We're going to solve 2025 multiplied by 3842 2025 脳 3842 = 3842 脳 (2025) + 3842 脳 5 that equals 19210 + 3842 脳 20 which equals 76840 + 3842 脳 000 which equals 0 + 3842 脳 2000 yielding 7684000 = 7780050
485.79 ** 0.8 = 140.980438315546
92274067 + -77508552 - -53296606 = 68062121
78408589 - -92672037 - -41127005 = 212207631
-45631640 - -84518137 - 1462911 = 37423586
Alright, let's solve this problem step by step. We have 789597074 and 770856486, and we're subtracting the second number from the first. Step 1: We'll start by subtracting the digit 6 and the borrow 0 from 4 in column 1 and get -2. We add -2 to 10 and get 8 as the first digit of the result. Step 2: We'll start by subtracting the digit 8 and the borrow 1 from 7 in column 2 and get -2. We add -2 to 10 and get 8 as the next digit of the result. Step 3: We'll start by subtracting the digit 4 and the borrow 1 from 0 in column 3 and get -5. We add -5 to 10 and get 5 as the next digit of the result. Step 4: We'll start by subtracting the digit 6 and the borrow 1 from 7 in column 4 and get 0. 0 is the next digit of our result. Step 5: We'll start by subtracting the digit 5 and the borrow 0 from 9 in column 5 and get 4. 4 is the next digit of our result. Step 6: We'll start by subtracting the digit 8 and the borrow 0 from 5 in column 6 and get -3. We add -3 to 10 and get 7 as the next digit of the result. Step 7: We'll start by subtracting the digit 0 and the borrow 1 from 9 in column 7 and get 8. 8 is the next digit of our result. Step 8: We'll start by subtracting the digit 7 and the borrow 0 from 8 in column 8 and get 1. 1 is the next digit of our result. Step 9: We'll start by subtracting the digit 7 and the borrow 0 from 7 in column 9 and get 0. 0 is the next digit of our result. So, 789597074 - 770856486 = 18740588.
-46357080 + -21692137 - -57205577 = -10843640
-72105972 + 3554356 / -6 = -72698364.66666667
-37737601 + 18289268 + -24968170 + -34910355 + 68987251 = -10339607
63786135 + 59350730 + 71592437 = 194729302
87495979 + -59416984 * -1647 = 97947268627
60999880 + 69436701 + -60146918 + -56863215 + -61898784 = -48472336
We are presented with 8480444445 and 5144491538. Let's work out the sum. Step 1: We'll start by adding the digits 5 & 8 in column 1 and get 13. We'll write down the last digit 3 and carry the 1 to the next column. Step 2: We'll start by adding the digits 4 & 3 in column 2 and get 8. Step 3: We'll start by adding the digits 4 & 5 in column 3 and get 9. Step 4: We'll start by adding the digits 4 & 1 in column 4 and get 5. Step 5: We'll start by adding the digits 4 & 9 in column 5 and get 13. We'll write down the last digit 3 and carry the 1 to the next column. Step 6: We'll start by adding the digits 4 & 4 in column 6 and get 9. Step 7: We'll start by adding the digits 0 & 4 in column 7 and get 4. Step 8: We'll start by adding the digits 8 & 4 in column 8 and get 12. We'll write down the last digit 2 and carry the 1 to the next column. Step 9: We'll start by adding the digits 4 & 1 in column 9 and get 6. Step 10: We'll start by adding the digits 8 & 5 in column 10 and get 13. We'll write down the last digit 3 and carry the 1 to the next column. So, 8480444445 + 5144491538 = 13624935983.
-56571564 + -14040808 + -6613946 = -77226318
1305 * 2842 = 3708810
-98802048 + -64286765 - 18566820 = -181655633
1837 + 3500 = 5337
948.76 ** 1.85 = 321913.5651726694
Let's get this math done. We have 916411 and 62354, and we're going to subtract the second number from the first. Step 1: We'll start by subtracting the digit 4 and the borrow 0 from 1 in column 1 and get -3. We add -3 to 10 and get 7 as the first digit of the result. Step 2: We'll start by subtracting the digit 5 and the borrow 1 from 1 in column 2 and get -5. We add -5 to 10 and get 5 as the next digit of the result. Step 3: We'll start by subtracting the digit 3 and the borrow 1 from 4 in column 3 and get 0. 0 is the next digit of our result. Step 4: We'll start by subtracting the digit 2 and the borrow 0 from 6 in column 4 and get 4. 4 is the next digit of our result. Step 5: We'll start by subtracting the digit 6 and the borrow 0 from 1 in column 5 and get -5. We add -5 to 10 and get 5 as the next digit of the result. Step 6: We'll start by subtracting the digit 0 and the borrow 1 from 9 in column 6 and get 8. 8 is the next digit of our result. So, 916411 - 62354 = 854057.
690.71 ** 3.2 = 1218277938.8019245
Sure thing! We've got 899864954 and 719601025, and we're going to subtract the second number from the first. Step 1: We'll start by subtracting the digit 5 and the borrow 0 from 4 in column 1 and get -1. We add -1 to 10 and get 9 as the first digit of the result. Step 2: We'll start by subtracting the digit 2 and the borrow 1 from 5 in column 2 and get 2. 2 is the next digit of our result. Step 3: We'll start by subtracting the digit 0 and the borrow 0 from 9 in column 3 and get 9. 9 is the next digit of our result. Step 4: We'll start by subtracting the digit 1 and the borrow 0 from 4 in column 4 and get 3. 3 is the next digit of our result. Step 5: We'll start by subtracting the digit 0 and the borrow 0 from 6 in column 5 and get 6. 6 is the next digit of our result. Step 6: We'll start by subtracting the digit 6 and the borrow 0 from 8 in column 6 and get 2. 2 is the next digit of our result. Step 7: We'll start by subtracting the digit 9 and the borrow 0 from 9 in column 7 and get 0. 0 is the next digit of our result. Step 8: We'll start by subtracting the digit 1 and the borrow 0 from 9 in column 8 and get 8. 8 is the next digit of our result. Step 9: We'll start by subtracting the digit 7 and the borrow 0 from 8 in column 9 and get 1. 1 is the next digit of our result. So, 899864954 - 719601025 = 180263929.
34596016 + -53279181 + 53502857 + -47216610 + -11975036 = -24371954