Beholder of Thy face,
ere I had been mentioned by Thee,
or called into
being within the court of Thy holiness.
I perceive that Thou hast made all
things to be the manifestations of Thy behest,
and the revelations of Thy
and the repositories of Thy knowledge,
and the treasuries of
Thy wisdom.
I recognize,
that were any of the revelations of Thy
names and Thine attributes to be withheld,
though it be the weight of a
grain of mustard seed,
from whatsoever hath been created by Thy power and
begotten by Thy might,
the foundations of Thine everlasting handiwork
would thereby be made incomplete,
and the gems of Thy Divine wisdom would
become imperfect.
For the letters of negation,
no matter how far they may
be removed from the holy fragrances of Thy knowledge,
and however
forgetful they may become of the wondrous splendors of the dawning light
of Thy beauty,
which are shed from the heaven of Thy majesty,
must needs
exist in Thy realm,
so that the words which affirm Thee may thereby be
Thy might beareth me witness,
O my Well-Beloved!
The entire creation hath
been called into being to exalt Thy triumph and to establish Thine
and all the bounds that have been set by Thee are but the
signs of Thy sovereignty,
and proclaim the power of Thy might.
How great,
how very great,
are the revelations of Thy wondrous power in all things!
They are such that the lowliest among Thy creatures hath been made by Thee
a manifestation of Thy most august attribute,
and the most contemptible
token of Thy handiwork hath been chosen as a recipient of Thy most mighty
as decreed by Thee,
hath been made the means for the
revelation of Thy riches,
and abasement a path leading to Thy glory,
sinfulness a cause for the exercise of Thy forgiveness.
By them Thou hast
demonstrated that to Thee belong Thy most excellent titles,
and unto Thee
pertain the wonders of Thy most exalted attributes.
Since Thou hast purposed,
O my God,
to cause all created things to enter
into the tabernacle of Thy transcendent grace and favor,
and to waft over
the entire creation the fragrances of the raiment of Thy glorious unity,
and to look upon all things with the eyes of Thy bounty and Thy oneness,
beseech Thee,
by Thy love,
which Thou hast made to be the
mainspring of the revelations of Thine eternal holiness,
and the flame
that gloweth within the hearts of such of Thy creatures as yearn towards
to create,
this very moment,
for those of Thy people who are wholly
devoted to Thee,
and for such of Thy loved ones as love Thee,
out of the
essence of Thy bounty and Thy generosity,
and from the inmost spirit of
Thy grace and Thy glory,
Thy Paradise of transcendent holiness,
and to
exalt it above everything except Thee,
and to sanctify it from aught else
save Thyself.