"I rented I AM CURIOUS-YELLOW from my video store because of all the controversy that surrounded it (...TRUNCATED)
["I'll probably get a lot of flack for hating this movie- guess I didn't approach it with the proper(...TRUNCATED)
["More a snapshot of the most popular pinup of all time than your typical dragged out biopic, this f(...TRUNCATED)
"\"I Am Curious: Yellow\" is a risible and pretentious steaming pile. It doesn't matter what one's p(...TRUNCATED)
["College students, who are clearing out a condemned dormitory, are stalked by an elusive killer.<br(...TRUNCATED)
["One of my all-time favorite so-laughably-lousy-that-it's-totally-lovable el cheapo and stinko nick(...TRUNCATED)
"If only to avoid making this type of film in the future. This film is interesting as an experiment (...TRUNCATED)
["I'll keep this short; thanks to Greg for helping me to put this succinctly: Captivity is about a g(...TRUNCATED)
["I've heard nothing but great things about the 2006 television mini-series, \"Planet Earth,\" narra(...TRUNCATED)
"This film was probably inspired by Godard's Masculin, f茅minin and I urge you to see that film inst(...TRUNCATED)
["The Leap Years stars some heavy hitters in the local and regional film and television scene. And y(...TRUNCATED)
["Yes, it's flawed - especially if you're into Hollywood films that demand a lot of effects, a purel(...TRUNCATED)
"Oh, brother...after hearing about this ridiculous film for umpteen years all I can think of is that(...TRUNCATED)
["I feel it is my duty as a lover of horror films to warm other people about this horrible and very (...TRUNCATED)
["Starting off, here's a synopsis: Porno queen Alta Lee (Lynn Lowry) is murdered by her pornographer(...TRUNCATED)
"I would put this at the top of my list of films in the category of unwatchable trash! There are fil(...TRUNCATED)
["A bloody maniac with cannibalistic tendencies rapes a woman. He's been shot by two policemen and t(...TRUNCATED)
["A nice Shirely Temple short. Child actors screaming their lines seemed to be the norm for that day(...TRUNCATED)
"Who are these \"They\"- the actors? the filmmakers? Certainly couldn't be the audience- this is amo(...TRUNCATED)
["Honestly I can't understand why this movie rates so well here, nor why Bakshi himself thought it w(...TRUNCATED)
["Barbra Streisand is a tour de force in this Hollywood story. Her performances and the songs are on(...TRUNCATED)
"This is said to be a personal film for Peter Bogdonavitch. He based it on his life but changed thin(...TRUNCATED)
["This movie is not a comedy. It is not even funny in the \"this movie is so bad it's funny\" depart(...TRUNCATED)
["Without question, film is a powerful medium, more so now than ever before, due to the accessibilit(...TRUNCATED)
"It was great to see some of my favorite stars of 30 years ago including John Ritter, Ben Gazarra an(...TRUNCATED)
["Having enjoyed Mike Myers previous work (Waynes World and Saturday Night Live) my expectations of (...TRUNCATED)
["Pre-adolescent humor is present in large quantities. The acting and story are wonderful if you can(...TRUNCATED)
"I can't believe that those praising this movie herein aren't thinking of some other film. I was pre(...TRUNCATED)
["I saw this film at the London Premiere, and I have to say - I didn't expect much, but I did expect(...TRUNCATED)
["The comments of the previous user are harsh indeed. One wonders if they have even seen this beauti(...TRUNCATED)
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