

Biomimetic Architecture: Buildings and structures are designed to mimic natural forms, providing insulation, shelter, and habitat for various species.
Artificial Ecosystems: “Coral-Reefs” support marine life, while “Tree-Habitats” provide shelter and food sources for terrestrial species.
Energy Harvesting: Solar-powered panels on the Tree-Habitats generate energy, while wind turbines and tidal power generators supplement the planet’s energy needs.
Advanced Life Support Systems: Closed-loop systems recycle water, air, and waste, minimizing the impact of human activities on the planet’s fragile ecosystem.
Extraterrestrial Biodiversity: Various alien species thrive in this red dwarf oasis, from towering kelp-like seaweed to bioluminescent fish and winged beings adapted for life in the upper atmosphere.
Color Palette:

Warm oranges and yellows evoke the scorching daytime temperatures
Deep blues and purples represent the frigid nighttime conditions
Iridescent hues on the Tree-Habitats and Cloud-Cities reflect the planet’s unique radiation patterns

Blend of realistic and stylized elements, with a focus on showcasing the innovative biomimetic technologies and extraterrestrial biodiversity.
Incorporate subtle texture and gradient effects to convey the harsh climate conditions and the adaptability of life on Kepler-62f.
By visualizing this futuristic scenario, we can explore the possibilities of biomimicry as a solution for climate change adaptation and sustainability in extreme environments. The image should inspire viewers to consider the potential applications of nature-inspired technologies in our own struggle against environmental challenges and encourage a deeper appreciation for the diversity of life that exists – or could exist – beyond Earth.


Disaster Response Simulation

Prompt: "Simulate the impact of a Category 5 hurricane hitting the eastern coast of Florida in 2030, considering factors such as rising sea levels and urban density. Assess potential emergency responses and resource needs."

Example Response



A powerful Category 5 hurricane, named "Hurricane Ana," makes landfall on September 15, 2030, along the eastern coast of Florida, near Miami. The storm brings with it catastrophic winds, torrential rainfall, and a massive storm surge due to rising sea levels.

Storm Characteristics:

  • Wind Speeds: Up to 160 mph (257 km/h)
  • Storm Surge: 10-15 feet (3-4.5 meters) above mean sea level
  • Rainfall: 12-18 inches (30-45 cm) in the first 24 hours, with isolated areas receiving up to 24 inches (60 cm)


  1. Coastal Flooding: Rising sea levels exacerbate the storm surge, causing widespread flooding and damage along the eastern coast of Florida, particularly in Miami-Dade, Broward, and Palm Beach counties.
  2. Urban Infrastructure: The densely populated cities along the coast suffer significant damage to buildings, roads, and infrastructure, leading to disruptions in essential services like power, water, and communication.
  3. Displacement and Evacuations: Over 1 million people are displaced or evacuated from their homes, with many seeking shelter in nearby inland areas or temporary facilities.
  4. Environmental Concerns: The storm surge contaminates waterways, causing concerns about water quality and potential health risks for those affected.
  5. Economic Impact: The estimated economic loss is around $100 billion, considering damage to infrastructure, businesses, and agricultural industries.

Emergency Response:

  1. Evacuation Efforts: Emergency responders prioritize evacuations, focusing on vulnerable populations like the elderly, children, and those with disabilities. They also ensure that essential services like hospitals, fire stations, and emergency centers are evacuated.
  2. Search and Rescue Operations: Teams conduct door-to-door searches for trapped individuals, using specialized equipment and resources to navigate flooded areas.
  3. Food, Water, and Medical Supplies: Aid distributions prioritize the most affected communities, with a focus on providing essential supplies, shelter, and medical care.
  4. Power Restoration: Utility companies work to restore power as quickly as possible, deploying crews from neighboring states and using advanced technologies like drones and satellite imaging to assess damage and optimize response efforts.

Resource Needs:

  1. Personnel: Over 10,000 emergency responders, including firefighters, police officers, medical personnel, and National Guard troops, are deployed to support the response effort.
  2. Equipment and Supplies: Critical resources include:
    • Generators and fuel
    • Food, water, and medical supplies
    • Communication equipment (satellite phones, etc.)
    • Heavy machinery for debris removal and infrastructure repair
    • Shelter materials (tents, blankets, etc.)
  3. Funding: Estimated costs exceed $500 million, requiring a significant allocation of federal, state, and local funds to support the response and recovery efforts.
  4. Logistical Support: Coordination with neighboring states and national agencies is crucial for maintaining supply chains, transporting personnel and equipment, and sharing expertise.


  1. Infrastructure Overload: The sheer scale of damage overwhelms local infrastructure, leading to delays in aid distribution and response efforts.
  2. Water Contamination: Concerns about water quality hinder access to clean drinking water, exacerbating public health risks.
  3. Displacement and Shelter: The large number of displaced individuals creates a significant shortage of available shelter options, straining resources and emergency services.

Lessons Learned:

  1. Preparedness is Key: Prioritizing evacuation planning, infrastructure hardening, and disaster preparedness can significantly reduce the impact of such events.
  2. Collaboration is Crucial: Effective coordination between local, state, and federal agencies, as well as with neighboring states and national organizations, is essential for a successful response.
  3. Adaptation to Rising Sea Levels: The increasing threat of sea-level rise requires a shift in disaster preparedness strategies, focusing on resilient infrastructure design and adaptive management practices.


The simulated impact of Hurricane Ana highlights the devastating consequences of a Category 5 hurricane hitting Florida's eastern coast, exacerbated by rising sea levels. The emergency response efforts require significant resources, personnel, and coordination to address the complex challenges posed by this disaster. As we move forward, it is essential to prioritize preparedness, collaboration, and adaptation to mitigate the effects of these events and protect vulnerable communities."

Try it out yourself!

Extraterrestrial Colony Planning

Prompt: "Design a sustainable human colony for Mars, focusing on water resource management, energy production, and habitat construction using local materials. Include potential environmental challenges and solutions."

Environmental Policy Formulation

Prompt: "Evaluate the long-term ecological impacts of banning single-use plastics globally. Simulate the effects on marine life, pollution levels, and waste management systems over the next 50 years."

Advanced Educational Tools

Prompt: "Create an interactive simulation that demonstrates the water cycle on Earth, including the effects of deforestation and urbanization on water availability and quality in major river basins."

Interactive Storytelling

Prompt: "Generate a narrative where the user is a leader in a community facing severe drought conditions. Allow the user to make decisions about water usage, agricultural practices, and public policy, showing the consequences of each choice."

Biodiversity Conservation Strategies

Prompt: "Develop a conservation strategy for the Amazon rainforest, focusing on mitigating the effects of deforestation and climate change. Simulate various scenarios involving local communities and global stakeholders."

Interstellar Communication Simulation

Prompt: "Imagine a scenario where Earth receives a signal from a distant planet. Simulate a series of potential communications that could be exchanged, considering language barriers and the transmission delay over light-years."

Bioengineering Solutions

Prompt: "Propose a bioengineering project to create microbial life forms that can detoxify plastic waste in the ocean. Describe the genetic traits these organisms would need and simulate the potential ecological impact."

Cross-Planetary Impact Studies

Prompt: "Analyze how a supernova explosion in a neighboring star system could affect planetary systems in its vicinity, including potential impacts on Earth's magnetic field and atmosphere."

Custom Scenario Development

Prompt: "Allow the user to create a custom scenario involving an unexpected volcanic eruption in Iceland. Let the user set parameters like the eruption's size, duration, and ash distribution, then simulate the global climate and air travel impacts."

These prompts are designed to maximize the utilization of the model's capabilities in various complex and interdisciplinary scenarios, making them useful for researchers, educators, policymakers, and enthusiasts interested in exploring these domains.

Limitations and Biases

While the Llama-3-IMPACTS-2x8B-64k model is designed to be a powerful tool for generating insightful content, it inherits limitations from its training data, which, though extensive, may not capture all possible scenarios or biases. Users should be aware of these limitations and consider them when interpreting the model's outputs, especially in decision-making contexts.

Model Performance

Initial tests indicate that the model performs exceptionally well in tasks that involve complex reasoning and generating innovative solutions based on the scenarios presented in the I.M.P.A.C.T.S dataset. Further evaluation and fine-tuning may be required to optimize performance for specific applications.

The Llama-3-IMPACTS-2x8B-64k model represents an avenue that AI can use for exploring and solving complex problems across multiple domains. By leveraging the rich, interconnected dataset of I.M.P.A.C.T.S, it offers a valuable tool for researchers, innovators, and thinkers aiming to push the boundaries of what's possible in their fields.

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Model size
13.7B params


Inference Examples
Unable to determine this model's library. Check the docs .

Dataset used to train Severian/Llama-3-IMPACTS-2x8B-64k-GGUF