i never know where i could end up next but right now i feel that pleasant warmth that comes from hitting the sweet spot of life
i was feeling stubborn so when my friend said that i had to come to her if i wanted a hug i said well come halfway but no so i just walked off and shes leaving today
i don t feel like being friendly to the tsa
i thereafter began to feel that such lay readers were getting something useful even as i maintained my principal approach to target tax professionals and tax students in the content provided
i just dont do anything that i feel is worth note so it only makes me look very boring
i understand what it feels to be hated
i was feeling pretty joyful about having my last doctors appointment re the bike accident today
im feeling quite mellow
i was still feeling somewhat dazed at how well it had all gone in spite of my own inability to cope with so much change at once
i just cant help feeling lousy especially seeing how well others have done even not studying that much
i really dont know why i feel so dull after having had such a pleasant beginning yesterday and all
i will tackle issues head on but today i lost that will and feel totally defeated
i feel restless pagetitle you me and pretty much everything else
i feel like i have finally resolved some major conflicts with my room mate and thankfully both of us were mature enough to sit down and listen to the others complaints
i dont wanna limit how i express myself in my blog so dont be shocked right now when i say im feeling real fucked up
i feel as if i am a vile creature from the sewers below
i am grateful for my new calling and for all the amazing girls and leaders in the ward who have already made me feel welcomed and loved
i felt like no one could ever understand what was happening or that they would tell me to grow up or feel completely uncomfortable was about one hundred percent of my mind set
i talk a lot bcoz i feel insecure with the condition or merely bcoz i wanna fill in the silence
im just trying to enjoy this this letting myself feel something opening up to someone trusting and loving and having faith
i gushes more than top secret dexter function i feel really lucky width height
i dont feel ashamed timid embarassed or anything else along those lines when im around him because i know he will still love me for me at the end of the day
i feel like my brain is the unfortunate drawer in your house
i feel so joyful about my relationship i just cant contain it
i believe that honesty and transparency are vital to feeling accepted and contented how can people truly accept what they cannot understand
im still in shock that i would do something so dumbass and publically stupid and not feel humiliated that we were two people swaying in a store and trading lines of a song
i still feel like i am going to pass out every time i think of our handsome credit but i must really love the house because i am prepared to close my eyes and stomach the fact that we are in debt for xx years
i thought i would possibly panic or suddenly feel hopeless and depressed over what was happening
i can feel my self so frightened and intimidated by this that i almost on some level give up
i am feeling nostalgic of all my toronto adventures but right now the thing that stands out most is i am sad that i do not have any images of my favourite apartment with the fireplace
i feel like im being punished for making these choices
i feel like i am respected but i also feel like i am pushed every second
i have never made the first step because the guys were alway faster this is why this situation is making me feel very unsure and elusively shy
i feel hated to be myself
i can t feel saddened or that i should just stop caring
i had this feeling that something strange was happening
i desperately wanted to love leave me feeling unsure if i will read more by this author
i feel doubtful of my journey here
i consider impossible as i dread the feeling of rejection but im glad how positive amp happy u seemed after knowing hopefully im not making a mistake on this one
im used to feeling helpless
i hadn t forced myself to notice these things i ve been ignoring then i would probably stay stuck in these patterns and eventually feel extremely unhappy
i dropped the found footage fest thing cause i didnt feel like trying to be funny
i feel like he does drop back a little bit and lets his supporting cast shine from time to time
i just feel really unimportant at this moment
i feel like i get way to pissed or sad at things that other people seem to not even notice
i feel a bit hesitant to do so for a few reasons
i am suddenly feeling reluctant about this whole thing
i can feel the awful crash from the sugar overload i gave myself along with the bloating from the gluten bad fats and general garbage that comes with all processed foods
i know i ve typed things that have been misconstrued and that makes me feel awful
im kind of ashamed that i fell into the same trap twice but feeling ashamed wont help anyone
i always feel vaguely suspicious giving my personal details to random strangers i tell myself not to give her my real date of birth
i try to make sure that all the jobs that need doing are done and that everything will run totally smoothly or do i set booby traps so that i can feel useful as i m skyped so that my expertise
i feel cranky and i mean really cranky i feel seconds away from vomiting and i chug water like a mad woman
i truly had the best time and i have them to thank for it because they made me feel welcomed in every minute of the day and i felt like weve all been friends forever
i feel stubborn and brittle and fragile like a misty old window unprotected from things it doesn t even know are coming
i feel like blogging or should i say i feel like writing something dumb again
i feel damaged for being forced to play someone who is over muscled violent and arrogant
i dreamt i was doing shots of tequila and now this morning im feeling groggy
i remember how i was feeling gloomy on the th i even cried in front of him and he just hugged me and everything was okay
id been dealing with in salt lake noting that taco maker chooses to call its tator tots potato gems instead of tator tots or mexi fries like taco time then debating whether i should feel dumb for eating at taco maker during my one day in park city
i havent wanted to pressure him because i want him to feel me just as supportive but i have been a wreck inside too waiting
i see how daring she is i feel that its charming
i know is i was feeling so sure of my love for him that i felt i could let go of him and survive
i feel pressured in any sort of way
i feel like im sorta pressuring her to go but she reassured me that she does want to go
im not feeling but my bitchyness is more divine and centered
i could feel myself getting agitated little things i wouldn t notice any other time where starting to give me the sensation of impending rage
i wake up feeling less groggy span style font size
im feeling a bit alarmed about my reading habits it has been steadily declining since
i feel this song is very sincere and is very heartfelt
i feel really special
i feel like marvin the robot from the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy only more morose
i dont know how else to describe it except to say that i had the same feeling about three weeks before my beloved grandmother passed away
i have a bad stomach ache feeling and my boyfriend and i had unprotected sex a few days ago just after my period had ended and once while it was ending
i didnt make it to my weight watchers meeting feeling guilty i made sure i had a healthy breakfast consisting of museli yoghurt and fruit
i also feel like i should explain why i ve been pretty distracted lately aside from the fact that i m still growing accustomed to my new life
i leash them up exasperated and cry a little feeling beaten at the game
i have two active blogs when im feeling super im posting to berlin for urban travelers
after having finished my bsc
i havent externalize it yet i didnt tell them at the restaurant that i didnt want to eat there because i know what a real middle eastern food should taste like and its not it but im feeling very irritable
i reconnect with a friend of decades because my generation can refer to things in decades now which feels strange in itself and see myself through her eyes
i feel so shaken up
i am feeling incredibly horny today and my boyfriend is at college again today
i might feel resentful sometimes but i think that s all part of the process of living in a world that isn t as good as you know it could be
i will feel shamed that i could forget this person
im going to wear tomorrow might not be from this season or from the last eight seasons but it still makes me feel like hot stuff
i as back into my fighting weight feeling energetic and alive
i feel that the distribution is important i would rather have a guaranteed loss of ten days than a chance of losing years
i feel very thrilled with life
i feel what i feel im stubborn nothings going to change that
im certain that ill feel differently as soon as they find out my grades of course that will not be a pleasant time
i can stop feeling discouraged or full of self pity when another wave crashes down on us
i didnt feel too precious about it either since its mystery fabric no doubt polyester
i spent a lot of time feeling a bit stunned that they thought i was that awesome
i feel ridiculously amused by that
in a film there was a scene in which a rat was sliding on a bed
ive been steeling myself all day and every time im about to he does something that makes me feel as though im about to lose something as though it would be incredibly bitchy to do what ive needed to do for the past four months
im out of the woods but if youre still feelin generous throw a dolla at me
i feel that i was doomed from the very beginning in terms of my relationship with my mother
i feel like i don t have much experience in tournaments but i m trusting my swing