i feel as if carefree play time is over and it is time to really give back to society
i see tweets like my girl friend outside w blablabla or i see them taking pictures i feel so jealous
i was feeling very hostile towards him
i now feel as if i have so many more tools to use as a performer and as an intelligent person in the theatre
i am sorry however that i interrogate him the way i do or always feel like something should seem suspicious
ive voiced my concerns in the past about us dropping the old im feeling slightly reassured by our preparations for the new campaign
i want the feel of a romantic comedy but the book doesnt even have to be a romance
i feel worthwhile with you
i feel strange repeating things from my reviews of forgotten and revived but it bares repeating so here you go the premise of this novel is kind of brilliant and so unique
i actually found out that my close friends feel sorry for me
i feel like i had almost conqoured the world once and have feel and now the one person i impressed with my near conqour is now nolonger awe struck with how amazing i am now compaired to how i once was
im coincidentally feeling the weight of thanksgiving upon me after making such bad choices for myself this weekend
i feel strongly for a lot of their principles but ive not devoted a lot to learning this path so im excited to be presented this opportunity
i am feeling mildly grumpy that i am doing all this work when only one student has said they are coming but such is life hopefully i have enough planned that the time will fly
i feel so greedy and selfish
i dreamed of him yesterday night although i dont even know his real name when i first watch his drama yet i feel sorrowful when i saw the news of him leaving this world
i feel less stressed i do more work with a clear head and i can focus
i somehow feel so empty inside
i did feel a little apprehensive in the beginning shopping with a computer i think overall it s leaving me more confident
im really feeling eager to get everything filed so that it can be processing
i can have an entire day where i didnt sell a single policy and feel pretty satisfied and at the same time know that it only takes or good sales to get that paycheck for the week
i feel the urge to entertain to be a gracious host to be pleasing
i feel really stupid now
im feeling generous also its the only link i could find so a href http www
i remember feeling smug because i thought i was the only one who knew this was based on the highwayman
i go to bed feeling excited just thinking about waking up and getting to have breakfast again
i reflect on the past i become angry feel hopeless confused sad
i am in a hurry and feel irritated by it but i understand now what it means to bless your family by keeping your house in order
i found working out of detroit specialized in christian literature lol im feeling a little grouchy tonight
i feel like infallibly supporting israel and start to see the imaginary collective others as the enemy i remind myself that there too are fanatics that push and shove women sitting on the wrong side of the bus for defiantly taking a stand against segregation
i feel the above passage explains how people get convinced
i am not one to feel comfortable in an unorganized environment
i read that babies in the womb sleep about of the time at this point and it definitely feels like she has long periods of rest often with gentle movements in her sleep and then distinct periods of shaking things up
i feel so delighted by her and she somehow feels the same about me
i own very few articles of clothing that make me feel cute
i spent the better part of today and yesterday feeling depressed though i cant put my finger on it or explain it in any good way
i was a part of a youth group and started going through certain things i was made to feel unwelcome and had nowhere else to turn
i can t emphasize how important they have been for my process and how truly honored i feel to be a part of such a passionate and versatile group
i feel like we have been so blessed this year
i was feeling delicate and wounded reason to follow
im having to deal with the feeling of not being sure where my future is headed
i feel like strong female characters are usually in the form of katniss or tris
i guess but i m not feeling particularly hopeful about all of this if i m being honest
i seriously feel terrible but you made it onto the bus with all your stuff and i know you thats worth a mild concussion
i was feeling apprehensive but at the same time i had been wanting to see some really fine rugs
i feel messy sometimeswhy the cheat is necessary in the love
i don t feel beaten i feel more like a sword that s been put through the fire and then afterwards it becomes all sharp fl so you ve gone through horrors that i can t imagine you grew up without without any love
i woke up feeling pretty badly about that but i should save those details for wednesdays edition
i feel lonely but i have someone to be lonely together with
i hold and take away and i feel privileged to have enjoyed the last beautiful years there
i apologized feeling remorseful
i feel relaxed wandering around old streets and beautiful palaces and modern stores
i feel i need to steal some innocent little kids bike so i can feel better about this
i feel especially friendly and sociable
i knew i was taking them because i liked the way they made me feel and while that troubled my conscience it didn t trouble it enough to keep me from going down that old addictive road again
i was okay with it i was like it needs to happen we fight too much and he tells john hes looking for a reason to break up with me but now i feel so heartbroken
i know how it feels when i have read someone suffering in pain mentally
i feel reassured that it s not just cycling descending that i m bad at
im actually doing pretty well overall although every day is a new day and some days things change so fast emotionally and even physically sometimes im not sure how im feeling long enough to process it let alone write about it
i still feel an aching in my soul
i feel really lame for complaining about it to be honest
i am feeling the festive weight at the mo so all black is defo a comfort blanket
i feel worthless amp i dont think thats something ill be able to shake for a very long time
i feel bitter about her missing and everyday
i feel really unimportant in my friends lives now
im feeling sentimental on this monday morning
i missed this one and now i feel dumb how much did you weigh
i didn t share the entire story then and i m honestly feeling exhausted thinking about telling it now
i feel like i have killed so many innocent chickpe
i feel rejected if they dont want to sleep with me and automatically assume they dont see me in that way anymore
i have not read this book but based on the above review i have a feeling i wouldnt be very supportive of it
i was standing there feeling uptight and white and like i was being lame
im feeling eager to get to the gym and workout
i guess i feel a little to socially repressed angry and emo anytime i write in here
im drinking beer and feeling quite virtuous
i know that there are some women who because of circumstances outside of their control have no other choice but to work outside the home and away from their children and so i do feel so thankful that with both of us willing to sacrifice that weve been able to make this choice possible for me
i was feeling relieved in one hand ok i am not the only one with this problem
i want to look my best when am working out because if i dress smart i feel smart i feel beautiful confident and energetic and thats all i need to motivate and inspire myself to work out to challenge my limits to try hard because every time i see myself in mirror i see that am getting better
i would have always said winter but since losing quite a bit of weight im finding im really feeling the cold at the moment
i would feel distressed and uneasy just because you slid a chain off of my neck for a few moments as i dug for another
i feel im delighted
im not quite ready to go bed bed yet so i thought id say hi been feelin a bit mellow lately
i feel so bitter and alone like seriously
i have been absent from my beloved great britain for the majority of this year i feel like it has been a positive time for my country in terms of restoring national pride
i feel offended when people judging my future career cause you wont know how hard i started the first step
i like my day job and the people i work with or id really feel tortured today
i will remove the skin in front and you will still have a wide midsection and saggy skin everywhere except the front yep i guess i will i said feeling offended and discouraged
i often feel unloved not good enough and shoved off to the side
i do not have to feel pressured at the holiday time
i feel a longing for one person a special close friend that i can share all my thoughts and secrets with
i remember feeling hesitant about this as you would
i feel you breath in deeply and your body aching for more
i feel really groggy and kinda sick today o o i also got a spam phone call about a job
id love to hear what the artist was thinking feeling seeing doing when he was inspired to paint this
im quiet private i feel things deeply im passionate in what i believe and how i believe
i will throw it in the trash the moment i feel someone is not sincere but i honestly have love in my heart and i am trying to prove that
i feel anxious and worthless
i feel so much more appreciative of the place i live and the people around me
i stopped to sit in the sun and doze feeling the cool crisp autumn quiet around me
i also cant stand the fact that not everything is okay and that i feel so unloved and unmotivated and my own world is ignoring me and theres nothing i can do but cry and keep my feet together or else ill breakdown